Công nghệ xử lý nước thải 1.1 NGUỒN NƯỚC THẢI Sau khi qua sử dụng, nước sạch bị nhiễm bẩn trở thành nước thải. Nước thải từ các khu dân cư phát sinh từ sinh hoạt hàng ngày của người dân nh
Southern Blot of Large DNA Fragments 31331326Southern Blot Analysis of Large DNA FragmentsNicole Porchet and Jean-Pierre Aubert1. IntroductionPulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has been used successfully to generatephysical maps of a large region from many genomes. In addition, PFGE is useful fordetermining the order of genes or markers more precisely than is possible with geneticlinkage analysis. Since a book in the Methods in Molecular Biology series (1) hasalready been devoted to this subject, the aim of this chapter is to give protocols thatwere successfully used in our laboratory for the human mucin genes. Whenever pos-sible, we refer to the relevant chapters of this book or other references in which strat-egies or techniques are discussed in detail.Some types of PFGE, including contour-clamped homogeneous electric field(CHEF) give excellent separations of a wide range of DNA fragments in straight lanes(2). The CHEF technique utilizes a hexagonal electrode array surrounding the gel. Thearray comprises two sets of driving electrodes oriented 120° apart. An electric poten-tial is periodically applied across each set for equal time intervals (the pulse time). TheDNA fragments reorient with each change in the electric field and zigzag through thegel, but the net direction is perfectly straight. This technique allows precise compari-son of the sizes of several fragments analyzed on the same gel. The results obtaineddepend on several factors including the electric field strength, the temperature, theagarose composition and concentration, the pulse time and the angle between alternat-ing electric fields. The results obtained with a given set of conditions can also beaffected by the particular apparatus used (3). We used a noncommercially built hex-agonal CHEF device (4).We used two windows of resolution in CHEF electrophoresis. Molecular size reso-lution optimal between 50 and 800 kb allowed us to study the organization of MUC2,MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 genes within a complex of genes mapped to 11p15.5(5) and to construct a detailed physical map of the MUC cluster. Molecular size reso-lution optimal between 400 and 3000 kb was useful to integrate and orientate this mapin the general physical map of 11p15.5 including HRAS, D11S150, and IFG2 refer-ence markers.From:Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 125: Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols: The MucinsEdited by: A. Corfield © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 314 Porchet and AubertEven when the chromosomal localization of a gene of interest is already known, itis not a simple matter to locate it precisely. Fortunately, in mammals at least, evolu-tion has selected unusual (G+C)-rich sequences at the 5' ends of most genes. Usuallythese sequences, named CpG islands, are nonmethylated whereas the remainder of thegenome is heavily methylated at CpG. Thus, these CpG sequences, which are genemarkers, can be located using certain types of rare cutting restriction endonucleases,thereby facilitating the mapping of genes. These enzymes have two important proper-ties: first, they recognize one or two CpGs in their restriction sites and second, cleav-age is blocked by methylation.When the source of DNA is cultured cell lines that have been established for a longtime, a variable degree of methylation may be expected even at CpG islands of nones-sential genes (6). It is therefore generally useful to choose multiple sources of genomicDNA for each study. In each DNA sample, a variable pattern of methylation of genesoccurs, and different and complex sets of fragments can be hybridized to the probesresulting from incomplete cleavages by rare cutters. The study of these partiallydigested fragments is very useful for construction of long-range maps because theymay allow some islands to be bridged, but they may also fail to detect other CpGislands. The choice of biological starting material is also dictated by the availability ofsuitable sources of DNA: fresh blood (circulating lymphocytes), lymphoblastoid orfibroblast cell lines.2. MaterialsIn our study we used three lymphoblastoid cell lines, including the Karpas 422 cellline, one erythroblastoid cell line K 562 (CCL243), one breast epithelial cell line HBL100 (HTB124) and normal human circulating lymphocytes from one individual.Karyotype and characteristics of each source of DNA are described in ref. 5. Somecell lines were cultured either in the absence or in the presence of 5-azacytidine asmethylation inhibitor.1. RPMI 1640 medium (Gibco-BRL).2. J Prep medium (J. Bio, Les Ullis, France).3. Low melting point agarose (Bio-Rad).4. Lysis buffer: 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0, 1% sarcosyl, and 100 µg /mL proteinase K.5. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.0, 1 mM EDTA.6. Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF) (Sigma).7. Restriction enzymes: AscI, SacI, KspI, PacI (Biolabs); NotI, BssHII, NarI, MluI, NruI,SwaI, SpeI, SspI, ClaI, PvuII (Boehringer Mannheim).8. Spermidine (Sigma).9. 10X TBE stock solution: 890 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 890 mM boric acid, and 2.5 mM EDTA.10. CHEF apparatus (noncommercial apparatus [4]).11. Size markers: λ4-phage concatemers and chromosomes of S. cerevisiae (225-2200 kband chromosomes from Saccharomyces pombe (3.5, 4.6, and 5.7 Mb) (Bio-Rad).12. Ethidium bromide (Sigma).13. Neutralizing buffer; 0.5 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 3 M NaCl.14. 20X sodium dodecyl sulfate (SSC) buffer: Dissolve 175 g of NaCl and 82.2 g oftrisodiumcitrate dihydrate per liter. Adjust to pH 7.0. Southern Blot of Large DNA Fragments 31515. Hybond™ N+ membrane (Amersham ).16. 5X Denhardt’s solution (Appligene).17. Dextran sulfate (Pharmacia).18. Sheared herring sperm DNA (Sigma).3. Methods3.1. Preparation of DNATo generate intact restriction fragments of up to several megabases from mamma-lian genomes, the DNA must be protected from shearing forces during its preparation.Whole intact cells are thus embedded in a solid matrix of agarose gel prior to DNAextraction and enzyme cleavage (7,8).3.1.1. Human Blood1. Dilute 20 mL of fresh blood collected in citrate tubes with RPMI 1640 medium (v:v) andseparate lymphocytes on J Prep medium and wash with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)buffer.3.1.2. Cultured Cells1. Harvest cells from culture.2. Suspend cells three times in 1X PBS at 37°C to be washed.3. Pellet the cells by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min, and resuspend at a concentrationof 3.5 × 107/mL in 1X PBS at 4°C.3.1.3. Embedding Cells in Agarose Blocks1. Dilute the cell suspension with an equal volume of 1% low melting point agarose dis-solved in PBS and held at 50°C.2. Mix by gentle inversion: do not allow bubbles to form.3. Dispense into plastic molds that have the same dimensions as the gel comb (80 µL, approx106cells or 10 µg of DNA).4. Leave the agarose blocks to set on ice for 30 min.5. Incubate 20 agarose blocks in two changes of 5 mL of lysis buffer in a sterile plastic tubeat 50°C for 24 h.6. Decant the agarose plugs into sterile tubes and wash once with 5 mL of 1X TE buffer (10 mMTris-HCl, pH 7.0, 1 mM EDTA) and twice with 5 mL of 1X TE buffercontaining 0.04 mg/mLof PMSF dissolved in isopropanol, at 50°C for 30 min. The DNA is ready to be digestedwith restriction enzymes (see Note 1).3.2. Restriction Enzyme Digestion (see Notes 2 and 3)3.2.1. Restriction Enzyme Digestion of Plugs1. For restriction enzymes, choose enzymes according to the sites they recognize:a. (G+C) rich sites included in CpG islands: NotI, AscI (Group I); BssHII, SacI, KspI(Group II);b. those independant of the presence of CpG islands: NarI (Group III), MluI, NruI (GroupIV), orc. (A+T)-rich sites: SwaI, SpeI, SspI, PacI, ClaI, PweI.2. For enzyme digestion, use 25 U of enzyme at 37°C except for BssHII (50°C); add BSA toenzyme buffers (10 µL pf a 1 mg/mL solution) when MluI, NotI, or NruI is used; add 316 Porchet and Aubertspermidine (5 µL of a 100 mM spermidine solution) when digestion is performed withKspI, NotI, NruI.3. Incubate each agarose block just before digestion in 5 mL 1X TE buffer, pH 7.6, for 20min. Repeat this procedure twice to eliminate EDTA.4. Perform each digestion on one half block (40 µL) containing 5 µg of DNA. Transfer theplugs to individual Eppendorf tubes and add 400 µL of appropriate 1X restriction bufferfor 30 min at 4°C.5. Replace the buffer with fresh buffer including BSA or spermidine as specified, the finalvolume being 100µl.6. Add enzyme and incubate for 4 h.7. For complete digestion, add again 25 U of enzyme and incubate overnight.8. Obtain partial enzyme digests by including variable MgCl2concentrations (from 0.3 to10 mM) in the digestion buffer and/or using variable amounts of restriction enzyme (from0.5 to 25 U).9. Stop digestion by washing three times in agarose half-blocks in 5 mL of cold 1X TEbuffer, pH7.6, for 1 h at 4°C prior to loading into the gel. Test each DNA preparation forabsence of nuclease activity by incubating a block in standard conditions without restric-tion enzyme.3.2.2. Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis1. Prepare an agarose gel at the required concentration (typically low melting point agarose1%) in 0.25X TBE buffer (starting from 10X TBE stock solution).2. Equilibrate blocks in running buffer and push the blocks into the slots in the gel. Sealeach slot with low melting point agarose at an agarose concentration equivalent to that ofthe running gel.3. Run the gel in a CHEF apparatus at a constant temperature of 12°C (use a recirculatingpump) (10).4. Program the switching device and constant voltage power supply.a. Molecular size resolution optimal between 50 and 800 kb: pulse time of 50 s for 16 h,30 s for 8 h, and then 80 s for 16 h, constant voltage 190 V.b. Molecular size resolution optimal between 700 and 3000 kb: pulse time of 30 s for 8d and then 5 min for 2 d, constant voltage 80 V.5. Size markers: λ4 phage concatemers and chromosomes of S. cerevisiae (225–2200 kb)for conditions in step 4a (50–800 kb); these and chromosomes from S. pombe (3.5, 4.6,and 5.7 Mb) for conditions in step 4b (700–3000 kb) (10).3.2.3. Southern Blotting of PFGE DNA (seeNote 4)1. After electrophoresis, stain the gel for 15 min in 4 µg/mL of ethidium bromide (see Note4) with constant shaking, destain in water for 40 min, and photograph using a transillumi-nator with fluorescent rulers.2. Because large DNA fragments are not efficiently transferred onto membranes, DNA frag-ments separated by PFGE must be cleaved by depurination before Southern blotting (10).Perform depurination by putting the gel in 500 mL of 0.25 N HCl for 15 min at roomtemperature. Denature the DNA by putting the gel twice in 1.5 M of NaCl and 0.5 N ofNaOH for 30 min.3. Then, neutralize the gel by two 30-min treatments with 0.5 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 and 3 MNaCl at room temperature for 30 min.4. Transfer the DNA by capillary blotting using 20 X SSC as transfer solution for at least 24 h, oralternately, for 4 h under vacuum. In our study, Hybond N+membrane (Amersham) was used. Southern Blot of Large DNA Fragments 3175. Carefully remove the blotting papers. Mark the location of the wells and the orientationof the membrane. Rinse briefly in 2X SSC. Dry the membrane on an absorbent paper(Whatman 3MM). Fix the DNA onto the membrane by baking in an oven at 80°C for 10min under vacuum and then ultraviolet (UV) crosslinking with UV light for 124 mJ in aUV oven.3.2.4. Radioactive Probing of PFGE BlotsRadiolabeling is the preferred method of probing because the detection sensitivityof PFGE blots is lower than that of conventional Southern blots. In our study, humanmucin probes used corresponded to cDNA probes from tandem repeats (11–17).1. Perform prehybridization at 65°C for at least 2 h in 6X SSC, 5X Denhardt’s, and 0.5%sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).2. Then hybridize the membranes with the same buffer in which 10% dextran sulfate and500 µg/mL of sheared herring sperm DNA are added, at 65°C overnight. Use probes at 3× 106cpm/mL and 2.5 × 106cpm/lane.3. Wash membranes twice at 65°C in 0.1 X SSC, 0.1% SDS for 15 min.4. Perform autoradiography at –80°C for 24 h to 2 wk (several days in the case of repetitivemucin probes, 1 or 2 wk in the case of other probes corresponding to unique sequences).5. To remove the probe, wash the filter twice in a 0.1% SDS boiling solution, rinse in waterat room temperature, and check for probe removal by autoradiography.3.2.5. Data InterpretationConstruction of long-range restriction maps involves sequential hybridization ofeach blot with probes from different genes or markers to assess whether any of theprobes recognize the same DNA fragments (18). To do this accurately, all the autora-diographs must be perfectly aligned with each other, and therefore the precise positionof each lane must be marked starting from the corresponding well.The fact that certain probes cohybridize with one DNA fragment suggests that thegenes or markers they recognize are physically linked. However, it is necessary toestablish that a physical linkage exists between markers, and that the markers do notrecognize distinct DNA fragments of similar size that comigrate. Confirmation can beeasily made by the fact that a great number of different pieces of information areavailable from several PGFE blots:1. estimation of the size of the hybridizing fragments,2. existence of fragments corecognized by several markers,3. similarities or differences observed comparing complete/partial or single/combined digestions,4. analysis of several sources of DNA,5. identification of CpG islands. (CpG islands surrounding a marker are identified when,whatever the combination of [G+C]-rich site rare cutting enzyme is used, the same frag-ments are constantly detected.)The results obtained from PFGE blots are generally more difficult to interpret thanthose obtained from conventional Southern blots. The hybridization patterns are usu-ally complex because the majority of enzymes used are methylation sensitive, givingrise to incomplete digestion. Thus, the bands are rarely seen as sharp and discrete bands,and, in most cases, the most informative fragments are not seen as the major bands. 318 Porchet and AubertFrom the combined data, a long-range restriction map should be constructed based on themost informative fragments. In our work, studying the organization of MUC genes in a clusterof mucin genes mapped to 11p15.5, analysis of digestions performed with (A+T)-rich site rarecutting enzymes (SwaI, PacI, ClaI) was very useful to initiate the construction of the map.4. Notes1. The washes once with 5 mL of 1X TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.0, 1 mM of EDTA)and twice with 5 mL of 1X TE buffer containing 0.04 mg/mL of PMSF serve to removesarcosyl and to inhibit proteinase K. The DNA is ready to be digested with restrictionenzymes or transferred to 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0, for storage at 4°C (several years).Fig. 1. Organization of the MUC cluster located on 11p15.5. CHEF analysis of DNA frag-ments cleaved by MluI from this source of DNA (170 lymphoblastoid cell line) was useful todetermine the restriction map of the MUC cluster and the relative location of the four genes:(probe A) MUC6, (probe B) MUC2, (probe C) MUC5AC, and (probe D) MUC5B. MluI rec-ognizes variably methylated (G+C)-rich sites which are independent of the presence of CpGislands. Enzymes belonging to this group of rare cutting enzymes generate numerous fragmentsuseful to join the markers. In this figure, fragments from 900 kb to 420 kb (I) are common to thefour MUC genes, indicating that the MUC cluster spans between 420 and 370 kb. Fragments IIare common to MUC6, MUC2, and MUC5AC, but not to MUC5B (specific fragments V). Thisindicates that MUC5B is situated at one end of the MUC cluster. The presence of fragmentsspecific to MUC6 (III) is helpful in locating MUC6 to the other end of the cluster. The fact thatsimilar sets of short fragments (IV) were obtained with MUC2 and MUC5AC probes indicatesthat these two genes are adjacent and situated in the central part of the MUC cluster. Southern Blot of Large DNA Fragments 3192. All the restriction enzymes used for PFGE analysis produce large DNA fragments becausethey cut at recognition sites that occur rarely in mammalian genome. Two classes ofenzyme are available: (1) enzymes recognizing (G+C)-rich sequences found in CpGislands and enzymes recognizing rare sites (eight or more nucleotides), independent ofthe presence of CpG islands, and (2) those recognizing (A+T)-rich sites (19). The firstclass of enzymes usually generates complex patterns of fragments revealed by the probes(Fig. 1) whereas the second class of enzymes are not affected by methylation and pro-duces simpler patterns (Fig. 2). Enzymes must be chosen from both of these two classes.The first class of enzymes is useful to construct the map around each marker or genestudied by the probe. The second class of enzymes allows production of continuous frag-ments that join several genes. The first class of enzymes is divided into several subclassesdepending on the length and G+C content of the site, and the specificity to CpG islands(19). In our study, we used the following panel of enzymes:a. NruI was useful to obtain very large DNA fragments.b. NotI was useful for obtaining many large or medium partial fragments.c. ClaI, MluI, and BssHII allowed us to obtain medium-size complex patterns of bands.Fig. 2. Organization of the MUC cluster located on 11p15.5. CHEF analysis of DNA frag-ments cleaved by SwaI from two cell lines, one erythroblastoid cell line (K 562, lane A) andone lymphoblastoid cell line (170, lane B). SwaI recognizes (A+T)-rich sites, and cleavage bythis enzyme is not affected by methylation of DNA. Simple PFGE patterns were obtained thatclearly indicate that MUC6 and MUC2 are adjacent and situated on a common 180-kb fragmentwhereas MUC5AC and MUC5B are separated from these two genes and are situated on anothercommon fragment that is 220 kb in length. 320 Porchet and Aubertd. PacI and SwaI gave simple patterns of medium-size fragments useful for determiningbridges in parts of the map, when used alone or in combined digestions.3. A double restriction enzyme digestion procedure may be done as two consecutive steps ofcomplete digestion, each step in the appropriate buffer.4. Ethidium bromide is not added to DNA before electrophoresis because it is thought tomodify the migration of DNA.AcknowledgmentsThe methods described here were developed with the help of Veronique Guyonnet-Duperat (20) and Pascal Pigny (21). The authors thank Dr. Alexander S. Hill, Dr.Wendy S. Pratt, and Dr. Dallas Swallow (The Galton Laboratory MRC London) forfurther discussions, encouragement, and support and Dr. J. P. Kerckaert and S.Galiègue-Zouitina (U.124 INSERM, Lille) for the help and use of their PFGE appara-tus. Support was received from l’Association de Recherche sur le Cancer, the Comitédu Nord de la Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer.References1. Burmeister, M. (1992) Strategies for mapping large regions of mammalian genomes, inPulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis : Protocols, Methods and Theories, Methods in Molecu-lar Biology, vol. 12 (Burmeister, M., and Vlanovsky, L., eds.), Humana, Totowa, NJ pp.259–284.2. Chu, G., Vollrath, D., and Davis, R. W. (1986) Separation of large DNA molecules bycoutour clamped homogeneous electric fields. Science 234, 1582–1585.3. Vollrath, D. 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