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GA tieng anh 10CB - Unit 10

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Unit 10: Conservation Date of preraring : Date of teaching : Period: 60 lesson 1: reading • I/ Stabilization • II/ objectives - Students can understand the content of the text " Conservation" by answering some questions in textbook. - They can use their new words about Conservation to say the text easily • III/ method - integrated, mainly communicative - Teaching aids: coloured chalks, handouts, mini- board, pictures. • IV/ procedure Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Warm-up & Lead-in (6ms) - Would you like to play a game ? - Divides class into two groups and asks them to do the task by answering some questions in two mins at their seats. After that selects one student at random to fill in the gaps of the game * Brain storming: Questions: 1. What are some Environmental problems ? 2. Tells some solutions to protect environment ? * Gives feedback 1. - (C)The extinction of plants and animals - (A) Forest fire - (B) Floods - (D) Pollution 2. Planting trees, preventing global warming, safeguarding and preserving the natural resources. ☞ Today, we shall learn how to protect animals, plants in natural environment (Conservation) 2. Pre-Reading (10ms) - Hangs some pictures about animals, the zoo or a forest on the board and asks some questions. 1. Could you tell me what they are ? 2. Could you tell me where they are ? 3. Have you ever visited one of them ? - Work in groups, after 2 minus anybody in each group fill in the gaps on the board - Put the suitable words into the empty boxes! - Answer the question 2 of the teacher. - Listen - Look at the pictures and answer some questions of the 1 The extinction of (C) plants and animals (A) Forest fire (D) (B) Environmental problems 4. What animals are you interested in ? 5. Should we protect animals and forests ? * Gives feedback 1. They are an elephant, a monkey. 2. They are in the forest or in the zoo. 3. Yes. 4. Either monkey or elephant 5. Yes, we do * Task 1 - Asks Ss to read in silence the text and underline the strange words * Teaches Vocabulary - loss of forest : Sự mất rừng - destroy (v) - destruction (n) - constant supply (of water) : Sự cung cấp nớc thờng xuyên - Hydroelectric dam: Đập ngăn nớc - circulation (n): sự thông thoáng nớc - run-off : chảy trôi đi - valuable soil: đất quí giá - Rapid run-off : sự thoát nớc nhanh - damage(n): sự thiệt hại (v): làm hại, gây tổn hại - clean up: xoá sạch - worsen(v): làm trở nên tồi tệ hơn - nature's defence: bảo vệ thiên nhiên * Trains the speech for Ss * Task 2 - Gives handouts and asks Ss to fill in the gaps (word-form). They work in group - Goes around to help Ss Noun Verb Noun Adjective 1. protect A. damage 2. destroy B. environment 3. pollution C. sick 4. damage D. industry 5. conservation E. valuable 6. disappearance disappear F. natural * Gives feedback 1. protection A. damaging 2. destruction B. environmental 3. pollute C. sickness 4. damage D. industrial 5. conserve E. value F. nature * Trains the speech for Ss teacher. (individuals) - Work in pairs before class - Read in silence the text and underline the strange words - Take notes - Train the speech chorus and individuals - Work in pairs to fill in the gaps - Complete task 2 on the board (2 groups) - Train the speech chorus and individuals 3. While-Reading (14ms) * Task 3 - Asks Ss to scan the text and take out some phrases relating new words in column A (Task 1 page 105) * Goes around to help Ss * Gives feedback: 1. C 2.A 3. D 4. B * Task 4 - Work individuals and then compare with their friends' results - Practise in pairs to learn by heart some definitions - Read in silence and find information in the text to decide 2 - Asks Ss to read the text in silence and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F) (Task 2 page 106) * Gives feedback: 1. F 2.T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F * Task 5 - Asks Ss to work in group to find the topic sentence for each paragraph - Where is the topic sentence often put in each paragraph ? - Where is the main idea for each paragraph often put ? - What are topic sentences for three paragraphs * Gives feedback: - Par. A: many of those plants and animals could be used as medicines against cancer, AIDS, heart disease and many other sicknesses - Par. B: Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. - Par. C: The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad. What can each of us do ? * Task 6 - Asks Ss to choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph (Task 3 page 106) * Gives feedback: - Par. A: Forests give us a lot of valuable things - Par. B: We cannot live without water - Par. C: Let's do something to save the earth whether they are T or F - Work in groups and answer the question - The topic sentence is often put at the beginning , in the middle or at the end for each paragraph - It is often put in the topic sentence. - Work in groups to do the task 3 page 106 4. Post-Reading (10ms) * Task 7 - Asks Ss to ask & answer some questions in textbook (page 106) - Goes around to help Ss complete their exercises * Gives feedback: 1. The loss of much forests is destroying the earth. 2. Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. Farmers need water for their crops. 3. We should stop polluting rivers and seas and stop the disappearance of plants and animals. * Task 8 - Base on some questions above to say again Conservation - Goes around to help Ss complete their exercises * Gives feedback: - Work in pairs and then practise before class - Work in groups - Present their results 5. Consolidation & Homework (5ms) - Summarizes the lesson - Write a paragraph about ( 50 words ) what we should do to conserve our natural environment , using some clues + We should: recycle paper, bottles and clothes, protect tropical rainforests, plant more trees, save water and energy + We shouldn't : throw away paper, bottles and clothes, destroy tropical rainforests, cut down trees, waste water and energy - Asks Ss to prepare Speaking Unit 10: Conservation 3 Date of preraring : Date of teaching : Period: 61 lesson 2: speaking • I/ Stabilization • II/ objectives - Students are able to present the safeguarding of the wildlife such as building wildlife preserves - Ss are able to ask and answer some questions about conservation naturally • III/ method - integrated, mainly communicative - Teaching aids: coloured chalks, handouts, mini- board, pictures IV/ procedurE Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Lead-in (6ms) * Gives handouts and ask Ss to classify animals the following categories * Gives feedback (1) horse, sheep, pig, hen, fish (2) cat, dog, fish, cat (3) elephant, monkey, tiger, snake, lion, tortoise, panda Questions: 1. Have you been to the zoo? 2. Have you ever seen all of these animals? 3. What animals are in danger? 2. Pre-Speaking (10ms) • Task 1 - Asks Ss to read the passage A and B in textbooks and answer questions. - Goes around to help Ss - Explains some difficult words + Sensitive (adj) + breed (n) + be imprisoned + gorilla (n) + Will (n) + reconstruct(v) - Gets Ss to repeat the vocab. * Gives feedback 1. It is used to provide as natural an environment as natural as possible for the animals - Work in group, write answers down the paperboards, after 2 minus groups hang their answers on the board. - Answer three questions - Read passages and answer questions.(Work in pairs) - Repeat - Work in pairs before class 4 horse, elephant, monkey, sheep, pig, hen, tiger, snake, cat, fish, lion, tortoise, panda, dog animals (1) Farm animal s . (2) Pets (3) Wild & zoo animals . 2. - the place where endangered species can develop - animals can live in natural environment - they are not the place where animals are imprisoned • Task 2 - Gets Ss to read the requirements in Task 2 for agreeing or dis agreeing * Gives feedback : yes, no, yes, yes, yes 3. While-Speaking (14ms) • Task 3 - Gets Ss to work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind Advantages Disadvantages - the conditions the animals are in - the animals that people can visit - animals can do what they want to - animals may feel happier and better - the money spent on reconstructions of the animals natural environment - the dangers that the keepers may have - Asks Ss to give more advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind by making conversation P 1: I think zoos of the new kind are very good for animals P 2 : I am able to agree with you more. But it is very expensive to reconstruct animals natural environment P 1: I suppose you are right. However, animals in the zoos of the new kind can live better. P 2 : Perhaps you are right. 4. Post- Speaking (10ms) • Task 4 - Gets Ss to work in groups to report the views of advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind - Gives praise for the best report - Read the requirements in Task 2 for agreeing or dis agreeing - Work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind, using the suggestions - Work in pairs to say more advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind - Work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind. - After 6mins, call somebody at random to report their group's views 5. Consolidation & Homework (5ms) - Summarizes the lesson - Suggests that Ss should write a short paragraph about building wildlife preserves - Asks Ss to prepare Listening. Unit 10: Conservation 5 Date of preraring : Date of teaching : Period: 62 lesson 3: listening • I/ Stabilization • II/ objectives - Students listen and list events - Ss listen, understand and hold forest fires clearly - Ss listen and choose the best idea for each paragraph. • III/ method - integrated, mainly communicative - Teaching aids: coloured chalks, handouts, mini- board, pictures, cassette player and tape • IV/ procedurE Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Lead-in (5ms) - Introduces some pictures of forest fire and asks questions 1. What do you see in the picture? 2. Did they destroy wildlife? 2. Pre-Listening (10ms) - Asks Ss to discuss to give out causes which happen a forest fire - Gives handouts and asks Ss to fill in the gaps * Gives feedback - Teaches new vocab. + Forester (n) + Forest fire + campfire + awful (adj) + heap (n) - Gets Ss to repeat the vocab. 3. While- Listening (17ms) • Task 1 - Gets Ss to guess the order of events - Turns on the cassette player twice - Turns on the cassette player again for Ss to check * Gives feedback - In order : 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 • Task 2 - Asks questions: 1. Does the forest fire spread quickly? 2. Is it easy to cause fire in late Autumn? 3. What will happen if people leave a campfire burning near a heap of leaves? 4. May a forest fire make our life more difficult? 5. Is each of us responsible for not causing a forest fire ? - Look at pictures and answer questions - Discuss in pairs and give out causes which happen a forest fire - Repeat - Do the requirements - Listen to the tape twice and compare with their classmates' rerults - Listen to the tape again to check 1. Yes 2. No. in late Summer. 3. A forest fire will be happenied 6 causes of forest fire ashes , broken glasses mars h gases lightening , pollen, campfire - Aks Ss to guess and choose T or F for Task 2 - Turns on the cassette player * Gives feedback 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.T 5. F - Suggests giving choice - Asks questions: Why do you think it's True/Fasle? • Task 3 - Gets Ss to guess the sentences they hear - Turns on the cassette player - Goes around to check and help - Turns on the cassette player again * Gives feedback 1. B 2.A 3.B 4. Post- Listening (8ms) • Task 4 - Gets Ss to work in groups to say how a forest fire may start and what every camper ought to remember - Goes around to check and help - Calls anybody at random to present her/ his talk - Gives praise for the best report 4. Yes 5. Yes - Do the requirements - Listen to the tape again to check - Explain their choice - Read the requirements in Task 3 for choosing the correct sentences. - Listen to the tape again and check - Work in groups - Say out before class (individuals) 5. Consolidation & Homework (5ms) - Summarizes the lesson - Suggests that Ss should write a brief paragraph about how a forest fire may start and what every camper ought to remember - Asks Ss to prepare Writing. Unit 10: Conservation Date of preraring : Date of teaching : Period: 63 lesson 4: writing • I/ Stabilization • II/ objectives - Students understand the content and language used in a letter of invitation - Ss write a letter of invitation by using suggested situation • III/ method - integrated, mainly communicative - Teaching aids: coloured chalks, handouts, mini- board, pictures IV/ procedurE Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Lead-in (5ms) 7 - Gets Ss to fill in the gap - T: Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight ? - Ss : No, thanks. - Could you give me another way of inviting ? • Lead to the lesson: Today we're going to learn how to write a letter of invitation 2. Pre-Writing (10ms) - Gets Ss to brainstorm some sentence structures of invitation • Task 1 - Shows two paper-boards (1-A & 2-B) - Has Ss do Task 1 orally. - Gets Ss to give out their results. * Gives feedback 1.c 2.f/h 3.a 4. g/d 5.h/f 6.d/g 7.e 8.b - Asks Ss to read the whole sentence S 1: Why don't you . S 2: join us in this trip ? / sing us a VNese song ? - Gets Ss to look back some sentences which have been just completed and fill the forms in the table. - Goes around to check and help (1) Would you like . to infinitive (2) Are you free . to infinitive (3) Why don't you/ we . bare infinitive (4) Shall we . bare infinitive (5) Can /Could you . bare infinitive (6) Let's . bare infinitive (7) Do you feel like . V- ing (8) How / What about . V- ing • Task 2 - Gets Ss to scan task 2 and underline new vocab. (if necessary) - Hangs 2 paperboards of 3 letter in the textbook - Divides class into groups - Gives each group 7 flashcards with 7 expressions of invitation (5 right, 2 wrong) - Asks representatives of 2 groups to go to the board and stick the flashcards on the gaps at the same time. - Look at pictures - Work in pairs to practice the dialogue - Would you like to have a cake or ice-sream? - Practice the invitation with tearcher - Phone, write a letter, - Do the requirements (individuals) - Work in pairs - Individuals - Work in pairs from 1 to 8 - Work individually - Read the requirements of Task 2 - Work in groups - Some representatives go to the board and stick the flashcards 8 • Waitress: ________ to have a cake or ice-cream ? • The girl: ice-cream, please. * Gives feedback 1. Would you like / Are you free 2. Would you like / Are you free 3. Can you - Why don't we / Shall we 3. While- Writing (15ms) • Task 3 - Asks Ss to use the cues in the textbooks to write a letter of invitation - Gets Ss to write on paperboards - Goes around and checks Ss’work. 4. Post- Writing (10ms) - Selects the writing of one group at random and hangs it on the board to correct - Gives praise for the best writing Dear Lam, We haven't met since you moved. I miss you a lot. We are both having some days off between the two terms soon. If you haven't made any other plans, Why don't we spend a weekend together ? Do you feel like visiting the forest near my grandparents' home again ? It looks quite different now because very many young trees have been planted at the Tree- Planting Festivals. Do come if you find it possible and I'll make all the preparations then. Give my love to your parents. Your friend, Nam - Write a letter of invitation on paperboards (Work in groups of 4) - Correct the writing with the teacher - Take notes 5. Consolidation & Homework (5ms) - Summarizes the lesson - Suggests that Ss should write a letter to invite his/ her friend to go to his/her birthday party. - Asks Ss to prepare Language Focus. 9 Unit 10: Conservation Date of preraring : Date of teaching : Period: 64 lesson 5: Language Focus • I/ Stabilization • II/ objectives - Help sts master pronunciation & some grammatical points and apply them into communication. 1. Pronunciation: Distinguish and pronounce exactly two consonant sounds /b/ and /p/. 2. Grammar: Review how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence fluently • III/ method - integrated, mainly communicative - Teaching aids: coloured chalks, handouts, mini- board, pictures • IV/ procedurE Teacher's activities Students' activities * A/ PRONUNCIATION: (10ms) 1. Lead-in - Divides class into 2 groups & gives out some words - Asks Ss to rearrange to be a meaningful sentence 1/ 2/ * Gives feedback 1. Bac bought a beautiful black bear to his brother. 2. Please, put the passport into your pocket, Poppy. - Reads a loud these above sentences to distiguish two consonant sounds /b/ and /p/ and leads to the new lesson 2. Pre- Practice - Reads two consonant sounds /b/ and /p/ and helps sts distinguish how to pronounce them in Vietnamese. - Reads all the words in sts’ books. 3. While- Practice - Asks sts to repeat. - Asks sts to read chorally. - Calls some to read aloud → corrects. - Asks sts to find out and underline words containing sound /b/ , circle words containing sound /p/ - Calls some to read sentences→ corrects. 4. Post- Practice - Divides the class into 2 groups with 2 sts on the bb. - Reads 10 words.(all sts write) - Gives comments. - Works in groups (2) - Look at these words and do the requirement. - Read aloud two sentences - Listen - Listen - Repeat. - Read chorally. - Read aloud. - Look and underline , circle - Read aloud. - Go to the bb. 10 black Bac a his beautiful bear to brother bought pocket put the Please into your , passport Poppy [...]... 3 While- Practice • Exercise 2 - Explains Exercise 2 - Goes around to check and help * Gives feedback 1 came - had started - were 2 is standing - is being photographed 3 have been told 4 was being laid - decided not to come 5 will be planted ? 4 Post- Practice • Exercise 3 - Divides class into 2 groups - Gives each group 14 flashcards with 14 answers (10 right, 4 wrong) - Work individually - Write... GRAMMAR: (30ms) - Work in groups with the paperboard 1 Lead-in - Divides class into 2 groups , using the picture to make sentences as many as possible If any group has more sentences than another one, it will win the game - Gives feed back and leads to the new lesson - Work individually - Give their answers 2 Pre- Practice • Exercise 1 - Explains Exercise 1 - Goes around to check and help - Gives comments... on the board - Work in groups - Some representatives go to the board and stick the flashcards 11 Ex: 1 was organized (right) 3 was met (wrong) - Asks representatives of 2 groups to go to the board and stick the flashcards on the gaps of the passage at the same time 5 Consolidation & Homework (5ms) - Summarizes the lesson - Find the words having the vowels /b/ - /p/ in the exercise 1, 2, 3 - Change into... not invited 5 are being built - Asks Ss to fill in the form of passive voice - Work in pairs - Fill in the table - Take notes Tenses Active voice Passive voice 1 S Present 2 Pre Cont 3 Pre.Perfect 4 S Past 5 Past Per 6 S Future 7 Modal verbs S+V S + Be + V- ing S + has/have + p.p S + V_ ED/ cét thø 2 S + had + p.p S + will/shall + V-infi Can/Could + V-infi May/Might + V-infi S + Be + p.p S + Be + Being... vowels /b/ - /p/ in the exercise 1, 2, 3 - Change into passive a Nobody has used this room for ages b My mother wrote this article yesterday c Readers can borrow books from our library - Asks Ss to prepare Unit 1 1- Reading 12 . invitation 2. Pre-Writing (10ms) - Gets Ss to brainstorm some sentence structures of invitation • Task 1 - Shows two paper-boards (1-A & 2-B) - Has Ss do. comments. - Works in groups (2) - Look at these words and do the requirement. - Read aloud two sentences - Listen - Listen - Repeat. - Read chorally. - Read

Ngày đăng: 11/06/2013, 01:26

