// Action script . // [Action in Frame 1] function down() { if (min != 0 || sec != 0) { --sec; if (sec < 0) { sec = 59; --min; } // end if if (min == 0 && sec <= time) { sound_ding.start(); } // end if seco = String(sec); minu = String(min); output = 60 * min + sec; percent = Math.round(output / input * 100); display = String(percent) + "%"; _root.bar._xscale = percent; if (seco.length < 2) { seco = "0" + seco; } // end if if (minu.length < 2) { minu = "0" + minu; } // end if } else if (min == 0 && sec == 0 && clic > 0) { timeding.selectable = false; timeout = "H?t gi?"; display = ""; sound_end.start(); clic = 0; _root.ok_btn.enabled = false; _root.pause_btn.enabled = false; } // end else if } // End of the function Stage.showMenu = false; var min = 3; var sec = 0; var time = 0; var input = 0; var output = 0; var percent = 0; _root.bar._visible = false; var input0 = 0; var clic = 0; timeding.restrict = "0-9"; timeding.maxChars = 2; var sound_end = new Sound(); sound_end.attachSound("tada"); var sound_ding = new Sound(); sound_ding.attachSound("ding"); timeout = ""; _root.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { min = minu; sec = seco; time = tmding; timeout = ""; if (clic == 0) { input = 60 * min + sec * 1; input0 = input; ++clic; } else { input = input0; } // end else if _root.bar._visible = true; if (min != 0 || sec != 0) { timeding.selectable = false; ID = setInterval(down, 1000); this.enabled = false; } // end if }; _root.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { clearInterval(ID); _root.ok_btn.enabled = true; }; _root.cancel_btn.onRelease = function () { minu = "03"; seco = "00"; tmding = "00"; clearInterval(ID); _root.ok_btn.enabled = true; _root.pause_btn.enabled = true; timeding.selectable = true; timeout = ""; display = ""; _root.bar._visible = false; _root.bar._xscale = 100; percent = 0; input0 = 0; clic = 0; }; _root.timeding.onSetFocus = function () { tmding = ""; _root.ok_btn.enabled = true; }; _root.timeding.onKillFocus = function () { if (tmding.length == 0) { tmding = "00"; } else if (tmding.length == 1) { tmding = "0" + tmding; } // end else if }; . _root.pause_btn.enabled = false; } // end else if } // End of the function Stage.showMenu = false; var min = 3; var sec = 0; var time = 0; var input = 0; var