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1 (A) There are two beds in the room (B) There is no one in the den.* (C) People are reading books (D) There is a dinner table in the room (A) There are no cars on the street (B) The street is being cleaned (C) People are getting on the bus (D) The street is very crowded.* (A) The man is getting off the train (B) The man is looking at the train (C) The man is boarding the train.* (D) The man is driving the train (A) The man is hanging the pictures.* (B) The man is drawing a picture (C) The man is talking to a painter (D) The man is taking a picture 15 How you like working in the Omaha offices? (A) It has been okay so far.* (B) I bought it last fall (C) Usually by train 16 We have to finish this project by tomorrow (A) The projector‘s in my office (B) I don't think the store is open today (C) No, we have a few more days.* (A) Vintage books are displayed.* (B) A book signing event is about to begin (C) The library is crowded with people (D) The bookstore is closed 17 Daniel's flight leaves at eleven, doesn’t it? (A) Let me check the airline’s website.* (B) No, there’ll be twelve people (C) He lives in Chicago Part 11 What time you normally leave work? (A) He left you a message (B) Often out of the back entrance (C) Usually before six.* 18 Why don't we take off the rest of the afternoon? (A) That would be great.* (B) I'll return after lunch (C) Enjoy the rest of the flight 12 Why were you late to work this morning? (A) It’s the latest (B) I woke up late.* (C) I’ll pick you up after work 19 Do you have a moment to go over the agenda or are you busy? (A) I can take a look at it really quick right now.* (B) For a business meeting (C) The office should be closed until tomorrow 13 We will need to talk about changes to next year’s budget (A) Okay, I can exchange it (B) Really? Is there something wrong?* (C) In this year's budget report 20 Can I give you the mail for Ms Jones? (A) No, I got it by fax instead (B) Sure I’ll put it in her office.* (C) A new address 14 Who sits at this desk? (A) Down the hall and to the left (B) There is no more disk space (C) Our new district manager.* 21 Why we need two copies of this letter? (A) One is to keep on file.* (B) The last few packages (C) No, I’m fine, thanks talked it over with my husband and we decided to go bigger M: I don’t think that will be a problem at all We haven’t yet printed the outside cover of the invitations I will email you a concept of what that will look like before we change your order just to be sure, okay? 22 Have you completed the two projects I assigned you? (A) I'm leaving by at least five o'clock (B) Are they due already?* (C) They aren’t too expensive 41 What is the purpose of the call? (A) To discuss an order* (B) To purchase tickets (C) To suggest a change in an amount (D) To confirm an address 23 Don’t you want to bring your MP3 player? (A) The music is way too loud (B) No, the battery's low.* (C) I bought a CD player actually 24 Do you know the new manager's name? (A) I haven’t had a chance to meet him yet.* (B) They renamed the building (C) Sign right here please 42 What has the woman changed? (A) The delivery location of the order (B) The size of the order (C) The design of the order.* (D) The color of the order 43 What will the man next? (A) Make a guest list (B) Send an email* (C) Deliver the order (D) Print the cover 25 Could you direct me to the customer service department please? (A) That’s our return policy (B) Yes, a service contract is included (C) Take the elevator to the fifth floor.* Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation W: Hi, my name is Rona Abbott I live at Westboro Gates in apartment 510 My lease is set to expire at the end of this month I need to find out what procedures I need to take to move out of my apartment M: Alright, no problem First, we a thorough check for any damage that might have occurred to the apartment while you rented there Once we check that everything is alright, we will give you back your security deposit Then all you need Part Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation M: Hi, I’m calling in response to your email You said you had concerns about the invitations you ordered W: Yes, that’s right Well, I know we set the font size at twenty for the front cover But I was wondering if it was too late to try and get that changed to a size twenty four? I to is drop off any sets of keys you have for the apartment and that’s about it W: Well, I won’t be in town final week of my lease Is there any way I can drop the keys off to you before I leave town? M: Sure, you can put them in the drop box right next to the front door of the office any time community would like to know when the renovation will be completed They have had so many work stoppages over the last few weeks Why don’t you go and have a talk with some of the construction crew Dave Cowens is the foreman of the crew? They might be able to tell you more about the delays W: As a matter of fact, I have tried to speak to the construction crew The planners of this project are not allowing anyone to talk to the press at all or even enter the work site I have made several attempts to contact a few guys outside of work, but have failed 44 Who most likely is the man? (A) A bank manager (B) An apartment manager* (C) A former tenant (D) A maintenance worker 45 What does the man request the woman do? (A) Return the keys* (B) Cancel a reservation (C) Report damages (D) Sell some furniture 47 What are the speakers discussing? (A) A budget proposal (B) A news article* (C) Construction materials (D) A work schedule 46 Why is the woman unable to stop by the office? (A) She will be out of town * (B) She is starting a new job (C) She does not drive a car (D) She is moving across town 48 Who is Dave Cowens? (A) A crew foreman* (B) An administrative assistant (C) A newspaper editor (D) A department head Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation W: Good morning, Allen Did you by any chance take a look at the article I left on your desk? It’s the one about the new museum renovation It’s going on the front page of the community section in tomorrow’s edition M: Oh, yes, I did I thought it was pretty good But if I could suggest one thing, I think the people of the 49 Why has the woman been unable to reach Mr Cowens? (A) She didn’t have the correct telephone number (B) She has been busy with other assignments (C) No one is allowed on the site * (D) He has recently quit his job Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation M: Hi, Lindsey I’m trying to sign up for the management conferences in April The deadline is tomorrow morning and I’m trying to send the registration form by fax before I leave work soon Would you mind showing me how to operate this new fax machine? I haven’t had a chance to use it yet W: Oh, of course, it’d be my pleasure Let me finish typing this invoice and I will help you out I’ll give you a call when I’m done in about 10 minutes M: Thank you very much I'm surprised that they still want the forms mailed or faxed I think most people switched over to online registration years ago W: Yeah, I guess that is a little weird Well, at least the new fax machine is made by the same company, so it is very much like the old one following conversation M: Good afternoon, Alice I’m glad you could make it today Let’s step inside the factory and I will show you around It’s been pretty busy around here lately thanks in large part to your sales team’s work over the last quarter W: Honestly, if the designers had not come up with such a great concept, it would never have happened But on the production end, are you guys down here able to keep up with the added work load? M: I will be honest It has been a bit difficult Fortunately, with the second factory opening at the end of next month, we will have twice the production capacity We should be able to fill orders fine once that happens 50 What does the man request? (A) Directions to a conference (B) Help with a piece of equipment* (C) An updated financial report (D) Approval to leave work early 53 What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) A new design for a factory (B) A surplus of materials (C) An increase in orders* (D) Training schedules for new staff 51 What is the woman planning to next? (A) Locate some forms (B) Type an invoice* (C) Complete a project report (D) Order lunch for the office 54 What area does the woman work in? (A) Sales* (B) Marketing (C) Production (D) Design 52 What surprises the man? (A) The cost the conference (B) The woman’s response (C) The contents of a report (D) The process for registration* 55 What will happen at the end of next month? (A) A product will be redesigned (B) A marketing campaign will begin (C) A budget will be proposed (D) A new factory will open.* Questions 53 through 55 refer to the Part Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following talk I would like to thank everyone for coming out for the demonstration today My name is Willa Forte from Xerok Printers and I will be performing the demonstration of our new printer, the Print Maxx G11, this afternoon The new printer and its adjoining design program makes creating marketing materials easier than ever before With this machine you will be able to create professional quality advertisements, announcement posters, and other promotional materials at the touch of a button If you have any questions during the presentation, feel free to raise your hand Also before I start, I’d like to point out that you will receive a discount of 15% if you make an order today for the Print Maxx G11 (D) A reduced price* Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following telephone message Hi, Simon This is Derek Luke I wanted to call to say congratulations on the promotion All of us here on the design team are very excited that you are coming on board I assume you received David Anthony’s email about the design presentation planned for Friday morning Well, David has decided to move that meeting back until next Monday afternoon so that you can be introduced to the design crew first We would like to catch you up on all the latest projects we currently have going before we hold our next presentation Please come to the design offices early on Friday around o’clock 74 Why is the speaker congratulating Simon? (A) He published a new art book (B) He received a promotion at work * (C) He won a prestigious award (D) He led a successful marketing campaign 71 What will the speaker do? (A) Install some software (B) Demonstrate office equipment* (C) Repair a computer (D) Use of copier 72 What can the product be used for? (A) Creating promotional materials* (B) Designing office buildings (C) Teaching software design (D) Creating spreadsheets 75 What has David Anthony agreed to do? (A) Update a design budget (B) Develop a new portfolio (C) Approve a promotion (D) Reschedule a presentation* 73 What does the speaker say the listeners can receive? (A) Free installation (B) A personal training session (C) Free items 76 What will Simon probably on Friday morning? (A) Give a presentation (B) Meet team members* (C) Organize a meeting (D) Participate in a conference (D) Realtor 79 What is special about Garcia’s work? (A) His preparation method (B) His distinctive lines (C) His use of color* (D) His interest in recycled materials Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following introduction Good afternoon to everyone and welcome to the workshop and lecture on the latest trends in commercial design My name is Alex Tompkins and it is my pleasure to be your host today I’m also the president of Couture Design For this afternoon’s lecture I would like to introduce someone who I have known for quite some time and has been working in design for over twenty five years, Sergio Garcia Opening up cramped spaces and using color as a tool for changing the atmosphere and feel of a room is what has garnered him international recognition He has received praise from not only his peers in design but from artists from all walks of life Today, Sergio will be speaking to us about the creation of the now famous lobby at the Grand Marquis Hotel in Madrid, Spain No doubt his presentation will be inspiring and extremely informative Please enjoy Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following telephone message Good morning, Mr Jimenez This is Jennifer from What the Book I’m calling about the order you made with us last week The book you ordered, ‘Tiling Made Easy Book 3’ will not be reaching us today as we promised The publisher made a mistake and sent the previous addition, book two, rather than book three I have already contacted the publisher and they are sending the correct copy first thing tomorrow morning Would you like to wait for the book or would you rather receive a full refund on your purchase? Please get in touch with me and let me know what you would like to The number is 555-3003 I’ll be around until the store closes tonight at I’m very sorry for the inconvenience 77 Where does the introduction take place? (A) At a lecture series* (B) At an award ceremony (C) At a new employee meeting (D) At a press conference 80 What is the problem? (A) A book is out of print (B) A book was sent to the wrong store (C) The wrong book was shipped * (D) The book’s cover was damaged 78 Who is Sergio Garcia? (A) Construction manager (B) Designer* (C) Business financier 81 What action has the speaker already taken? (A) She lowered the total price (B) She updated an address list (C) She arranged for an overnight delivery (D) She requested that the correct book be sent * (A) Some employees were hired (B) Surveys were reviewed * (C) A manager let go an employee (D) The advertisement plan was finalized 82 When will the store close today? (A) At 2:00 pm (B) At 3:00 pm (C) At 5:00 pm (D) At 8:00 pm* 85 What will happen at the end of the week? (A) A team will be asked to lead (B) New managers will be hired (C) Employees will be trained (D) A budget will be submitted * Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following talk As many of you already know, I am the team leader of the group assembled to look at and possibly oversee the company’s budget over the next three years Today I wanted to give you all some feed back and let you know a little bit about what’s going on, things we have discovered, and what our next moves are At the group meeting last week, I went over every manager’s budget report and surveys asking about their department’s anticipated needs By the end of this week, I will submit a three-year budget for our entire process This includes training new employees, salaries, overheads, repairs, rent, and numerous other expenses 83 What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To generate employee morale (B) To request customer feedback (C) To announce the sale of the company (D) To give a status report* 84 What happened last week?

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2016, 16:04

