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unit 9

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Date of preparation: Unit 9: THE POST OFFFICE Period 55: A - READING I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - develop such reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information. - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. II. Materials Textbook., handouts III. Anticipated problems Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help them. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. WARM – UP : Magic hat Where do you go to send a letter? __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2. BEFORE YOU READ Discussing the picture and saying - T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 100 and asks them some questions: 1. How far is it from your home to the nearest post office? 2. How often do you go to the post office? What for? 3. What services do you think the post office offers? Suggested answers: 1. It is 1 km from my house to the nearest post office 2. I sometimes go to the post office to send letters for my cousin who is living abroad. 3. I think the post office offers many services such as: Express Mail Service, Express Money transfer, Mail and Parcel Service . Pre-teaching vocabulary - Asks the students to read the new words in page 193( unit 9) New words: - well trained ( a) - express Mail service ( n) - express Money Transfer ( n) - press distribution (n) -Messenger Call Service ( n) - facsimile (n) - subscribe (v) - notify (v) Check ROR - If there is some time left, T may ask some Ss to make sentences Group work Pair work & whole class Answer the questions Read the new words with the above words to check their understanding. 3. WHILE YOU READ. TASK 1 Instruction: Circle the letter (A,B,C or D) before the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicised word - The T instructs Ss to read through the sentences - T asks Ss to work individually and exchange their answers with other Ss. - T asks Ss for their answers and gives the correct Answers: 1C 2B 3. D 4. C TASK 2 Instruction: Read the text again and then answer the following questions. -T asks Ss how to do this task. If they do not remember, -T may instruct them to use some strategies to do the task: - T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task, then discuss their answers with the whole class. - T call on some Ss to give their answers and asks other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree - T gives feedback and suggested answers: 1. Thanh Ba Post Office is equipped with advanced technology and has a spacious and pleasant front office. 2. Mail and Parcel Service, Express Money Transfer, Phone Calls and Faxes, Press Distribution. 3. They are air mail, surface mail, and the express Mail Service(EMS) 4. it is used for notifying the recipient of the time and place to receive the call. 5. You will have to subscribe to your favourite newspapers and magazines. TASK 3 Instruction: Find the evidence in the text to support these statements. - T asks Ss to read the part carefully to find the answer. - T asks Ss to work individually then discuss their answers with their peers. - T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices. - T gives the correct answers: 1. The post office opens daily from 7 am to 9 pm 2. We offer a very competitive rate for parcels under 15 kg. 3. We also have the Express Email Service and your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest possible time. 4. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours. 4. AFTER YOU READ Instruction: Work in groups to answer the following questions: 1. Which service provided by Thanh Ba Post Office do you think is the most important and why? Do the task Choose the best answer Check with the key Work individually then in pairs Read the text to get information Answer questions by oral Answer questions by oral & written Work in pairs Copy and do at home 2. What service do you think Thanh Ba Post Office should have in the future? - When all pairs have finished, T asks every two pairs to share ideas. - T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class. - T gives feedback. 5. HOMEWORK - T summarises the main points of the lesson. - T asks Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and do the extra activity as homework. Date of preparation: Period 56: B- SPEAKING I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - make a dialogue for each situation - make a conversation at the post office II. Materials Textbook, pictures, handouts. III. Anticipated problems Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. WARM – UP 2. BEFORE YOU SPEAK Pre teach: - document ( n) - rate ( n) - to install ( v) - registration ( n) - fee ( n) - greeting card ( n ) - deliver ( v) ( check slap the board ) * Pre – speaking Task 1 Instruction: work in pairs to read the dialogue then answer the question: What service is the customer using in the dialogue? - T asks Ss to works in pairs - T calls some Ss to read the dialogue - Pair work -Read the dialogue -Answer the question -Check - make the dialogue - speak out - T encourages Ss to speak and asks them to explain their choices. Suggested answers: - The service the customer is using is the fax service. 3. TASK 2 Instruction: Make a conversation from the suggestions. - T asks them to look at the suggestions in page 104. - T can give Ss new words if there are. . - T make sure that Ss understand how to do the task - T calls on a pair of Ss, let them speak their work - T calls on some other pairs to compare their dialogues. Suggested answers: A: Good morning, can I help you? B: Yes, I want to have a telephone line installed at home A: OK. Where do you live? B: I live at 67 Ngoc Ha Street. When can you install it? A: We can install it one week after you have registered. B: Can you come on Friday? A: Yes. That is fine. Do you have a telephone yet? B: Yeah, I have a telephone already. How much is the installation fee and monthly fee? A: The installation fee is 1.4 million dong and the monthly fee is 27 thousand dong. Can you fill in this form? 4. TASK 3 <1> A: Good morning, can I help you? B: I would like to subscribe to Lao Dong daily newspaper A: Yes. How long would you like to subscribe to it? B: For a year, please. A: Where would you like to get the newspaper? B: At home, please. I live at 67 Ngoc Ha Street. A: OK. 67 Ngoc Ha Street B: Oh, can I get the newspaper every morning before 6.30? A: Before 6.30? Well, it might be a little bit too early. How about before 7.30? B: OK. That’s fine. Thank you. A: Right. Can you just fill in this form? <2> A: Good morning. What can I do for you? B: Yes. I would like to send a greetings card and some flowers to my friend on his birthday. A: Right. You can use our Flower Telegram Service. It’s fast and very convinent. When is your friend’s birthday? B: It’s May, 16 th . A: What kind of flowers would you like to send? B: Roses. A bunch of red roses, please. A: Would you like the card and the flowers to be delivered on May, 16 th - check Practise the dialogue & make similar dialogues Work in pair or a day before? B: On May, 16 th . It’s best to deliver it in the morning. A: OK. I’ll make a note for that. Can you just fill in this form? And don’t forget to write the address clearly. 5. HOMEWORK - T summarises the main points of the lesson. - T asks Ss to make other dialogue. Date of preparation: Period 57: C- LISTENING I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Develop such listening micro – skills as intensive listening for specific information and talking notes while listening. II. Materials Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts III. Anticipated problems Ss may not be familiar with the note-talking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. WARM – UP game – Slap the board - T puts the vocabulary items on the board in any order. - T calls on some Ss to form 2 teams, and one person from the team runs to the board, as a representative. T gives a Vietnamese translation for one of the word gets the board. The first team to hit the correct word gets the point. The representative change, ready for the next word… - After 3 minutes, the team with more points will be the winner. 2. BEFORE YOU LISTEN Discussing the questions - T asks Ss to read through the questions and choices on page 105 and makes sure Ss understand all them. - T asks Ss to discuss the question in pairs. - T calls on some Ss to report on their partner’s answers. Vocabulary Pre-teaching . T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book. T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually. - T elicits / Pre-teaches some of these words and those taken from the listening passage: + commune + rural network + communal growth + capacity + digit subscriber Play the game Discuss and answer the questions Read the words - T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and give corrective feedback - T sets the scene: Now you are going to listen to a passage about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past few years. 3. WHILE YOU LISTEN TASK 1 Instruction: Listen and choose the best answer A,B,C or D for the following statements and questions. T instructs Ss how to do this kind of exercise. - T plays the tape once for Ss to do the task. - T asks for Ss’ answers and writes them on the board. - T plays the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers. - T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 to compare their answers. - T checks Ss’ answers by calling on some Ss. If many Ss cannot complete the sentences, T plays the tape one or two more times - T gives the correct answers: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C TASK 2 Instruction: You are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions. - T may ask them to try to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening. - T plays the tape again for Ss to do the task. - T gets Ss to work in the pairs and check their answers. - T calls on some Ss to give the answers and elicits feedback from other Ss. Suggested answers: 1. China has the highest growth in the number of telephone subscribers. 2. In the early 1990s, there were only 140,000 telephones in Vietnam. 3. In 1996, the fixed telephone numbers were changed from six to seven digits in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city as well as five to six digits in other provinces. 4. In 2001 5. There are 6,014 communal post offices in Viet Nam. 4. AFTER YOU LISTEN - T gets Ss to work in groups to summarise the main ideas of the listening passage, Ss can use the suggestions in page 106 - T goes around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes. - T calls on some Ss to present their summary. - T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments. 5. HOMEWORK - T summarises the main points of the lesson. - T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words and do the extra exercise as homework. Listen carefully to choose the best answers Check Listen again to get the information to answer the questions Check Work in group to summarise the passage Do the work Date of preparation: Period58 : D- WRITING I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Write a letter to express satisfaction ( or dissatisfaction) II. Materials Textbook, handouts III. Anticipated problems Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. WARM – UP Quiz – A formal letter ( To remind Ss of some rules of writing formal letters in English) Quiz 1. You write your address in…………… of the letter. 2. The address of the receiver should be written on………., starting below our address. 3. You can write………on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to. 4. When the letter starts Dear Sir / Madam, you end it with……. 5. When the letter starts Dear Dr Smith, you end it with……… 6. It is not a good idea to use…………… such as I’m on can’t Answers: 1. the top left – hand corner 2. the left 3. the date 4. Yours sincerely, 5. Yours sincerely, 6. contractions 2. Preparing Ss to write - T asks Ss to read the information that has given in page 107 and discuss the purpose(s) of the letter in pairs. * Pre – writing : 1/.Suggested questions 1. What time does Thanh Ba post office open and close? 2. What is Thanh Ba post office equipped with? 3. What services are offered at Thanh Ba post office? 4. What are the attitudes of the staff? Key 1. Thanh Ba post office opens at 7a.m and closes at 9p.m. 2. It is equipped with advanced technology and a spacious, pretty place for transaction. Play game Check Read the ideas &do exercise 3.They are Mail and Parcel Services , EMS , Express Money Transfer , Phone Calls and Faxes , Messenger Call Services , Press Distribution 4. The staff are always thoughtful and courteous to the customers. TASK 1 - T asks Ss to do TASK 1 individually. When they finish, Ss exchange their answer with another student. - T checks Ss’ answers by asking some Ss to read their answers out loud. - T elicits corrective feedback from other Ss and gives the correct answers when necessary. The opening hours of the post office : It is too early when closing at 9 p.m. It would be much better if the post office opened until 11p.m so that customers can have more access to the services. The quality of the equipment: Thanh Ba Post office is a well-equipped and reliable address for the postal and telecommunication needs. The security conditions of the post office : The parking area of Thanh Ba Post office is not a good and security place / Although the parking area is large, it has no security guards. The attitudes of the staff : The staff is always helpful and polite to the customers / The attitude of the staff sometimes seems a bit cold and not very helpful 3. Writing – Task 2 - Before Ss write the letter, T asks them to read the instruction carefully. - T gets Ss to write the letter in 15 minutes. - T goes around to observe and offer help. 4. FEEDBACK ON SS’ WRITINGS . - T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction. - T goes around and collects mistakes and errors. - T collects some writings for quick feedback. - T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer correction. T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors. - Finally, T provides general comments on the letter. 5. HOMEWORK - T summarises the main points of the lesson. - For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, talking into consideration their friend’s and T’s suggestion and correction and do the extra exercise. - T explains the situation - Asking Ss to discuss about the services of Thanh Ba Post Office - Asking Ss to be able to give more their own ideas - Going around the class to help if necessary. Work in individually by written - Asking Ss to compare their letter with other groups. - T. chooses one or two letters that have a lot of mistakes to correct in front of the class. Date of preparation: Period 59: D- LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the sounds / sp /, / sk/ and / st /. - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly. - Grammar: 1. Defining relative clauses (revision) 2. Non-defining relative clauses (revision) II. Materials Textbook, handouts III. Anticipated problems Ss may find it difficult to differentiate between gerunds and present participles, so T should be ready to explain. IV. Procedure Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I. PRONUNCIATION - Pronouncing the two sounds separately - Pronouncing words containing the sounds / sp / / st / / sk / Speak Stanley ask Speech stand disk Speed stop dusk Crisp best skill Spacious text school Practise reading aloud this dialogue : ( Textbook : page 108 ) - Practising sentences containing the target sounds II. GRAMMAR 1. Defining relative clauses - defining relative clauses give essential information about person or thing (if we leave a clause, the reader can not understand what exactly we are talking about). eg: The picture that hangs next to Lisa’s portrait is the one I like best. 2. Non-defining relative clauses - give added information about person or thing ( if we leave a clause, the reader can still understand what we are talking about). Ex1: The man who lives next door is an engineer Ex2: The book which my father bought yesterday is very interesting. Ex3: Tom, who lives next door .is an engineer. Ex4: Swimming, which is a good sport, makes people strong. Exercise 1 Whole class and individually T models the sounds -T. asks Ss to practise the dialogue in pars - Calling some Ss to read the dialogue. Pay attention T gives examples and Ss to read them and then distinguish the differences between defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses. -T. explains -T reminds not to forget the comma before non defining relative clause Make some other 1. A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things. 2. A customer is someone who buys something from a shop. 3. A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop. 4. A coward is someone who is not brave. 5. A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat. Exercise 2. 1. who 2. whose 3. whom/ who 4. whose 5. whom/ who Exercise 3 1.The man who answered the phone told me you were away. 2.The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient. 3.The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. 4. The people who were arrested have now been released 5. the bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour Exercise 4 1. Peter, who has never been abroad, is studying French and German 2. You ‘ve all met Michael Wood, who is visiting us for a couple of days. 3. We are moving to Manchester, which is in the north-west 4. I’ll be staying with Adrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends 5. Jonh Bridge, who has just gone to live in Canada, is one of my oldest friends. 6.HOMEWORK Summarises the main points of the lesson. Make 5 sentences using relative clauses “who”, “which”, “whose” as homework. examples Do the exercise Check Do the homework . number of telephone subscribers. 2. In the early 199 0s, there were only 140,000 telephones in Vietnam. 3. In 199 6, the fixed telephone numbers were changed. Pre-teaching vocabulary - Asks the students to read the new words in page 193 ( unit 9) New words: - well trained ( a) - express Mail service ( n) - express

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2013, 01:27

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