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Trend of choosing university majors among high students in Ha Noi

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    • 1. Back ground

    • 2. Rationale

    • 4. Research methods



    • 1. What are the factors affecting students’ decisions of choosing university majors?

      • a. Female

      • b. Male

    • 2. What are the most favorite majors?

    • 3. What are the differences between pupils in urban and rural areas?

    • 4. Where students can find information about their majors at universities?

    • 5. Why students stop studying and run their own business?




    • 1. Appendix

    • 2. References

Nội dung

This is a research conducted by a student team of International Bachelor Degree program at NEU. Its show the trend of choosing college majors in three high schools include two high schools in urban area and one high school in rural area.

PROJECT TREND OF CHOOSING UNIVERSITY MAJORS AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN HANOI Instructor: Ms Le Thu Huong Class: I12S2 Pham Huong Giang Nguyen Thi My Linh Nguyen The Nguyen Bui Gia Khanh Van Hanoi, September, 2016 Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We might not finish our project if we did not have the support and many valuable advices from everybody We would like to show our gratitude Ms Le Thu Huong – our instructor She taught and shown us what we should and what the best way was to improve our project She helped and provided much knowledge, many useful recommendations for us to complete this research Thank you very much, Ms Huong Secondly, we want to send the special thankfulness to all 12 grade pupils who are studying at Viet Duc, Tran Phu and Phu Xuyen A high school They spent their time to fill in our questionnaire which is the most important part in our research CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Back ground In Vietnam, since many years ago, education has been always the most important aspect in our life Vietnamese pupils have to pass many exams and competitions during their studying The most significant exam is the national exam after pupils graduate from their high schools They must pass this exam with marks as high as they can because it ensures for them to reach the universities where they are taught very well and they totally can get a good job after graduating from these universities Another thing is that studying at universities is also a dream of parents because they believe that their children can have bright future if they have degree from these universities However, in recent years, many pupils have stopped their studying after graduating high schools Rationale We choose this topic because three main reasons The first reason is that we want to know the ways that students select after graduating from their high schools The second reason is that we want to find out which major is popular and attractive to students now Finally, because of the different lifestyle between students live in urban area and rural area, it absolutely can affect students’ choosing their next part when they leave high schools When we this research, we expect that pupils can more understanding about themselves such as what they want to in the future We also provide some majors for students who not know exactly what they can learn at universities and have a good decision for their future job At the end of this research, as students who is studying at university, we will have some advices and recommendations for high school pupils to help them make the best selection for their future Research questions Question 1: What are the factors affecting students’ decisions of choosing university majors? Question 2: What are the most favorite majors? Question 3: What are the differences between pupils in urban and rural areas? 4 Research methods Our group decided to use questionnaires interview to collect data for the report We choose this method because the advantages that the method offers Survey method helps us have some information, big data and access to deeper problems In addition, this method also suit, for short period of studying and cost of our group The steps: a Preparing survey questions b Designing questionnaire c Distributing questionnaires to subjects should be studied: 101 students in grade 12 of Viet Duc and Tran Phu high school and 50 students in grade 12 of Phu Xuyen A high school d Data collection, data processing by Excel e Drawing out the characteristics, factors tend to choose university majors among high school students f Report writing and presenting research CHAPTER TWO: THEORY Career is a significant part of live and it is the important factor that decides your future, therefore choosing major to study in university is considered the most, in the time, Universities receive a great number of questions about potential majors and how to choose major to study… About prospect majors, Website Princeton review has published a Chart of Top ten College Majors which consists of Computer science, Communications, Government or Political Science, Business, Economics, Language, Psychology, Nursing, Chemical Engineering and Biology These majors are regarded as best one based on Job prospects, average salaries and popularity but that does not mean, the majors above guarantee you a job or a huge paycheck, the website says as well However, they provide you valuable skill to deal with challenges and help you prepare for a professional position So, How to recognize a potential majors? Or which one is suitable for you, The Money casher has a detailed analysis which includes 33 factor of a good major The analysis is divided into three main fields which are Academic life, Student life and financial factors In Academic life, the very factors are Admission rate, Graduation rate and Retention rate … this metric is based on the social demand “Depending on how you performed in high school and on the SAT, you may want to apply to schools with higher or lower admission rates If you aced everything in your academic history, you have a better chance for acceptance at the schools with lower admission rates” On the other hand, Student life gives a prospective view about your life in college or university, gives you chance to think about future obstacles which affect directly on daily life As important as academics are when choosing a college, student life can be just as important for some young adults since there are other reasons why you should go to college For the most part, student life begins and ends in dorm rooms If you want an active student life, you need to live with other students Look for the schools that have a high percentage of on-campus living if you want an active student life The last field, financial factors is about Cost and fees you have to pay for your education Application fees can add up, especially if you plan to apply to a lot of schools If money is a factor in the application process, you may want to pass on applying to a school with a high application fee, especially if the chances that you will get accepted and attend the school are small That article is worth to read carefully and it can help you a lot with solving your problems The living location is a reason of students’ decisions as well; there are many differences between student from rural areas and urban ones “Where a student goes to college and if someone pursues a higher education at all may be determined by where someone grew up”, according to research conducted by Andrew Koricich, a Texas Tech assistant professor of higher education in an article of Daily toreador The rural communities are believed to have a low education rate and they not focus much on studies mostly Students from larger city are 20 percent more likely to attend a university than the rural ones, if someone from a small town does want to attend college or university; he is supposed to choose the less selective one The ways people living also give effects on students’ decision too, “A student may choose Technology because of its large agricultural and wind energy programs, which generally appeal to students whose hometowns focus on these industries”, People from farm want to study what they can use on the farm directly Whereas, the People from cities have different perspective and choose majors after consider majors’ prospects and their own hobbies CHAPTER THREE: MAJOR FINDINGS After 151 questionnaires were given to students in the city center (Viet Duc High school and Tran Phu high school) and the countryside (Phu Xuyen A High school), we collected 144 correct answer sheets What are the factors affecting students’ decisions of choosing university majors? a Female Chart The number of choosing majors at universities of female students Research shows that most female students tend to choose teaching majors Among 87 female students had surveyed, 22 students chose this major to study at university This is the most selected major The girls tend to choose the security sector, stability and fewer collisions, so the education industry is always the first choice of them Teaching will help female have a good job, stable income to cover life Also, they have more time to spend with their family, look after and teach their children This figure represents 25% of students surveyed This result also confirms the position of a teacher is still standing in the city and rural areas, while many people believe that this is the low-income sector and less dynamic This majors which little choice by female students are diplomatic and nails Because many people think that these industries require a bit of relationships, unstable and low salary, therefore, the number of students choosing three majors is very little This is the trend in today's society b Male Chart The number of choosing majors at universities of male students Through a survey, most of male students chose the information technology to study at university In 64 male students, 20 students choose IT major to study at college/ university The males tend to better technology than female, so the number of choosing IT majors is much more than female Because the industry needed to develop the knowledge society as well as promoting the market economy and a good source of income, these guys will easily promote their capabilities IT industry also helps students advance in their job The handicraft, design and diplomatic are three major that no students choose Like as female students, three majors have little chance of employment, low-salary and not suitable for male In General, the majority’s after graduating decision is “Continue studying” in both areas whereas the number of students who chose to stop studying after graduate from High School is much smaller Chart The percentage of choices of students at rural area after graduating high schools 84% students choose “Continue Studying” and 16% choose “Stop studying” Being asked about why they choose to stop studying, Students who have no intention to continue studying answer with some main reasons: “Inability to study”; “Parents’ Orientation” and “Hobby” Chart The percentage of choices of students at urban area after graduating high schools In Urban Area, “Continue studying” is 95% and “Stop studying” is only 5% Students choose to stop studying because of personal desire or parents’ desires Some people not want to study, the other follow their parents’ orientation What are the most favorite majors? In recent years, many students tent to study about IT (Information technology) They think that they can get good jobs with IT degrees As a result, the highest number of students who chose the major they want to study at universities is Information technology 10 Chart The number of choices university majors of students According to the data, which we have analyze, shows that 34 students live in both urban area and rural area chose they will study economics when they go to study at universities Most of them believe that studying IT may help them get a future job with steady salary Furthermore, technology is always updated Needs of people about technology such as mobile phones, laptops is increasing every day They want these products more and more modern and have more useful applications Studying IT may help students find many suitable jobs with their ability and knowledge In addition, people who work for technological companies or create technological products can get high salary They are also always worked at the most modern environment Beside IT is the most favorite major of high school students, the second favorite major is Economics with 33 choices This choice of students was affected by social trend The third favorite major is Teaching with 30 choices of pupils Teaching is quite popular with student from many years ago It is more suitable with female than male because Teaching is quite leisured and not really difficult to get a good degree and a good job with steady salary in many schools and universities In addition, education is always the most important aspect in people’s life Therefore, being a teacher, students not be affair that they will be unemployed The next four majors which have been chose are Design Industry with 15 choices, Legal profession with 11 choices, Electronics Industry and Architect & Construction Industry with 10 choices These are also common majors with high school students On the other hand, the major which has least choice is Nail This does not attack too much care of students because this major is not taught at universities or colleges It is just taught at vocational colleges Chart The percentage of affecting factors students’ choices Students have many reasons to choose their university majors 11 Mostly, they chose these majors depend on their hobbies with 30% Students can choose which majors they want to study at universities by themselves The next reasons are studying abilities (20%), job opportunities (17%) and family tradition (15%0 These are also three main factors effect on students’ choices Low-cost, forced by parents and affected by friends are three choices have the same percentages (6%) These factors not really concern with choosing university majors of students What are the differences between pupils in urban and rural areas? Chart The number of two most chosen majors of students According to the statistical data that we collected, for students live in the city have learned professions selected quantity allocated in each branch and not focus on one sector, such as students live in suburban districts Economics and IT are two more branches of town students chose to study in the universities auditorium with numbers 25 and 22 respectively, and the remaining students of the other choices are evenly distributed on industries the remaining practitioners For instance, architecture, medical, and pharmaceutical industry, legal profession, electronic or design industries have an average number of students selected Besides the suburban students also have the same choice with 12 students choose to study Information Technology, 10 students selected learn Medical industry and students choose to study Economics, while others only occupations or you not even have the choice 12 This shows that when they choose a career, they choose the profession topped only to study, maybe they not understand to be measured in the future occupations will when they graduate Even when we interviewed the students in the suburbs of the reasons that why they chose to learn the Economics profession? And the answer that it was a fundamentalist choice because there are so many students chose this profession But when we interviewed a student in the city, she have answered that you would to be a student with a major Australian Information Technology because Australia manpower shortage of 100,000 IT human resources for 2020 and information technology is one of the high-wage industries leading in Australia With great opportunities to work so soon after graduation, the students can get jobs with desirable salary The stark difference in thinking about their careers of students showed career orientations in two places are different altogether Where students can find information about their majors at universities? Chart The number of places where students find university majors information Through reports that survey research group showed that the two students were examination where the inner city and the suburbs, the Internet is the place chose to get information for the choice of their school careers, 84 in the total of 151 students we surveyed This suggests that today's fastgrowing Internet development and widespread in people in general and youth in particular Moreover, in the Internet, users need to type information it can supply, especially with the children, there will be a lot of necessary information about universities or analyze certain professions are striking for their choice when preparing to enter college doors It adds more confident and helps a lot of students’ learning while sitting in school 13 Besides, the students also believe in the advices and suggestions of their brothers and sisters who have come before and are studying professions which they want to learn It has 68 students agreed, according to a student survey we, I say "Nothing is better than real experiences" - yes, experiences is the best thing that they lack time for it, so this is probably a good choice Furthermore, indispensable orientation and advices from their families, this choice has 58 students chose Thus, we evaluate the influence parents decided universities, majors of the youth factor sides Parents are the most closely concerned and to the future of their children, parents also know children’ s strong points at high school levels, children's school achievement as well as the economic possibilities of the family So, the students should listen to their parents in choosing professions, schools have many advantages However, the downside of this factor is that many parents, especially in the outlying areas of the city, urban area, almost lack of information on the labor needs of the market in the future, these forecasts hot sectors or statistics on the unemployment rate Therefore, our advice on the selection of majors, schools of young people in this case is to actively listen to the information that you access from social networks, media, and vocational guidance centers Information from these sources is very complicated and the experience of your life is sometimes difficult to distinguish fake, so you should share this information back to your parents, so that, with life experiences have accumulated, they will verify for you Thus, deciding cases, your major will be more than the base as well as the consensus of the whole family 14 Why students stop studying and run their own business? Although the majority of students are expected to go to university/ college after graduating from high school, there are a number of students have to choice to stop learning and self-employed their own way There are many reasons as they can choose that route, and my team has survey statistics Chart The percentages of students stop studying between urban area and rural area The chart indicates that most of students decided to stop studying is living in rural areas Research show has out of 49 students in rural areas decide stop studying, accounting for 16% In contrast, almost all students in city continue studying at college or university to learn the knowledge and obtained diploma which catering for future work Only 5% students in city stop to learning A number of students in rural areas stop learning is much more than students in city Each students have own reason, by the survey, my team have learned some reasons 15 Chart 10 The percentages of reasons stop studying of students The research has shown that the reason which most of students choose stop studying is parents’ orientation This figure represents 23% of students surveyed They decide stop studying follow suggest and career - orientation of family 23% student choice the reason is inability These students find themselves incapability with study at college or university, thus, they make a decision stop leaning and activities they like They think they can waste a lot of time and money of their family They can business to make money Only 15% student chose hobby Many students think they not have interested in learning, so they will not focus on studying, therefore, they may waste much time and money of their family They like business, want financial independence than go to school and study some classes boring theory Students want to focus pursue their passion and not want to waste a single moment 16 CHAPTER FOUR: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDENTS’ CHOICE UNIVERSITY MAJORS According to the data we collected, then the suggestion is the most you made that schools should organize additional orientation programs for students in general and in particular students in grades 12, 50 selected students Currently, most 12th graders are very confused and ambiguous before their decisions, not sure their jobs are suitable or not, they lack the necessary information before making a decision Moreover, this is also the time for them to step in a series of important exam that they were distracted easily cause confusion and incorrect decisions So, for them to be able to quickly access the most accurate information, because nowadays, the social network was deluged with misinformation, the orientation programs are indispensable This was followed by schools or businesses should create conditions for them to able to experience and try to learn the trades they want to study, this will help them to know that they can fit these jobs they like it or not, for their family finances are studying whether it is possible or not Finally, the need for specialized unit answering questions of students in choice schools is equivalent to the above This approach can help students gain a lot more information about the trades that they have not understood, in many different forms, such as direct talks or write an e-mail to the mailbox 17 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION According the major findings, we can end up some conclusions The first outcome is that the huge difference between female students and male students in choosing majors after graduating high schools Female students tend to study Teaching and male students tend to study IT when they go to study at universities with 22 and 20 students’ choice Secondly, the little difference of choices after graduating high schools between students who live at urban area and rural area Overall, there is only 5% of students live at urban area stop studying, whereas, at rural area is 16% The most favorite major at universities which was chose by students is Information Technology and on the internet is the most common media (with 95% satisfaction of students) where students find all of information about university majors The number of students chose stop studying is 16% at rural area and 5% at urban area Students also supplied for our research some recommendations to improve attitude of students about choosing university majors after graduating high schools After this research, we expect that every student can study and reach their dream jobs Others not have dream, at least, we hope they can have good jobs to ensure for their next future 18 CHAPTER SIX: REFERENCE AND APPENDIX Appendix QUESTIONNAIRE Hello, we are students from National Economics University, IBD (International bachelor degree) program We are doing a project which is called “Trend of choosing university majors among high school students.” We hope you can spend a few minutes filling in this questionnaire All your answers will be kept confidentially and only serve for the research purpose of this study Thank you for your help I Your information Your gender: Male Female • Your high school: …………………………………………………… • Your class: …………………………………………………………… • Where are you living now? (District, City/Province) ……………………………………………………………………………… • II Questions about your future majors at university After graduating from high school, what will you next?  Continue studying at college / university  Stop studying and run own business  Other (specify your reason for your answer): ……………………………………………………………… ……………  If you choose “Continue studying”, please answer questions 2; and  If you choose “Stop studying and run own business”, please answer question Which major you want to study at university? (You can choose MORE THAN ONCE) 19  Teaching  Economics  Architecture and construction industry  Medical and pharmaceutical industry  Legal profession  Entertainment industry  Tourism industry  IT (Information technology)  Electronics industry  Engineering technology  Design industry  Environmental chemistry industry  Cookery  Textile industry  Food processing industry  Handicraft sector  Engineering industry  Automobile assembly industry  Other: ………………………………… ………………………………… … Why you choose that major? (You can choose MORE THAN ONCE)  Family tradition  Hobby  Abilities  Job opportunities  Low-cost  Short time  Forced by parents  Affected by friends Other: ………… ………………………………………………………… How you get the information about your major? (You can choose MORE THAN ONCE)  On the Internet  By teachers  By friends at high school  By family  By relatives  Students who have studied in that major  Other: ……………………………………………………………………… 20 Are you satisfied with all of information you get on all kinds of media?  Totally, I can find all of information I need  Not really, I just find a little  Absolutely not, I cannot find anything What suggestions you have for schools and students about choosing majors at college/ university?  Organization professional orientation program  Have learning programs, professional experience  Always have consultants at schools  Other: ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 Why you decide to stop studying and run own business? (You can choose MORE THAN ONCE)  Imitating others 10  Inability of studying 11  Parents’ orientation 12  Hobby 13  Other: …………………………………………………………………… 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 References 24 Randall S Hansen, Ph.D “Quintessential Careers: Choosing a College Major: How to Chart Your Ideal Path” [Online] Available at http://www.wheaton.edu/~/media/Files/Centers-and-Institutes/Career-DevelopmentCenter/Choosing%20a%20College%20Major.pdf David Koeppel (2004) “Choosing a College Major: For Love or for the Money?” [Online] Available at http://uicaccounting.org/Readings/Education/Choosing-a-CollegeMajor-For-Love-or-for-the-Money.pdf Casey Slide “33 Factors for How to Choose a College” [Online] Available at http://www.moneycrashers.com/factors-choose-college/ Delaware Valley College (2015) “Top 10 factors to consider when choosing a college” [Online] Available at http://www.delval.edu/blog/choosing-a-college “Top 10 College Majors” [Online] Available at http://www.princetonreview.com/collegeadvice/top-ten-college-majors 6 Amy Cunningham (2014) “Differences between urban, rural life may impact college choices” [Online] Available at http://www.dailytoreador.com/news/differences-betweenurban-rural-life-may-impact-college-choices/article_ff4c7b38-c064-11e3-85720017a43b2370.html Đồng Thị Cúc, Triệu Thị Hậu, Nguyễn Thị Ly (2008) “Xu hướng chọn nghề học sinh trường THPT Trực Ninh A, tỉnh Nam Định” 25 [...]... indicates that most of students decided to stop studying is living in rural areas Research show has 8 out of 49 students in rural areas decide stop studying, accounting for 16% In contrast, almost all students in city continue studying at college or university to learn the knowledge and obtained diploma which catering for future work Only 5% students in city stop to learning A number of students in rural... leading in Australia With great opportunities to work so soon after graduation, the students can get jobs with desirable salary The stark difference in thinking about their careers of students showed career orientations in two places are different altogether 4 Where students can find information about their majors at universities? Chart 8 The number of places where students find university majors information... and the remaining students of the other choices are evenly distributed on industries the remaining practitioners For instance, architecture, medical, and pharmaceutical industry, legal profession, electronic or design industries have an average number of students selected 9 Besides the suburban students also have the same choice with 12 students choose to study Information Technology, 10 students selected... rural areas stop learning is much more than students in city Each students have own reason, by the survey, my team have learned some reasons 15 Chart 10 The percentages of reasons stop studying of students The research has shown that the reason which most of students choose stop studying is parents’ orientation This figure represents 23% of students surveyed They decide stop studying follow suggest and... construction industry  Medical and pharmaceutical industry  Legal profession  Entertainment industry  Tourism industry  IT (Information technology)  Electronics industry  Engineering technology  Design industry  Environmental chemistry industry  Cookery  Textile industry  Food processing industry  Handicraft sector  Engineering industry  Automobile assembly industry  Other: …………………………………... who have studied in that major  Other: ……………………………………………………………………… 20 5 Are you satisfied with all of information you get on all kinds of media?  Totally, I can find all of information I need  Not really, I just find a little  Absolutely not, I cannot find anything 6 What suggestions do you have for schools and students about choosing majors at college/ university?  Organization professional orientation... reports that survey research group showed that the two students were examination where the inner city and the suburbs, the Internet is the place chose to get information for the choice of their school careers, 84 in the total of 151 students we surveyed This suggests that today's fastgrowing Internet development and widespread in people in general and youth in particular Moreover, in the Internet,... CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION According the major findings, we can end up some conclusions The first outcome is that the huge difference between female students and male students in choosing majors after graduating high schools Female students tend to study Teaching and male students tend to study IT when they go to study at universities with 22 and 20 students choice Secondly, the little difference of. .. between pupils in urban and rural areas? Chart 7 The number of two most chosen majors of students According to the statistical data that we collected, for students live in the city have learned professions selected quantity allocated in each branch and not focus on one sector, such as students live in suburban districts Economics and IT are two more branches of town students chose to study in the universities... business? Although the majority of students are expected to go to university/ college after graduating from high school, there are a number of students have to choice to stop learning and self-employed their own way There are many reasons as they can choose that route, and my team has survey statistics Chart 9 The percentages of students stop studying between urban area and rural area The chart indicates

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2016, 22:53



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