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GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang Lý thuyết 476 tập Giới Từ PREPOSITION Tổng quan giới từ 1) Giời từ thời gian: (Preposition for time) -At : vào lúc ( thường với ) -On : vào ( thường với ngày ) -In : vào ( thường với tháng, năm, mùa, kỷ ) -Before: trước -After : sau -During : ( khoảng) ( với danh từ thời gian ) 2) Giời từ nơi chốn: (Preposition for Places) -At : ( dùng cho nơi chốn nhỏ trường học, sân bay ) -In : (chỉ bên ) , (nơi chốn lớn thành phố, tỉnh ,quốc gia, châu lục ) -On,above,over : _On : tiếp xúc bề mặt 3) Giời từ chuyển dịch: (Preposition for move) -To, into, onto : dến +to: hướng tiếp cận tới người,vật,địa điểm +into: tiếp cận vào bên vật,địa điểm +onto: tiếp cận tiếp xúc bề mặt,ở phía vật,địa điểm -From: nguồn gốc xuất xứ Ex: i come from vietnamese -Across : ngang qua Ex: He swims across the river ( bơi ngang qua sông) -Along : dọc theo -Round,around,about: quanh 4) Giới từ thể cách: (Preposition for manner) -With : với -Without : không, -According to: theo -In spite of : -Instead of : thay 5) Giới từ mục đích: Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang (Preposition for purposes) -To : để -In order to : để -For : dùm, dùm cho -Ex: Let me it for you : để làm dùm cho bạn -So as to: để 6) Giới từ nguyên do: (Preposition for reasons) -Thanks to : nhờ -Ex: Thanks to your help, I passed the exam ( nhờ giúp đở bạn mà thi đậu) -Through : do, -Ex: Don't die through ignorance ( đừng chết thiếu hiểu biết) -Because of : -Owing to : nhờ ở, -Ex: Owing to the drought,crops are short ( hạn hán nên mùa màng thất bát) -By means of : nhờ, phương tiện Ý nghĩa số giới từ: 1/about: Xung quanh : Ex: I looked about her :tôi nhìn xung quanh cô Khắp nơi, quanh quẩn : Ex: He walked about the yard quanh sân Khoảng chừng Ex: It is about km : độ khoảng 3km Về Ex: What you think about that? bạn nghỉ điều đó? 2/Against: Chống lại, trái với Ex: struggle against đấu tranh chống lại Đụng phải Ex: He ran against the trunk :hắn chạy đụng vào gốc Dựa vào Ex: I placed her her against the trunk :Tôi để cô dựa vào gốc So với :Ex: The class now has 50 students against 40 last years : lớp có 50 học sinh so với 40 học sinh năm ngoái Chuẩn bị, dự trù Ex: I saved $2,000 against my study next year : để dành 2.000 đô chuẩn bị cho việc học năm sau 3/At Tại ( nơi chốn ) Ex: The teacher is at the desk: cô giáo bàn làm việc Lúc ( thời gian) Ex: I get up at 6.00 : thức dậy lúc Thành ngữ trạng thái: Ex: -At work : làm việc At play : chơi At oen's prayers : cầu nguyện At ease : thoải mái At war : có chiến tranh At peace : hòa bình Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang Thành ngữ chiều hướng Ex: -Rush at sb : lao phía Point at : vào Ex: The teacher pointed at me : cô giáo vào Thành ngữ số lượng Ex: I estimated the class at 50 : độ lớp học chừng 50 người 4/BY: Kế bên, cạnh Ex: I sat by her : ngồi cạnh cô Trước Ex: You must come here by ten o'clock : bạn phải đến trước 10giờ Ngang qua Ex: She passed by my house : cô ngang qua nhà Bởi Ex:The cake was made by me : bành làm Ở chổ Ex: I took her by the hand nắm tay cô Theo Ex: Don't judge people by their appearances : đừng xét người theo bề Chỉ đo lường Ex: They sell beer by the litter : họ bán bia tính theo lít Một số thành ngữ: Little by little : day by day : ngày qua ngày Two by two : by mistake : nhầm lẫn Learn by heart : học thuộc lòng 5/FOR Vì , cho : I bring something for you : mang vài thứ cho anh thời gian: I have lived here for years : sống năm Chỉ nguyên do: I was punished for being lazy : bị phạt lười Chỉ chiều hướng : She left for Hanoi : cô HN Chỉ trao đổi : I paid $3 for that book : trả đô để mua sách 6/FROM Từ (một nơi ): I went from home ( từ nhà đến đây) Chỉ nguồn gốc : I am from Hanoi ( từ HN đến) Từ + thời gian : From Monday to Saturday ( từ thứ hai đến thứ bảy) Chỉ khác biệt : I am different from you ( khác với bạn) Chỉ nguyên nhân: Ex: -I suffer from headaches : ( bị nhức đầu) 7/IN Chỉ thời gian: Buổi : In the moning Từ tháng trở lên: in May , in spring, in 2008, in the 19th century Chỉ trạng thái Be in debt : mắc nợ Be in good health : có sức khỏe Be in danger : bị nguy hiểm Be in bad health : hay đau yếu Be in good mood : vui vẻ Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang Be in tears : khóc Một số thành ngữ khác -In such case :trong trường hợp -In short, in brief : tóm lại -In fact : -In other words : nói cách khác -In one word : nói tóm lại -In all: tổng cộng -In general : nói chung -In particular : nói riêng Giới từ thời gian: at, on , in , from … to, for, by, after, between, till, until … a At + thời điểm cụ thể VD: at night/ three o’clock in the afternoon b In + tháng / năm / mùa VD: In 1978 / June / summer In + the morning / afternoon / evening c On + ngày tuần / ngày tháng năm VD : on Monday / January 4th, 2007 d From … to : từ … đến … from + điểm thời gian + to + điểm thời gian VD: We have classes from o’clock to 11.15 e For + khoảng thời gian: VD: for two hours , a week … f By + điểm thời gian: trước VD: by five o’clock g After + time: VD: after breakfast / lunch / dinnet… h Between + điểm thời gian + and + điểm thời gian: khoảng từ … đến … Between + kiện i Till / Until + điểm thời gian: đến luc, đến Giới từ nơi chốn: a On: * (chạm vào, sát vào, bao phủ tạo thành phần bề mặt VD: On the wall / grass / table * ( đại lộ, đường) VD: on Tran Hung Dao Street * / phương tiện chuyên chở VD: on the plane / train… * / dựa VD: on his back, on horse back … b At + địa : VD: at 10 Ngo Quyen Street Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang c In + tên nước, tỉnh, thành phố VD: in viet Nam, in Ho Chi Minh city d Một số giới từ vị trí khác: above ( bên trên), around ( xung quanh), behind (đằng sau), below ( bên dưới), beside (bên cạnh), between (ở giữa), far from (ở xa), in front of (trước mặt), in the middle of ( giữa), inside (bên trong), near (gần), next to (bên cạnh), on the top of (trên đỉnh), outside (bên ngoài), under (bên dưới) ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION Adjective + about: Worried about: lo lắng Nervous about: lo lắng Excited about: hồi hộp Upset about: bực tức Annoyed about: Phiền toái Happy /sad about; Vui /buồn Angry about : giận việc Furious about: giận Sorry about: xin lỗi, tiếc việc Adjective + of: Afraid of: sợ , e ngại Frightened of: sợ hãi Terrified of: sợ hãi Scared of:sợ hãi Fond of: thích Tired of: chán Proud of: tự hào Ashamed of: hổ thẹn Full of: đầy Short of: cạn kiệt Jealous of: ghen tỵ với Envious of: ghen tỵ với Capable / incapable of: có khả năng/ khả Aware / conscious of: ý thức Confident of: tin tưởng Adjective + at: - Good / bad/ excellent/ clever at (= giỏi / tốt / xuất sắc/ khéo léo về…) - surprised/ astonished/ amazed/ shocked at (or by): kinh ngạc - skilful at: có kỹ - clumsy at: vụng - annoyed at : khó chựu Adjective + for: - availaible: có sẵn Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang - difficult for: khó - late for: muộn - dangerous for: nguy hiểm - famous for / well-known for: tiếng - suitable for: phù hợp - sorry for: xin lỗi - helpful for / useful for: có lợi / có ích - ready for; sẵn sàng - Responsible for: chựu trách nhiệm việc - good for: tốt - convenient for: thuận tiện - qualified for: có phẩm chất - Necessary for: cần thiết - grateful for st: biết ơn Adjective + with: Fed up with/ bored with: chán Satisfied with: hài lòng Delighted with: phấn khởi Disappointed with; thất vọng Crowded/ overcrowded with: đông đúc Covered with: bao phủ Angry with: giận Contrasted with: tương phản Popular with: phổ biến Familiar with: quen thuộc với Pleased with:hài lòng Furious with: phẫn nộ Busy with: bận Friendly; thân mật Acquainted with: làm quen với Adjective + in: - interested in: thích, quan tâm - rich in: giàu - successful in:thành công - confident in sb: tin cậy vào Adjective + from: - Absent from: vắng mặt - different from: khác - far from: xa - safe from: an toàn - Divorced from: ly dị, làm xa rời Adjective + to: Nice/kind/polite/ generous/ friendly/ unfriendly to Harmful to: có hại Similar to: tương tự Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang Be married/ engaged to sb (= thành hôn/ đính hôn) Note: Nice/kind/polite/ generous of sb to st Adjective + on: Keen on: + n/ V-ing: say mê Dependent on + n/ V-ing: lệ thuộc 10 Một số trường hợp cần lưu ý: - be tired of: chán EX: I’m tired of doing the same work every day - be tired from:mệt mỏi Ex: I’m tired from walking for a long time - be grateful to sb for st…:biết ơn vấn đề Ex: I’m grateful to you for your help - be responsible to sb for st: chựu trách nhiệm với việc Ex: you have to be responsible to me for your actions Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang VERB + PREPOSITION VERBS + FOR: - apply for: xin việc - ask for; yêu cầu - Look for: tìm kiếm - Thank for: cảm ơn - leave for:dời để - search: tìm kiếm - pay for: trả tiền - wait for: đợi verbs + to: - Belong to: thuộc - listen to: nghe - happen to: xảy với - write to: viết Speak to: nói - explain to;giải thích - Apologize to: xin lỗi - prefer to: thích - complain to sb about st: phàn nàn - talk to: nói verbs + on: Depend on: lệ thuộc vào / Rely on: tin cậy / Live on: sống nhờ vào verbs + at: - look at: /- glance at: liếc nhìn vào / - smile at: cuời / - laugh at;cuời / - Shout at: la lối - Point at: chĩa /- aim: nhằm Verbs + of: Consist of : bao gồm - die of/ from: chết - approve of: tán thành - admire sb of st: khâm phục Complain to sb of / about st: phàn nàn -think of/ about: nghĩ - accuse sb of st: tố cáo Others: - Look after + take care of: chăm sóc - be/ get used to: quen - suffer from; chựu đựng - look up / for/ at/ forward to/ : - put on/ off/: mặc/ hoãn lại - blame sb for st: đỗ lỗi Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang - belong to: thuộc - congratulate sb on st: chúc mừng - arrive at (station, bus, stop…) địa điểm nhỏ - arrive in (London, Paris, Viet Nam ) địa điểm lớn - turn into/ change into: hoá - bring up: nuôi lớn - agree with: đồng ý - borrow st from sb; muợn - participate in: tham gia - Object to sb/ V-ing: phản đối - call off: huỷ bỏ - stand for: tượng trưng - differ from: khác - introduce to sb: giới thiệu - escape from:thoát khỏi - insist on: khăng khăng - prevent from: ngăn chặn - succeed in: thành công PREPOSITION + NOUN: ON • On + thứ tuần/ ngàytrong tháng Ví dụ: I will call you on Thursday His birthday is on February • On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ ship/ bike) Ví dụ: It’s two late to see Jane; she’s already on the plane I came to school this morning on the bus • On a street : phố Ví dụ: I lives on 1st Ngọc khánh • On + the + số thứ tự + floor: tầng thứ Ví dụ: My girlfriend lives on the fourth floor of an old building by my house • On time : (bất chấp hoàn cảnh bên ngoài) Ví dụ: Despite the bad weather, our plane left on time • On the corner (of two street) : góc phố Ví dụ: My house is on the corner of Tran Phu street and Nguyen Trai street • On the sidewalk : vỉa hè Ví dụ: Don’t walk in the street, walk on the sidewalk • On the way : đường tới >< on the way back to: đường trở Ví dụ: We can stop at the grocery store on the way to their house • On the right/ left : bên trái/ bên phải Ví dụ: Paul sits on the left side of the room and Dave sits on the right • On television/ (the) radio: truyền hình/ đài phát Ví dụ: The president’s “State of the Union Address” will be on television and on the radio tonight • On the telephone (on the phone): nói điện thoại, gọi điện thoại, nhà có mắc điện thoại Ví dụ: Is your house on the telephone ? - nhà cậu có mắc điện thoại không? Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang Janet will be here soon; she is on the telephone • On the whole = in general : nói chung Ví dụ: On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed • On the other hand: nhiên • on the one hand on the other hand : mặt mặt khác Ví dụ: The present perfect aspect is never used to indicate a specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is • On sale 1- for sale : có bán, để bán 2- bán hạ giá Ví dụ: The house will go on sale this weekend The regular price of the radio is $39.95, but today it’s on sale for $25 • On foot: Ví dụ: My car would not start so I came on foot * on fire: cháy * On a diet: ăn kiêng AT at - (thường bên ngoài, không xác định in) Ví dụ: Jane is at the bank • At + số nhà Ví dụ: George lives at 565 16th Avenue • At + thời gian cụ thể Ví dụ: The class begin at 5:15 • At + home/ school/ work : nhà/ trường/ làm việc Ví dụ: Charles is at work and his roommate is at school At night, they are usually at home • At + noon/ night: vào ban trưa/ vào ban đêm at noon (Mỹ) : 12h trưa • At least : tối thiểu >< at most : tối đa Ví dụ: We will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiments • At once : Ví dụ: Please come home at once • At times : thi thoảng, Ví dụ: At times, it is difficult to understand him because he speaks too fast • At present/ the moment = now + thời tiếp diễn • At first : đầu >< at last : sau Ví dụ: Jane was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed • At the beginning/ at the end of : đầu/ cuối ( dùng cho địa điểm/ thời gian) Một số thành ngữ đặc biệt dùng với giới từ • On the beach: bãi biển Ví dụ: We walked on the beach for several hours last night • In place of = instead of : thay cho, thay Ví dụ: Sam is going to the meeting in place of his brother, who has to work Lưu ý: In place of không thay cho instead instead đứng cuối câu Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 10 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang We need to set early tomorrow The plane took very quickly Anne’s leaving London tomorrow morning 10 Your friend is always complaining her job 11 If there was a technical failure, Gagarin might never get to the Earth 12 Courses like shoemaking or glass engraving provide people practical skills they can with their hands 13 She is famous her beautiful face and sweet voice 14 We are all aware the importance of the environment protection 15 His opinion is different mine 16 If you don’t pay attention the teacher, you won’t understand the lesson 17 I’m not familiar his name, but his face seems familiar me 18 We were very grateful our friends for all of their assistance 19 No one knew precisely what would happen a human being in space 20 How would the mind deal the psychological tension? 21 I’m good English, but I’m bad Mathematics 22 Mrs Brown is often worried money 23 Her parents are very pleased her French 24 I’m not interested politics 25 I’m bit short money Can you lend me some? 26 I was delighted the present you gave me 27 She was sad because he was very rude her 28 She was very angry Tom 29 Fred is capable doing better work than he is doing at present 30 You get bored doing the same thing every day 31 Thank you It was very kind you to help me 32 Mr Green is responsible hiring employees 33 There’s really no need for you to be afraid the examination 34 Ken was proud his good marks on the English 35 My plan is similar yours, but it is different Ken’s 36 Pierre said he had become quite fond American hamburgers 37 That fashion magazine is full advertising for women’s clothes 38 Thin gloves aren’t very suitable that kind of work 39 They were happy the results of the election 40 Y Gagarin lifted into space aboard the Vostok 9.07 a.m Moscow time 12th April, 1961 41 If you want to lose weight, you must go a diet 42 You should learn heart all the new words and try to use them in the context 43 We have been learning English five years 44 Can you send it to me fax? 45 She’s never satisfied what she has got 46 She wanted to borrow some books him but she was shy asking 47 They succeeded escaping the burning house 48 I don’t approve your smoking I wish you would give that habit Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 23 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 49 Do you think we’ll find a solution the problem? 50 I must try and look my notes before the exam 51 He admitted having opened the suitcase asking its owner 52 Opening the parcel, he was surprised what he saw 53 She insisted him wearing the red tie 54 The teacher tried to explain the new formula his students 55 The English contest organized our teachers is an annual event in my school 56 The participants must find all the answers in order to go in the next round 57 Are you excited going on holiday next week? 58 She said to me “why don’t you relax _a while?” 59 the end of the film, the heroine was reunited with her family 60 On behalf our group, he made a speech at the meeting 61 Have you washed your hands having lunch 62 He was accused having stolen a car 63 Thank you very much inviting me to your party 64 We could not play soccer due the bad weather 65 If you don’t want to watch TV Turn it , please 66 He is retired He lives his pension 67 He’s getting bored learning heart 68 The bomb went killing several by-standers 69 They cancelled the flight because the storm 70 The local people are very hospitable strangers 71 Why were you absent class this morning? 72 In English lessons we always speak English 73 When I bought the house, my sister helped me with a loan 74 Your father is very kind David 75 Your plan is similar his 76 She is accustomed getting up early 77 This area is rich oil 78 Are you acquainted this man? 79 It was very nice him to give me a lift 80 Smoking is harmful _ our health 81 Mary always take good care _ her children 82 Our study is very important _ our future and useful _ our country 83 Why don't you ask _ a pay increase? 84 Don't shout _ the child when he makes a mistake 85 Ken prefers Chinese food _ French food 86 How long have they been working _ the company? 87 He wore a hat, which made him look _ a spy 88 I think your mother should let you make _ your own mind 89 The pens made _ plastic are very cheap 90 Many of the stories are based _ rumor 91 Was your friend successful _ getting a loan from the bank? 92 If you look _ the book, you can find what you need Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 24 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 93 You should make use _ the books you have 94 She was very upset _ the news of her father’s death 95 How would the body react _ the extreme changes in temperature? 96 We congratulate you _ your successful flight 97 The American people shared _ the Soviet people their satisfaction for the safe flight 98 Most of the streets were named _ national heros 99 China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry _ manned space flights 100 He was in orbit around the Earth _ a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour Bài 4: Chọc giới từ phù hợp: 1) I got at/to the station just in time to see Jack getting from/ off the train 2) The cafe is among/between the chemist’s and the butcher’s and across/opposite the library 3) Sue lives at/in Wales, which is a country at/in the west of Britain 4) I was brought up in/on an island near/next to the coast of Scotland 5) Travelling by/in your own car is better than going by/on foot Bài 5: Điền giới từ phù hợp: 1) I was out last night I was _ the cinema 2) I was standing _ the back of the queue 3) The phone is _ a little shelf in the hall 4) I saw several people I know _ the barbecue 5) We could see smoke _ the distance Bài 6: Điền giới từ phù hợp: 1) We’re going to a concert _ Wednesday 2) We got home _ half past eleven 3) I’ll see you _ the morning 4) My sister starts at college _ the autumn 5) The accident happened _ Thursday afternoon 6) I usually have a sandwich _ lunch time 7) Shakespeare was born _ 1564 8) You’re allowed to drive _ seventeen in Britain 9) There will be lots of excitement _ the coming weeks 10) People remember the dead _ the anniversary of the terrorist attack Bài 7: Chọn giới từ điền vào chỗ trống: about at by for from with 1) The longest rail tunnel is _ Tappi Said to Fukushima 2) He died _ the grand old age of 95 Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 25 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 3) A lot of people have been poisoned _ mushrooms this autumn 4) All his life he talked _ the life to come 5) Are you _ or against nuclear power? Bài 8: Chọn giới từ thích hợp: 1) I can’t disturb John now He’s at bed/in bed 2) Tony always arrives exactly in time/on time for his lesson 3) Two pounds for each ticket, that makes $12 in all/with all 4) I can’t pick that last apple It’s out of hand/ out of reach 5) Joe and I met on the plane completely by chance/by surprise Bài 9: Chọn giới từ thích hợp: 1) This film goes on by/during/till midnight 2) I’ll be away between/from/though Tuesday to Friday 3) The library will be closed during/for/on a week 4) The ticket is valid for travel inside/over/throughout the day 5) The building won’t be finished for/to/until next year Bài 10: Điền in, on at A footballer’s life starts (1) _ the weekend Most people go out (2) _ Friday night, but I have to be in bed (3) _ 10 o’clock (4) _ Saturday I get up (5) _ o’clock (6) _ the morning and drive to thestadium (7) _ noon (8) _ lunchtime our manager talks about the teamwe are playing We play most of our games (9) _ the winter and sometimesit can be hard to play (10) _ a cold Saturday afternoon, especially (11) _ January It isn’t much fun (12) _ Christmas either We play a lot ofgames (13) _ the Christmas holiday Although we don’t play (14) _ Christmas Day, we play (15) _ December 26th, so I can’t eat or drink toomuch! It would be nice to spend more time with my family (16) _ that day,but I can’t Bài 11: He gave her a check _ a lot of money A for B in C of D to The reason _ this meeting is to discuss the cause of the reduction in price A in B on C of D for The decrease _ profits is due to the bad market A for B in C of D to There is a real demand new products A in B on C for D with We have seen a fall prices recently A in B of C to D on Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 26 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang The cause his problems is his family A for B in C of D to Did you any damage the house? A for B in C of D to I think your attitude _ your sister is very bad indeed A in B of C to D on The difference _ the two is very slight A of B to C with D between 10 He took a photograph his girlfriend A on B for C of D in 11 Do you have a good relationship most of your relatives A with B of C in D between 12 She wasn't aware his reaction to the problem A in B of C to D with 13 Did you send Alice an invitation the party? A to B with C in D of 14 The connection _ the two victims was minimal A on B between C with D about 15 The advantage having free time is that you can anything you want with it A on B from C of D in 16 my opinion, he is an excellent pianist A For B In C By D On 17 I'm afraid I took your coat _ mistake A by B in C on D in 18 He gave her a cheque _a lot of money A on B in C for D of 19 The reason _this meeting is to discuss the merger A for B from C between D of Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 27 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 20 The decrease _profits is due to the bad market A on B of C in D from 21 There is a real demand _qualified English teachers A for B of C with D on 22 We have seen a fall _prices recently A of B for C on D in 23 The cause _his problems is his wife A on B for C of D in 24 Did you any damage _the car? A on B in C to D for 25 I think your attitude _your employer is very bad indeed A to B on C of D between 26 The difference _the two is very slight A for B from C between D of 27 He took a photograph _his girlfriend A of B for C on D in 28 Do you have a good relationship _your father? A for B of C with D on 29 I was surprised _his reaction to the problem A on B with C by D of 30 Did you send Simon an invitation _the party? A of B for C on D to 31 The connection _the two victims was slight A for B between C from D of 32 The advantage _having free time is that you can anything you want with it A on B for C of D in 33 She is holiday now Can you phone her at 0261.321.578 A in B on C of D with 34 His addiction _ surfing the Internet is a problem A of B on C for D to Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 28 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 35 my opinion, she would make a splendid wife A On B Of C With D In 36 I'm sorry that I took your umbrella mistake A by B on C of D for 37 Where would you like to go holiday this year? A in B on C of D from 38 Where should we go a drink? A with B for C in D on 39 That book was written Stephen King A in B with C by D of 40 Donata came across the business idea accident! A on B in C with D by 41 She bought a painting Waterhouse A of B with C for D by 42 We went a short business trip to Gdansk A on B in C of D with 43 Would you like to come a walk with me? A with B for C in D of 44 He fell love with Joanna over the course of several months A on B with C for D in 45 How long were you the phone for? A in B on C with D of 46 What did you have lunch? A for B on C of D with 47 I'm afraid it's time for her to go a diet A in B on C of D for 48 Did you see Donata chance? A in B for C with D by 49 Let's drive today I think the bus drivers are strike Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 29 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang A in B on C by D for 50 He has the advantage speaking English fluently A of B in C with D for 51 The main reason taking the course is to improve your language skills A on B of C for D with 52 Tell me the reason you left me A for B that C why D of 53 The reason makes Minh sad is his failure in studying at school A why B that C of D for 54 Tweed jackets are fashion A in B on C out D of out 55 Long skirts are of fashion at present A in B on C for D out 56 The washing machine is order again Let’s buy a new one A out of B in of C on of D for of 57 Your style of hair maybe date at present A in B on C out of D in of 58 Those clothes that went of date last year are in store A in B from C out D of 60 Please give me some advice _ how to solve that difficulty A in B on C for D with 61 We are go tour so accommodation is included in the ticket price A in B of C for D on 62 We went a three-days trip to the countryside last week A on B for C off D in 63 They are going summer vacation now A of B at C on D in 64 My husband has just gone _ business Please contact him next week A in B on C for D with Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 30 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 65 Is there any good news the television tonight A on B in C at D of 66 They are always talking the phone A in B at C for D on 67 “Please help us the building is _ fire.” She shouted _ the phone A in / on B on / in C on / on D in / in 68 _ your opinion! what are they going to next? A On B In C For D Of 69 Will you come dinner one day? A on B in C of D for 70 We should not get a train because all employees of national train company are to strike A in B on C of D with 71 You are too fat It’s time you were a diet A on B in C about D of 72 There’s a play Shakespear on New Era theater tonight A with B on C of D by 73 Today I met jane on the street accident A on B in C by D 74 His addiction surfing the Internet is a problem A on B in C of D to 75 He has the advantage speaking English fluently A of B for C on D in 76 Her anxiety speaking in public caused her to lose the job A on B of C in D about 77 His belief god is influenced by his mother A in B of C on D for 78 His dedication _ teaching was impressive A on B in C to D of 79 The delay _ processing the visa caused problems Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 31 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang A of B from C with D in 80 His devotion _ biking allowed him to win the competition A about B with C to D on 81 The disadvantage _ flying is that you can't see the scenery along the way A of B about C with D for 82 She has a great deal of experience _ introducing new products to international markets A of B on C in D about 83 His fear _ flying made travel difficult A on B of C for D in 84 Her fondness _ traveling led to her career in the travel industry A on B for C about D with 85 His habit smoking in restaurants caused many problems in California A of B on C about D with 86 Her career as a pilot evolved out of her interest _ flying A on B of C with D in 87 Her knowledge _ climbing helped her during the competition A in B about C of D with 88 His love _ singing developed when he was a child A with B of C about D on 89 Their memories traveling in Africa will stay with them forever A of B on C for D with 90 I think his preference _ speaking his native language is natural A for B on C for D in 91 The process _painting such a large mural is more complicated than you might think A in B of C about D in 92 His reaction winning the prize was quite funny A about B in C to D of 93 The criminal's regret committing the crime did not convince the judge Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 32 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang A for B on C in D about 94 The magazine's report choosing the right car was not well researched A on B in C of D for 95 Her reputation _ lying is well known A in B of C for D with 96 His responsibility _ completing the project on time was acknowledged by the company A in B for C with D about 97 There was a rise _ the demand smoke alarms that week A on / on B on / of C in / for D for / in 98 Can I pay you cash or _ cheque A in / in B on on C by / by D in / by 99 I don't know if I believe his story seeing a UFO A about B of C on D in 100 The woman _ blue over there is my aunt in law A on B with C in D of 101 His talent _ learning languages was impressive A on B for C in D about 102 That article is cooking A in B of C for D on 103 The man hadn't had any contact his family in many years A about B of C with D on 104 There is a great need low-cost housing in this country as an answer the homeless problem A for / for B to / to C to / for D for / to 105 The news program showed a photograph a family living in boxes under a bridge A of B on C in D for 106 When there is an increase unemployment and a decrease the temperature, the problem becomes greater Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 33 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang A/ on / on B in / in C for / for D of / of 107 The fire chief told him there was no reason that A on B of C about D for 108 "I want to keep a good relationship _ you guys," George told the chief A between B for C with D on 109 He noticed an increase the curiosity of his neighbors after the burned cake incident A in B of C for D on 110 If you plan to visit New York, you should have a map the streets A on B of C about D for 111 The girl was dressed _white head foot A with, from, to B in, from, to C with, to, from D in / to / from 112 I learned to ride a horse the age five A in / of B on / of C at / of D of / at 113 We arrived late at the cinema so we had to sit the back row A to B on C in D by 114 We are offering solutions a price almost anyone can afford A in B at C on D by 115 These books are $500 each A with B on C at D Ø 116 There was a very serious accident the roundabout A from B to C at D in 117 The train called Nottingham main station A at B by C in D on 118 The meeting took place the company's headquarters A at B by C on D to 119 That old house is being offered sale A at B by C for D on 120 Some people are prison for crimes they have not committed A to B on C in D at Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 34 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 121 It was a very long voyage We were sea for 50 days A at B by C in D on 122 Is there anything interesting the paper today? A from B at C in D by 123 In many countries people drive the left A in B by C on D to 124 I lost my passport the way to Madrid A in B at C by D on 125 I forgot my umbrella the bus A by B in C into D on 126 Wine is made grape A from B of C into D with 127 She spent a lot of money cosmetics A in B on C into D for 128 I am looking forward hearing from you soon A by B with C to D of 129 She complained the heat A to B of C with D against 130 She smiled him A at B with C to D about 131 She burst tears A out of B into C for D in 132 mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this morning A Through B By C With D In 133 I don’t feel dancing A with B in C like D to 134 I don't agree you at all about that A to B on C with D towards 135 He succeeded opening the door A in B by C with D at Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 35 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 136 It's the law A among B against C to D for 137 The government must care the families of invalid soldiers A about B for C to D at 138 This table is made wood A from B of C into D to 139 We are looking forward seeing you again A in B at C for D to 140 Ken prefers Chinese food French food A about B to C over D with 141 Last Sunday I was invited his wedding party A to B on C in D at 142 Henry was born 1992 A on B in C at D to 143 What is the advantage doing this? A of B about C with D by 144 The reasons homelessness are many, but there is a great demand _ a plan action to end it A for / for / of B for / in / on C for / for / on D on / for / in 145 I bought that house good price A at B for C in D of Bài 12: Điền vào chỗ trống giới từ thích hợp: The owner hoped to avoid the negotiations the union members We finally reached an agreement the Zoning Board Events yesterday had no connection the trouble occurring last night What is your attitude these events? Jim had a bad reaction the food Lola sent a reply the 'Want Ad' Jenny received an invitation the party Was there much damage your car? I don't think there is a good solution your problem 10 There was a good increase the stock market 11 There was a definite decrease my stock Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 36 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang 12 The rise fuel prices worries many people 13 The fall temperature was great 14 The year 2000 is drawing to an end and I have not received an invitation a party yet 15 I have noticed a change my waist size so I need to exercise more 16 One should send a reply an invitation marked R.S.V.P 17 It is difficult for families today to maintain contact all their members 18 What is the advantage farming over hunting? 19 There's a chance catching a cold these days 20 There's a choice flying to London Heathrow or Stansted 21 Peggy is in danger making a mistake 22 He has difficulty sending SMS 23 He is in doubt buying the correct software for his computer system 24 There's little hope catching Schumacher's Ferrari 25 I like the idea setting up a new email account 26 There's no interest writing letters 27 This is a simple method finding solutions 28 There's some opportunity bringing her parents together again 29 These new wheels offer the possibility riding tubeless 30 He has the problem swimming too slow 31 There's a real reason winning the contest 32 There's a risk digging too deep 33 He was in trouble stealing 34 This is a new way building a wall 35 Steven took a photograph his automobile after the accident 36 In spite of the smoke pouring out of his house, George knew there was no cause _ alarm 37 The damage _ his house was caused by smoke from the burned cake in the oven 38 A group _ his neighbors said his attitude the disaster was wonderful 39 Give me some solution this problem 40 George sent a check _ $100 to the fire company for their courteous service Moon.vn - Học để khẳng định 37 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2016, 20:16

