PRACTICE FOR 6TH GRADE I PART LISTENING LISTEN TO THE TEACHER AS SHE MENTIONS THE DIFFERENT FOODS, WRITE THE NUMBER IN THE CIRCLE NEXT TO THE CORRECT PICTURE II PART READING COMPREHENSION 10 POINTS A Read carefully and choose the correct option, (A, B, C or D)by making an x on the correct letter THE CRYING WOMAN La llorona is a popular Costa Rican folk tale It tells the story of a beautiful girl called Maria Maria lived in a small town near the Reventazon River She falls in love with a good man One day, he has to go on an expedition into the mountains; and he never returns Maria discovers that she is pregnant, but keeps it a secret When she has the baby, she goes crazy and throws it in the river Maria never returns to town Since that day, people who go near the river sometimes hear the cry of the woman, who wants her baby back The girl of the story was: A Ugly B.Sweet C.beautiful The girl is called: A Maria B Luisa C Sonia D Berta C hot D cold The town that she lived in is: _ A Big B small Maria falls in love with a man A Bad B handsome D fat C tall D good The man has to go on an expedition into the A River B mountains C hills Maria discovers that she is A Pregnant B happy C deppressed D lonely Maria throws the baby in the A Town B ocean C mountains Maria never returns to A City B town C house D river D family People who go near the river sometimes hear Maria _ A Laughing B crying C singing D.screaming 10 The woman wants her baby _ A Smile B happy C back D talk