Well, to be honest, I should say that The thrilling story attracted me very much It captivates and hypnotizes me each time I read it After reading the novel, I felt sorrowful, then I had a sense of loss This could be because I feel sympathy for The Phantom The Phantom - there is something about him that I love, how mysterious he is, his genius, how passionate he is about music He just wanted to live like everybody else But only because of his horrible face, he was obliged to live as a mouse in the cellar and caused him to feel himself inferior all his life As well as this, I also feel sympathy for his love What did he yearn for? Somebody loved him, understood him, and stayed with him simply.He had fallen in love with Christine He has been to her like a guardian angel He gave her music.And yet, as his role turns from that of protector and teacher to one of the lustful suitor Although his dream came true by Christine, his end isn’t satisfactory He let Christine and Raoul get together finally At the same time, he just a weak, contented, and broken-hearted man How tragic it is! Personally, I believe that with true love, she could have changed him He'd never had love before and it's only natural for him to be insecure with it! I think that nobody is a real bad person in the story It composed of some person who bumped into each other, understood each other, and felt sorry for each other In other words, the story combines infinite tragedies into a great tragedy -From the ending of the film, we learn that Christine remained wife to Raoul, but it is unclear how happily her life turned out