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Đề thi học kì môn tiếng anh học kì 2 (12)

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Grade 12 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-012 Which word is pronounced differently from the others? A signs B survives C profits D becomes A spectrum B species C specify D special A concerned B conducted C confided D rejected Which word has the different stress from that of the others? A endangered B commercial C vulnerable D extinction A imaginary B biography C scientific D impressive Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence We open the lion's cage It is contrary to Zoo regulations A mustn't B should C needn't D must These children so much that they feel very tired and bored A are made to study B are made to be studied C are made study D are making to study The light went out while I dinner A have B am having C have had D was having The picnic because Peter has just had a traffic accident A will have cancelled B will be cancelled C will cancel D will be canceling 10 We had a wonderful holiday the bad weather A because of B despite C though D because 11 He an expedition across the Sahara desert with some of his colleagues A planed B got C made D took 12 John is not at home He go somewhere with Daisy I am not sure A will B must C might D should 13 To become a novelist, you need to be A imagination B imaginative C imaginarily D imagine 14 Ann: "What you usually on Sundays?" - Mary: " ." A I'm not doing anything B I usually sleep until noon C I'd be sleeping all day D I used to drive to work 15 It's a long time I visited Singapore A since B for C as D because 16 You would rather talking in class so as not to make your teacher angry A stops B stop C stopping D to stop 17 “ you hand those books, please?" "Sure Here they are." A Could B Should C May D Must 18 His car broke down; , he had to walk home A however B nevertheless C moreover D therefore 19 Peter: "Be careful!” - Marry: " ." A I will B Thank you C What a pity! D Yes, I am 20 Scientific help to explore some places and discover more and more remote part of the world A survey B researches C expedition D pollution 21 John failed again He harder A may have tried B can tried C must have tried D should have tried 22 The office photocopier needs to A be fixed B fixing C fixes D fixed 23 We have not yet succeeded; , we will keep trying Page THE SECOND SEMESTER Grade 12 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-012 A moreover B so that C therefore D however 24 I have a day off tomorrow? - Of course not We have a lot of things to A Need B May C Will D Must 25 is the protection of environment and natural resources A Conservation B Commerce C Survival D Extinction 26 The Red List is a special book that provides names of animals A unprotected B special C rare D endangered 27 We have plenty of time for doing the work We be hurried A mayn't B shouldn't C needn't D mustn't 28 Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause to wildlife A organization B contamination C protection D destruction 29 We learned that the college in 1900 A is founded B found C was founded D founded 30 The teacher speaks slowly the pupils may understand him A in order B or C so that D because Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English 31 I don't think I can get the job because of there are many applicants for it A B C D 32 Your question can only answer by an excellent student A B C D 33 Different conservation efforts have made in order to save endangered species A B C D 34 He told them to obey the traffic law when travelled on the road A B C D 35 Before you will know it, your children will have grown up A B C D Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentence: 36 I left a message on her answering machine A despite she didn't return my call B when she didn't return my call C but she didn't return my call D although she didn't return my call 37 , I cannot keep pace with Johnny A A So I have tried hard B However hard I have tried C However hard have I tried D I have tried hard so 38 Before eating, thoroughly with soap and clean water A your hands need washed B you need washing your hands C your hands should be washing D you should wash your hands 39 Football is thought A is the most popular sport B the most popular sport C that be the most popular sport D to be the most popular sport 40 John passed the final exam easily A He was too lazy to succeed B He must have studied very hard C He can't have studied very hard D He needs studying harder Read the passage and choose the word that best fits each blank: Page THE SECOND SEMESTER Grade 12 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-012 Nearly all the discoveries that have been made through the ages can be found in books The invention of the book is one of humankind’s greatest achievements, the (41) of which cannot be overestimated Books are very adaptable providing us with both entertainment and (42) The production of books began in Ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is recognizable to us today The books read by the Romans, however, have some (43) to the ones we read now Until the (44) _ of the 15th century, in Europe, all books were written by hand They were often beautifully illustrated and always rare and expensive With printing came the possibility of cheap, large-scale publication and distribution of books, making (45) _ more widespread and accessible 41 A importance B importantly C important D more important 42 A news B information C facts D data 43 A alike B likeness C similarities D same 44 A center B core C heart D middle 45 A mind B knowledge C brain D awareness Read the passage and choose the correct answer: We are all slowly destroying the earth The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice Moreover, we not take enough care of the countryside Wild animals are quickly disappearing For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive However, it isn’t enough simply to talk about the problem We must act now before it is too late to anything about it Join us now Save the Earth This is too important to ignore 46 How are the seas and rivers nowadays? A are contaminated B are less dirty than they used to be C are dirty enough to swim in D cannot be swum in 47 What traffic policemen have to do, in one well known city? A They have to pollute the air B They have to cut down many trees C They have to wear oxygen masks D A and C are correct 48 Why farmers in parts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat? A Because many trees have been polluted B Because there are large areas of land that can’t be used C Because there is too little rice D Because people cut down many trees 49 Wild animals are _ A So rare that they can’t survive B being protected from natural environment C killed so many that they can’t live in the forests D in danger from extinction 50 What’s the best title for the passage? A Conservation B Save the Earth C The Environment D Protect the nature THE END -Page THE SECOND SEMESTER

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2016, 14:36

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