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THE INTENSIVE COURSE – GRADE 12 – ADVANCE D LEVEL October 20 th , 2008 A. PHONETICS. Pick out the word whose underlined parts are pronounced differently from others. 1. A. great B. bread C. break D. veil 2. A. fan B. bad C. wash D. catch 3. A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. champion 4. A. pudding B. puncture C. put D. cushion 5. A. tomb B. home C. comb D. only 6. A. hire B. horror C. heir D. hair 7. A. want B. what C. stop D. also 8. A. breath B. teethe C. though D. there 9. A. general B. gypsy C. ginger D. giddy 10. A. laid B. stay C. said D. paid B. GRAMMAR & STRUCTURE I. Supply the correct form of the verbs. ENERGY In mankind's millions of years on earth, many types of energy resources (1) … (utilize). However, in the last ninety years, petroleum (2)…(become) by far the most important. Accounting for over 50 percent of all energy consumed, it (3)…(be) so essential that, without petroleum, we (4) (face /not) with economic disaster. Of course, the earth's supply of petroleum (5) … (last) forever, and in fact, it (6) … (disappear) sooner than most people (7)…(believe). At the current rate of consumption, the world's proven oil reserves (8) … (exhaust) within forty to fifty years. Obviously, measures (9) … (take) decades ago to decrease our dependence on oil. Amazingly, such measures (10) … (still / discuss) today. II. Word Formation. The word in brackets at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the gap. Fill each gap in this way. 1. Andrea's blunder was the cause of much in the class. (MERRY) 2. Burning coal is an way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. (ECONOMY) 3. When I was a child, I often got a weekly of 15 dollars. (ALLOW) 4. There are very few places left on earth. Man has been nearly everywhere. (EXPLORE) 5. Ms. Thoa always knows how to .the party with her jokes. (LIVELY) 6. Complete .in one's work can be detrimental to one's health. (ABSORB) 7. I have no .for him. He deserves to go to prision. (SYMPATHIZE) 8. Although both were good, we decided on the one with more expercience. (APPLY) 9. I don't want to you from becoming a nurse, but the hours are long and the pay isn't good. (COURAGE) 10. There was the longest queue in front of the box.office. (IMAGINE) III. Phrasal Verbs. Fill in each blank with one appropriate particle. 1. I rarely buy hardback books. They're so expensive. I always wait till they come …… in paperback. 2. I was ill for two weeks, so I've fallen .with my work. 3. It isn't that woman's turn. It's yours. Don't let her push . 4. I have already told Joe that 1 won't go to Spain with him, but he's still trying to talk me . 5. Ms. Thoa’s son fell an French girl that he met on holiday. Three months later they were married! 6. I wish the boss would stop getting me. I haven't done anything wrong. 7. 'How did you get the black eye?' 'My friend was in a fight, so I stuck .him and got hit too'. 8. He ignored my request. He simply brushed it .as if he hadn't heard what I said. 9. The company has just won a large new order from the USA so they're going to take 50 extra workers. IV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the previous sentence. 1. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them. They had . 2. That dress has only the slightest mark on it. I can barely . 3. He insisted on a full apology. Nothing but . 4. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing. The moment . 5. The doctor advised me to rest. The doctor suggested . 6. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left. Only after a 7. Their teacher is making them study hard. They are 8. They were just as good as we had expected. They certainly lived . 9. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish. Much 10. He is certainly not stupid. He is by V. Rewrite the second sentence, using the word given in CAPITAL. 1. Too much stress can cause illness, according to medical experts. MAKE 2. If you ate less chocolate you might have fewer spots. MUCH 3. The minister's popularity suffered as a result of the scandal. EFFECT 4. The teacher agreed to introduce the new methods. AGREEMENT 5. Jenny didn't feel like going to the party. MOOD 6. The councellor answered every question frankly. FRANK 7. It is said that he has been to prision several times. REPUTED 8. Most stories will accept a credit card instead of cash. ALTERNATIVE 9. Our opinions on the subject are identical. DIFFERENCE 10. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scher. DISAPPROVAL C. READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS Paul Watson is an environmental activist. He is a man who believes that he must do something, not just talk about doing something. Paul believes in protecting endangered animals, and he protects them in controversial ways. Some people think that Watson is a hero and admire him very much. Other people think that he is a criminal. On July 16, 1979, Paul Watson and his crew were on his ship, which is called the Sea Shepherd. Watson and the people who work on the Sea Shepherd were hunting on the Atlantic Ocean near Portugal. However, they had a strange prey, instead xof hunting for animals, their prey was a ship, the Sierra. The Sea Shepherd found the Sierra, ran into it and sank it. As a result, the Sierra never returned to the sea. The Sea Shepherd on the other hand, returned to its home in Canada. Paul Watson and his workers thought that they had been successful. The Sierra had been a whaling ship which had operated illegally. The captain and crew of the Sierra did not obey any of the international laws that restrict whaling. Instead, they killed as many whales as they could, quickly cut off the meat, and froze it. Later they sold the whale meat in countries where it is eaten. Paul Watson tried to persuade the international whaling commission to stop the Sierra. However, the commission did very little, and Paul became impatient. He decided to stop the Sierra and other whaling ships in any way that he could. He offered to pay $25,000 to anyone who sank any illegal ship, and he sank the Sierra. He acted because he believes that whales must be protected. Still, he acte'd without the approval of his government; therefore, his actions were controversial. Paul Watson is not the only enviromental activist. Other men and women are also fighting to protect the Earth. Like Watson, they do not always have the approval of their governments, and like Watson, they become impatient. Yet, because of their concern for environment, they will act to protect it. Adapted from Ecofighters by Eric Schwartz 1. An environmental activist is someone who . A. runs into whaling ships. B. does something to protect the Earth. C. talk about protecting endangered species. D. is hero, like Paul Watson. 2. When something is controversial . A. everyone agrees with it. B. everyone disagrees with it. C. people have different ideas about it. D. people protect it. 3. The members of a ship's crew are . A. the men and women who work on the ship. B. the people who work on airplanes. C. the people on a ship, including the passagers. D. the people who own the ship. 4. The main idea of paragraph one is that . A. Paul Watson is a hero to some people. B. activists are people who do something. C. Paul Watson is controversial enviionmental activist. D. Paul Watson does not believe in talking. 5. The Sea Shepherd was hunting . A. the Atlantic Ocean. B. whales. C. the Sierra. D. Poturgal. 6. The Sierra did not return to the sea because . A. the whales ate it. B. it was sold in Poturgal. C. the Sea Shepherd sank it. D. None of the above is correct. 7. The author implies that Paul Watson lives in . A. Poturgal. B. a ship on the Atlantic. C. the Sierra. D. Canada. 8. The captain and the crew of the Sierra were acting illegally because … A. they were not obeying international laws. B. they were whaling. C. they were whaling and selling whales. D. All of the above are correct. 9. The main idea of paragraph three is that . A. the Sierra sold whale meat in some countries. B. the people on the Sierra did not obey international laws. C. the people on the Sierra killed as many whales as they could. D. whaling is illegal according to international law. 10. Watson ran into the Sierra because . A. he wanted to stop the ship's crew from whaling. B. he was impatient with the government's actions. C. he wanted to protect the whales from the whalers. D. All of the above are correct. B. Cloze Test NEW HORIZONS There is a boy of literature making forecasts - most of them nbelievable - about the near future and this catalogue of (1) . is getting fatter by the day. These predictions (2) . from the listing of new devices to the ways (3) . which they will alter the daily habits of the citizen. In general, we shall spend (4) .time at home as it becomes easier to communicate without (5) .to meet other people - for example, shopping (6) .TV and (7) .video conferences. It is said that it will be easier than ever not to leave the (8) . In fact this (9) .of horizons is already (10) . offer, particularly in the (11) of leisure. There are computerized programs on the market that can take you to visit a museum. You (12) .on the computer screen and select (13) .route. You enter the room you have selected and look at the (14) . You can stop in (15) .of a picture, enlarge (16) .detail you may wish to and (17) .for information. You can stay as (18) . as you like, at any time of the day or night, (19) . meeting any tourists. You don't need to pay an (20) . fee - all you have to do is connect the computer in the comfort of your own home. D. ERROR ANALYSIS Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are correct. Read the text carefully, find the extra words and mark them. Tick (√) any lines that are correct. Two examples are given. a. Having a bad memory can be dangerous. Have you ever left √ b. from the house without remembering to turn off the gas 1 and almost have caused a fire? I have. And more than once 2 time as well. Now even when I remember to to it I 3 convince to myself that I have forgotten. The picture in 4 my mind is so vivid that I rush home imagining that fire- 5 engines outside of and flames pouring through the 6 window. But of course I find everything in order. 7 Forgetting things can be too embarrassing as well. It may 8 seem like incredible but on one occasion I actually forgot 9 the name of my flat-mate. We had known us each other for 10 two years. I didn't dare ask her that - she would have 11 thought I was mad - and two whole days had passed 12 before I finally remembered. If I'm honest, I have to admit 13 that it was embarrassing both and worrying. However, 14 there are advantages. You can avoid unpleasant 15 experiences like the trips to the dentist simply by forgetting you had an appointment. ANSWER KEY A. PHONETICS 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. D B. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE I. 1. have been utilized 6. may/will/could disappear 2. has become 7. believe 3. is 8. may/could/might/will be exhausted 4. would/could/might be faced9. should have been taken 5. will not last 10. are still (being) discussed II. 1. merriment 5. enliven 9. discourage 2. uneconomical 6. absorption 10. imaginable 3. allowance 7. sympathy 4. unexplored 8. applicants III. 1. out 2. behind 3. In 4. round 5. for 6. at 7. up for 8. Aside 9. on IV. 1. They had such a fierce dog (so fierce a dog) that nobody would visit them. 2. I can barely see (make out/distinguish) any (the/a) mark on that dress. 3. Nothing but a full apology would satisfy him (was acceptable to him). 4. The moment / got up to dance (decided to get up and dance) the band stopped playing (the band decided to stop playing). 5. The doctor suggested / (should) rest. 6. Only after a 12-hour wait (delay of 12 hours) did their flight leave. 7. They are being made (forced) to study hard by their teacher. 8. They certainly lived (fully) up to our expectations. 9. Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish. 10. He is by no means stupid. E. 1. Too much stress can make you (people) ill, according to medical experts. 2. If you didn't eat as much chocolate you might have fewer spots. 3. The scandal had a negative (bad) effect on the minister's popularity. 4. There was (an) agreement among the teachers to introduce the new methods. 5. Jenny wasn't in the mood (was in no mood) to go (for going) to a party. 6. The councellor gave frank answers to every question (was frank in the way he answered every question). 7. He is reputed to have been (sent) to prison (in prison) several times. 8. Most stories will accept a credit card as an alternative to cash. 9. There is (absolutely) no (isn't any) difference in (between) our opinions on the subject. 10. Local residents expressed (voiced) their disapproval of the new traffic scheme. C. READING COMPREHENSION. I. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D II. 1. predictions 7. attending 14. exhibits 2. range 8. house 15. front 3. in 9. narrowing 16. any 4. more 10. on 17.ask 5. going/having/needing 11. field 18. long 6. by 12. switch 19. without 13. a 20. entrance D. ERROR ANALYSIS. a. Having a bad memory can be dangerous. Have you ever left √ b. from the house without remembering to turn off the gas from 1. and almost have caused a frie? And more than once have 2. time as well. Now even when I remember to to it I time 3. convince to myself that I have forgotten. The picture in to 4. my mind is so vivid that I rush home imagining that fire that 5. engines outside of and flames pouring through the of 6. window. But of course I find everything in order. √ 7. Forgetting things can be too embarrassing as well. It may too 8. seem like incredible but on one occasion I actually forgot like 9. the name of my flat-mate. We had known us each other for us 10. two years. I didn't dare ask her that - she would have that 11. thought I was mad - and two whole days had passed had 12. before I finally remembered. If I'm honest, I have to admit √ 13. that it was embarrassing both and worrying. However, both 14. there are advantages. You can avoid unpleasant √ 15. experiences like the trips to the dentist simply by the forgetting you had an appointment √ NGÔ ĐÌNH BẢO THOA . oil reserves (8) … (exhaust) within forty to fifty years. Obviously, measures (9) … (take) decades ago to decrease our dependence on oil. Amazingly, such. He insisted on a full apology. Nothing but . 4. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing. The moment .

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2013, 01:26

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