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VOCABULARY : CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY Exercise Which prefix forms the opposite of these words happy → friendly → reliable → kind → flexible → honest → sensitive → pleasant → Exercise How would you describe the person in each of these descriptions? He never bought me a drink all the time we were together? _ I have to tell her what to every minute of the working day She wouldn’t open a window without someone’s permission _ He often promise to things but half the time he forgets _ She’s always her on time _ I don’t think he’s done any work since he’s been here _ She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers _ He could work in any of the departments, and it doesn’t matter to him if he is on his own or part of a team _ One of the great things about her is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel _ Bob, on the other hand, is the complete opposite He is always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings _ 10 The other thing about Bob is that he really wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss for the whole department _ Exercise Fill in the gap with a suitable word At work, James _across as serious and a bit boring, but outside of work he’s completely different; he’s really good _ It’s important to _a good impression on your first day in a new job I’m sure he can find the place; he just needs to use his common _ Meeting new people doesn’t worry her; she’s a very self- _young woman It’s hard to know what Sam thinks – he doesn’t really _his feelings Do you think _impressions are very important? I I always have a laugh with my cousin – he’s got a great sense of _ She is so _-minded; she can’t accept any ideas different from her own Exercise What nouns can be formed from these adjectives? punctual → reliable → confident → ambitious → sensitive → flexible → optimistic → lazy → generous → stupid → strong → shy → Exercise Circle the correct word in each sentence When her bicycle was stolen, Jill became extremely angry/nervous Peter felt ashamed/embarrassed when he had to make a speech I always write thank-you letters, just to be gentle/polite You never anything to help me! You’re so lazy/tired Penny never does anything silly She’s very sensible/sensitive The children had to stay in the house all day and felt bored/tired Jackie doesn’t worry about anything and is always cheerful/sympathetic Mr Jackson is very annoyed/bad-tempered and often shouts at people When he heard about the accident, Alan was very damaged/upset 10 I’ve got an important exam tomorrow and I’m a bit jealous/nervous Exercise Complete each sentence with one of the verbs from the box Use each verb once only cheer complain cry nod shake his head shout smile whistle Please look at the camera and Say “cheese”! High School for Gifted Students - HNUE If you agree with what I say, just The food in that restaurant was terrible so we decided to I had to Ann’s name three times before she heard me The little boy fell over and then started to At the end of the President’s speech, the crowd began to Paul hardly every says “no” He tends to instead When I try to I put my lips together but I can’t it! Exercise Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in italics You can’t rely on Joe He is very Carla has very little patience She’s very Jack shows no interest in this subject He’s Pat is lacking in honesty She’s Bill doesn’t act like a friend He’s Lisa doesn’t have much experience of this work She’s Peter never acts politely He’s The official did not help us very much She was Graham doesn’t consider other people He’s 10 Ann refused to co-operate with the police She was Exercise Complete each sentence with an adjective from the box Use each adjective once only ashamed fascinating annoyed glad disappointed jealous exhausted terrified When her team lost the cup final, Sue felt very I was when Jack accepted my invitation to dinner but didn’t come Mark was when he saw smoke coming from the plane’s engine Thanks for your letter I’m to hear that you’re feeling better David was to tell his parents that he had been sent to prison After running for fifteen kilometers, Zara felt completely Helen felt when she saw her boyfriend talking to another girl Mrs Hobson told us about her life She’s a person Exercise Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the phrases from the box are fond of fancy fed up with get on my nerves give up let me down longing for put me off I’m really looking forward to a few weeks’ holiday! Sarah has decided to without eating chocolate I wanted to study biology, but my teacher discouraged me Sports programmes on television really annoy me Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening? Why can’t you tell the truth? I’m tired of your excuses! Terry and I like going for walks in the country George agreed to help me, but then disappointed me Exercise 10 Complete each sentence with a word from the box conscience death hand heart mood tears temper thanks trouble voice The children were happy because their teacher was in a good to Mr Dawson, our car was repaired in time for our holiday Ruth was helpful, and went to a lot of to make use comfortable Harry was leaning out of the window and shouting at the top of his When Alice heard the bad news, she burst into Neil is a very kind person His is in the right place If you something bad, it will be on your for a long time I was really angry, and lost my , and shouted at people We need some help Could you give us a ? 10 The first time I saw a horror film, I was scared to Exercise 11 Circle the most suitable word or phrase Please don’t push It’s very bad-tempered/rude/unsympathetic Jack hates spending money He’s rather frank/greedy/mean High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Our teacher is very proud/strict/tolerant and won’t let us talk in class Helen never does her homework She is rather gentle/lazy/reliable I didn’t talk to anyone at the party because I felt ambitious/lonely/shy When Harry saw his girlfriend dancing with Paul he left jealous/selfish/sentimental I don’t like people who are noisy and aggressive/courageous/sociable Thanks for bringing us a present It was very adorable/grateful/thoughtful of you Teresa never gets angry with the children She is very brave/patient/pleasant 10 Tom always pays for everyone when we go out He’s so cheerful/generous/honest Exercise 12 Match the words in the box with the description (a-l) Use each word once only bad-tempered determined lazy reliable cheerful frank mean selfish considerate honest punctual Sympathetic You always arrive on time → You are always happy → You what you say you will → You say exactly what you think → You don’t think about the needs of others → You have a strong wish to get what you want → You are unkind, or not willing to spend money → You easily become angry with others → You think about the needs of others → 10 You tell the truth and obey the law → 11 You understand the feelings of others → 12 You try to avoid work if you can → Exercise 13 Complete each sentence with a word from the box Use each word once only ambitious greedy polite sociable brave imaginative proud stubborn grateful kind snobbish tolerant I think I’ll stay here on my own, I’m not feeling very today Dian wants to get to the top in her company She is very It’s not to stare at people and say nothing! I think you have to be very to write a novel Thank you for helping me It was very of you Peter refuses to change his mind, although he is wrong He’s so It was very of Sheila to put out the fire on her own Our neighbors look down on us They are a bit Don’t eat all the cakes! You really are becoming ! 10 If you lend me the money, I’ll be very 11 I am very of my new motorbike 12 My parents don’t mind my crazy hairstyle They are very Exercise 14 Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space Jack’s real character How easy is it to understand another person’s character? My friend Jack, was once a rather (1 annoy) _person He was always getting into trouble at school because he was so (2 obey) _ In class he was very (3 talk) _and never stopped making jokes The teachers all told him he was (4 polite) _because he interrupted them When I met him he was very (5 friend) _and didn’t want to talk to me at all People told me that he stole things, and that he was (6 honest) _ His school work was terrible He didn’t take any (7 proud) _ in his writing, he never spent enough time doing his homework, and he was not at all (8 conscience) _ Once day he saw a gang of boys attacking an old man Jack hated (9 violent) _and he fought them all until they ran away He was awarded a medal for (10 brave) _ After that, people changed their minds about him Exercise 15 Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence You can’t tell what someone is like just from their A character B appearance C personality D looking I was born in Scotland but I in Northern Ireland High School for Gifted Students - HNUE A grew up B raised C brought up D rose Edward was named after one of his father’s distant A family B brothers C members D relations Jane and Brain got married a year after they got A divorced B proposed C engaged D separated Graham works well in class, but his could be better A rudeness B behaviour C politeness D acting Julie had a terrible with her parents last night A row B discussion C argue D dispute I got to Steve well last year when we worked together A introduce B know C meet D sympathise Is Brenda married or ? I don’t like to ask her A spinster B alone C bachelor D single Parents have to try hard to understand the younger A generation B people C adolescents D teenagers 10 My father likes to be called a senior citizen, not an old age A person B relative C gentleman D pensioner Exercise 16 Match the words in the box with a suitable definition Use each word once adult colleague nephew toddler best man fiancé niece twin bride neighbor sister-in-law widow The son of your brother or sister → _ A woman on the day of her marriage → _ A young child who is learning to walk → _ What a woman calls the man she is engaged to → _ One of two children born at the same time → _ A person who lives near you → _ The daughter of your brother or sister → _ A person who is fully grown → _ A woman whose husband has died → _ 10 At a wedding, the friend of the bridegroom → _ 11 The sister of the person you marry → _ 12 A person you work with → _ Exercise 17 Complete each sentence with one suitable word After a few days they realized they were love I went with a very interesting girl last week Andrew acts as he was the most important person in the room After two years, their marriage broke John discovered that he was related his next-door neighbour My parents keep treating me a child, but I’m not one! I was brought by my aunt after my parents died It was very kind you to give me a lift Teachers should be patient small children 10 James was very disappointed his new job 11 It’s very of character for Bill to behave like that 12 Most famous people behave quite normally private Exercise 18 Replace the words in italics with a verb from the box Use each verb once only call in fall out give away put up with turn down count on get on well with look up to take after turn up The wedding was cancelled when the bride fail to arrive → _ Susan feels that her boss is someone to respect → _ I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand your behavior any longer → _ My brother and I really have a good relationship with our parents → _ Why don’t you visit my house on your way home from the shops? → _ Tony felt that he could rely on his friend Mary → _ High School for Gifted Students - HNUE The millionaire decided to make a present of his money to the poor → _ Paula and Shirley are good friends but sometimes they quarrel → _ Jean decided to refuse Chris’s offer of marriage → _ 10 All three children behave like their father and are very sociable → _ Exercise 19 Decide which answer bets fits each space Ann Johnson- A confidential report Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years She is a (1.) _ employee, and (2.) _on well with the other members of the department We have all found her to be an excellent (3.) _ She has always been (4.) _for her lessons, and is an extremely (5.) _member of staff who is able to work independently I can always (6.) _on her to organize the end of term play, and she ahs put on some extremely (7.) _productions Her students often tell me how (8.) _she is, always ready with a smile, and she has been very (9.) _to many of them In (10.) _she is not very talkative and seems rather (11.) _at first, and might not show her true (12.) _in an interview Her work is excellent, and she is (13.) _to succeed She is also quite ((14.) _, and has applied for two other positions as Director of Studies I think that you can count (15.) _Ann to make your school a success, and I recommend her for the post of Director A conscientious B conscience C consciousness D conscious A goes B carries C gets D likes A colleague B adult C employer D fellow A times B late C hourly D punctual A greedy B reliable C stubborn D lazy A request B concentrate C take D rely A imaginary B imagination C imaginative D imagined A tempered B cheerful C frank D proud A kind B aggressive C polite D mean 10 A first B times C usual D private 11 A but B shy C however D alone 12 A person B behavior C character D part 13 A used B determined C had D supposed 14 A obedient B disappointed C grateful D ambitious 15 A on B for C with D to Exercise 20 Complete each sentence with a word from the box alike children couple elder engaged friendship housewife husband single twin Jane got married to her , Bob, four years ago Jane’s friends think that she and Bob are the perfect They haven’t got any yet, but they want a large family Jane’s sister, Mary, was born half an hour before she was Jane and Mary look but are not exactly the same Mary isn’t married She says she prefers to be She says she believes in , but doesn’t believe in marriage Diana is Jane and Mary’s sister She calls them her “little sisters.” Diana has been for three years, but hasn’t got married yet 10 She has a career and doesn’t like the idea of being a Exercise 21 Complete each sentence with a noun formed from a verb in the box acquaint celebrate die engage greet marry relate resemble All Sue’s friends and _ came to her party I occasionally meet Terry, but he’s more an _than a friend When Paul arrived, he received a warm and friendly _ Six months after their _, Michael and Lisa got married There was a great _in the village when their team won the cup In an ideal _, husband and wife share each other’s problems Dina and her mother look alike There is a strong _between them Tim cried when he heard about the _of his old dog Exercise 22 Circle the correct word in each sentence High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Children are not allowed to see this film It’s for adults/old only By the time the vet arrived, the injured cat was already dead/died Unfortunately it rained on Nick and Helen’s wedding/marriage day David and Diana have two sons and one daughter/girl I think we should try to understand the problems of aged/old people There should be more facilities for youth/young people in this town More than fifty relatives/parents were invited to Jack’s party It’s my anniversary/birthday today I’m eighteen years old Exercise 23 Complete each part sentence (a-j) with an ending (1-10) a I’ve started going takes after his father b When little Tina is grown together again next Friday evening? c I wonder if you could put up by an aunt after their parents died d Carol doesn’t really get in on Steve for a chat e Everyone says that Tom after my dog while I’m away? f Let’s have some friends round for dinner on Friday g Do you think you could look on well with her mother-in-law h Why don’t we all get up she wants to be an astronaut i Ellen and Laura were brought 10 us up for a few days next week? j If I have time I’ll drop Exercise 24 Match each sentence (a-h) with a sentence (1-8) which helps to explain the meaning of the word in italics a We’ve got a new neighbor called Helen I was happy that he’d invited me to his party Willis b This is Sue She’s a colleague of mine _ Even before she married my brother we’d become good friends c Andrew is going to be our best man _ She always offers to help in the house when she stays with us d At the end of the evening I thanked our host We both work in the same department at the bank _ e I’m sure that Mary will be a wonderful bride She moved into the house next door yesterday _ f Next week I’m going to stay with my They’re both in their seventies, but they live in a grandparents _ very full life g I’ve always got on well with my sister-in-law When John and I get married, he’ll stand next to _ John h Georgina is the ideal guest _ She’s a dressmaker, and has designed her own wedding dress Exercise 25 Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box Use each word or phrase once only after against away in on on and off out over It would be nice to meet again I’ll get _touch with you next week I’m afraid Sonia isn’t here She went _ for the weekend I keep leaving and coming back I’ve lived here _for several years Matthew brought up the children _his own after his wife died The baby was called Clare, _its grandmother Peter is _at the moment but he’ll be back in half an hour Ann decided to get married _the wishes of her parents After their final quarrel, Carrie told Luke their relationship was _ High School for Gifted Students - HNUE

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2016, 10:15


