Hi Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening How are you? How are you doing? How ya doing? (Informal) Fine How about you? Okay Thanks Fill up the space below A: Hello B: ……………… A: How are ………………………….? B: ……………………………………How about …………? A:……………………… Thanks Expressing Thanks Thanks Thank you I appreciate it Thanks for the tour Thanks for your time Thank you for the nice gift I appreciate your kindness How you express thanks when someone give you the following… 1.When someone gave you a hand ……………………………………… When someone found your keys? ……………………………………… Your friend gave you a gift ……………………………………… Your friend invited you for a party ……………………………………… Someone directed you the way to Bkk ……………………………………………… At the Store When you enter the store/start a conversation with the clerk : What a customer might say: Excuse me Do you work here? (Can you help me?) Can I ask you something? What a clerk might say: May I help you? Can I help you? Can I help you find something? What can I for you? Fill up the space below Customer: ………………………… Clerk: ……………………………… Customer: How much is the Lee jeans? Clerk: ………………………………… A: Thanks B: You are welcome Asking for favors Can you Could you Will you Would you Would you mind V+ing A: Could you please give me a hand? B:Sure why not , What can I for you? A: Could you please turn off the light B:………………………… A: Thanks What favor will you ask? The room is very dark …………………………………………… You can’t your home work ………………………………………… Offering Phrases for these situation Here, have an apple Have some strawberries Do you want a sandwich? Would you like some lemonade? How about a piece of cake? How would like you some crackers? Can I get you something to drink? Refuse an Offer No, Thanks Iam sorry Iam full No, Thank you next time Accept an Offer Yes, Please Sure , Sounds good I would love to Asking permission Modals commonly used for asking permission Can I ask you a question? May I have a piece of cake? Could I get you to turn off the lights Some other common phrases are Do you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I asked you something? Is it okay if I sit here? Would it be all right if I borrowed your lawn mower? Giving Permission Sure Go ahead No problem Write down four phrases of asking permission A: Could you please …………………….? B: Sure A: ………………………… B: ………………………… Asking the directions Where is (the) ? (This is also used in asking about location.) How you get to (the) (from here)? How I get to bunsampan? Can you tell me how to get to the market? ? Can you give me directions to the zoo? What's the best way to get to Siam Paragon? Giving directions It’s across Siam paragon Sorry I don’t leave here Go straight down and turn two blocks Complete the space below A: How I get to …………….? B: ……………………… A:Thank you ………… B: You are ……………………… Making plans for the weekend When making plans with someone else, it is polite to ask about the other person's time and availability For example, Are you free this Friday? What are you doing this weekend? Are you busy tonight? Do you have time after class? Positive responses (interest and availability) Sure! Do you want to something? I'm free all weekend I'm open this evening I don't have anything scheduled Negative responses (non-interest or non-availability) Sorry, I have plans this weekend I'm going to (Las Vegas) with (my friends) Unfortunately not I have something else scheduled Not really (I'm kind of busy tonight.) Do You Have the Time? A: It’s getting dark Do you have the time? B: It’s quarter after eight A: Time flies It feels like it’s only seven! I better start heading for home B: I’ll call you tomorrow Other ways to give the time (optional language) 2:00 It’s two (o’clock) 2:30 It’s half past (two) 2:05 It’s five after (two) 2:25 2:10 It’s ten after (two) It’s twenty-five to ( three