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Unit 10: Reading-TA12(CTC)

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* Class 7 * Group 2: 1. Ph¹m TuyÕt Nhung 2. TrÇn ThÞ Xiªm 3. NguyÔn ThÞ Uyªn 4. Lý ThÞ Dinh 5. NguyÔn LÖ H»ng Unit 10: endangered species Lesson 1: reading I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to improve their reading skill through guessing meaning from context, scanning for specific details, finding supporting evidence II. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters and pictures. III. Procedures: Time Steps Work arrangement A. Warmer. Listing: - T. asks sts to sort out animals by completing the poster with words provided. Pets Endangered animals Dogs Pandas *Words: - tigers, monkeys, dogs, pandas, cats, chicken, elephants . - T. gives feedback and comments - T. focuses sts on the topic: Endangered animals Group work B. Pre -reading. - T. puts some questions for sts to discuss and answer. + Can you name some animals and insects that can be found in Vietnam ? + Which of them is/are in danger of extinction? * Pre - teaching vocabulary. - habitat (n) m«i trêng sèng - extinction (n) - conservation (n) - vulnerable (adj) - biodivervaty (n) - T. asks sts to study vocabulary and then check with the whole class Whole class Pair work Unit 10 - Lesson 2: Reading 1 * Matching. - T. divides the class into groups of 2 and asks them to complete the poster (using Task 1 - p. 108) A B 1. extinction a. the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a . 2. habitat b. the act of . 3. biodiversity c. a situation in which a plant, 4. conservation d. the natural environment in which a . - T. explains some new words if necessary - T. gets feedback by calling on some sts in each groups to give their answers/ explanation. *Keys: 1- C, 2 - D, 3 - A, 4 - B C. While - reading. * Task 2: Multiple choice. - T. asks sts to read through the sentences - T. explains new words and key words if necessary and makes sure that sts understand what to do. - T. calls on some sts to give their answers and explanation. - T. checks with other sts and gives answers. * Keys: 1 - D, 2 - B, 3 - A, 4 - A, 5 - D * Task 3: Finding evidence. - T. helps sts to understand how to do. - T. checks with the whole class and gives feedback. D. Post - reading. - T. guidelines sts to summarize the content of the text (about 60 - 70 words). Group work E. Homework: Teacher asks the sts to - revise new words - rewrite the summary of the reading passage. - prepare next lesson. Unit 10 - Lesson 2: Reading 2 . Nhung 2. TrÇn ThÞ Xiªm 3. NguyÔn ThÞ Uyªn 4. Lý ThÞ Dinh 5. NguyÔn LÖ H»ng Unit 10: endangered species Lesson 1: reading I. Aims: By the end of the lesson,. study vocabulary and then check with the whole class Whole class Pair work Unit 10 - Lesson 2: Reading 1 * Matching. - T. divides the class into groups

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2013, 01:25



