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Hệ thống cần trục được sử dụng vô cùng rộng rãi trong lĩnh vực kỹ thuật, vận tải. Từ đó đặt ra bài toán thiết kế hệ thống này. Cùng với cách tính toán trực quan kết hợp cùng phần mềm thiết kế 3D nổi tiếng Solidworks với module Simulation sẽ giúp ta giải quyết bài toán này

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME TECHNOLOGY (IJMET) ISSN 0976 – 6340 (Print) ISSN 0976 – 6359 (Online) Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME: www.iaeme.com/IJMET.asp Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.5377 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com IJMET ©IAEME MODELLING AND STRESS ANALYSIS OF COLUMN BRACKET FOR ROTARY JIB CRANE Subhash N Khetre1, S P Chaphalkar2, Arun Meshram3 1, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Rajarshi Shahu COE, IInd Shift Polytechnic, Pune Maharashtra (India) Head of Department, Department of Automobile Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad, Polytechnic, Pune Maharashtra (India) ABSTRACT In this paper, the method of final designing of column Bracket and boom for Material handling jib crane system The basic functions are determined for certain parameters of jib cranes as yield strength, deflection of column Bracket and boom using stress analysis, displacement analysis A requirement for movement of heavy loads which are correspondingly difficult Jib crane is design, analyze and develop from three most prevalent material handling devices They are Tower jib crane, free standing Jib crane and jib crane with trusses Among them the best design, higher strength and greater life span crane has to be designed for future work During the column Bracket and Boom analysis, the Solid Works and COSMOS is used the analysis is carried out in two load steps The total analysis time is approximately twenty two hours taken by the software Keywords: Bracket, Jib Crane, I-Section Boom, Static Analysis, Solid Works and COSMOS I INTRODUCTION Today’s industry demands versatile, efficient, and cost effective equipment while at the same time providing more flexibility along with significant savings through increased productivity A jib crane can help to improve material handling efficiency and work flow Serious consideration should be given to jib cranes for applications requiring repetitive lifting and transferring of loads within a fixed arc of rotation The need of continual improvement in material handling technologies is a common feature of many modern engineering endeavors Engineering structures now encompass a wide range of technologies from structure development, analysis, design, testing, production and maintenance Advances in material handling technologies have been largely responsible and major performance improvements in many engineering structures and continue to be key in determining the 130 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME reliability, performance and effectiveness of such structures, designing of column Bracket and boom for Material handling jib crane system II ACTION PLAN 2.1 Selection of Crane (Phase-1) While selecting the crane type, numbers of different factors are taken into account they are capacity, operation requirement, application, design 2.2 Selection Criterion (Phase-2) Today’s industry demands versatile, efficient equipment while at the same time providing more flexibility along with significant savings through increased productivity A jib crane can help to improve materials handling efficiency and work flow 2.3 Work Requirement (Phase-3) According to the below requirements free standing Jib Crane is best suitable Sr No Table No.1: Details of Work Requirement Particular data Details Capacity tons Rotation 360o Support floor Site Outside weatherized work station Height of lift 6000 mm Boom Length: 6000 mm III DESIGN DETAILS OF BOOM 3.1 Selection of I-Section Table No 2: Details of Boom in I-Section shape Sr No Particular data Details Type of Section I section fillet type Size 500×180 mm2 Material Structural Steel Mass per unit length 86.9 kg/m Weight 564.85 kg 3.2 Selection of Material of I Section: Structural Steel (M.S.) Designation MB500 Table No 3: Indian standard medium weight beams Depth Width Web Root Root (mm) (mm) Thick Thick radius(mm) (mm) (mm) A H b Tw Tr R 110.74 500 180 10.2 10.2 17 Area (cm2) 131 Toe Radius (mm) r 8.5 MI (cm4) 45218.3 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME 3.3 Properties of Material Steel • Young‫׳‬s Modulus : 2×105 MPa • Poisson‫׳‬s Ratio : 0.3 • Density : 7.85×10-6 kg/mm • Thermal Expansion : 1.25×10-5 per oC • Tensile yield strength : 250 MPa • Compressive yield strength : 250 MPa • Tensile Ultimate strength: 460 MPa • Compressive Ultimate strength : MPa • Thermal conductivity :6.05×10-2 watt/mm oC • Specific Heat : 434 J/kg o C 3.4 Loads Defined The loads acting on boom are defined as follows: • Dead Load (DL): The weight of the beam and any other fixed item supported by the beam • Trolley/hoist Load (HL) The weight of the hoist and any other equipment attached to the hoist • Lifted Load (LL): The weight of the item lifted along with all associated lift devices such as slings, shackles, etc Figure.1: Indian standard medium weight beams with Tapered Flanges Figure.2: Dimensioning of Free Standing Jib Crane 3.5 Actual load carried by the boom Actual load Table No 4: Details of Column Bracket Lifted Load (LL) Hoist Load (HL) Dead Load (DL) 2000 kg 500 kg 243.10 kg 3.6 Total load acting on the boom This is the total load carried by the beam = LL+HL+DL = 2000+500+243.10 = 2743.1 kg To balance the load and to check the yield strength of I section following calculations are given 132 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME 3.7 Calculations For 300×140 I-Section To find reactions, RX = ; ∑MO = 0, RY = 442 × 5.5 + 20 × 103 = 22431 N Bending Moments: Bending Moment @ A B.M at A = B.M at = - 20 * 103 * 5.5 – 442 * 5.5 * 103 M = 116685.25 Nm By Using Flexure Formula, M/I = σ / Y = E / R (11668.25 / 8306.3 * 10-8) = (σ / 125 * 10-3) σ = 175.59 N/m2 OR σ = 175.59 MPa As Yield strength σ (yield) = 250 MPa……… (ISO Std.) Figure.3- SFD and BMD diagrams for 20 KN Loading condition 3.8 Check the Deflection in I Section The Deflection calculated as below δl = (wl3/3EI) + (wl4/8EI ) For Steel, E = 210 * 109 N/m2 IV ANALYSIS RESULTS OF I-SECTION BOOM The Static stress analysis is applied to calculation, which address the static analysis and displacement analysis resulting Figure 4-Static stress analysis of I-Section Boom for 20 KN loading condition Figure 5- Static displacement analysis of Isection Boom for 20 KN loading condition The purpose of static analysis is to insure safety of the boom and supporting structure Sustained loads are by using self weight and operating conditions In the analysis Solid Works and COSMOS software is used and the analysis is carried out in two loading steps 133 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME 4.1 Analysis results of Boom • • • Stress (σ): The highest calculated stress will be in the order of 108 MPa Deflection (δ): The maximum deflection of the end point will be in the order of 8.38149 mm FOS: 2.5 V DESIGN DETAILS OF COLUMN BRACKET 5.1 Design of Column Bracket Sr No Table No 5: Details of Column Bracket Particular data Details Total Mass = 640 kg Type Seamless pipe Load 69748.28 N OD 250 mm, ID 200 mm Material Structural Steel Mass 190 kg The Static stress analysis is applied to calculation, which address the static analysis and displacement analysis resulting Figure.6: Failure in shear stress of vertical upper Pipe of Column Bracket Figure.7: Free body diagram of forces on bracket 5.2 Design of Bracket clamper Width b = 180 mm, Thickness t = 40 mm In case of shearing Failure in shear stress of base plate of bracket as below: Figure.8: Failure in shear stress of base plate of bracket -Therefore, design is safe 134 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME VI ANALYSIS OF COLUMN BRACKET The stress analysis is applied to calculation, which address the static analysis and displacement analysis resulting First two (2-D) dimensional brackets and Then 3-D Model of Column Bracket are created for further analysis The purpose of analysis is to insure safety of the bracket and supporting structure Sustained loads are by using self weight and operating conditions Figure.9: Two dimensional Model of Column bracket Figure.10: Thee-D Model for analysis of Column bracket The analysis, the Solid Works and COSMOS is used the analysis is carried out in two load steps 6.1 Analysis results of bracket • Stress (σ): The highest calculated stress will be in the order of 196 MPa • Deflection (δ): The maximum deflection of the end point will be in the order of 2.49 mm • FOS: 1.3 Figure.11: Static stress analysis of Column bracket Figure.12: Static displacement analysis of Column bracket 135 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME VII WELDING DESIGN OF COLUMN The designed Column Bracket consists of number of welding spots therefore size of weld are very important point as we calculated below: 7.1 Design of Seamless Steel Pipe • • • Material: structural steel (0.20C 0.40Si 0.5Mn 0.035P 0.03S) Size: 20’’ pipe (Ø500) Thick: 12.5 mm 7.2 Design of welding at column bracket d = 250 mm, l = 200 mm, b = 50 mm τmax = 25 MPa Figure.13: Welding to Column bracket Figure.14: Welding of bracket The design of welding at column bracket So , we need size and thickness, Also, Bending stress, Now final Thickness t = 23 mm Size = 16 mm 7.3 Design of Welding of bracket We are finding out welding parameters for welding different joints as below L =1000 mm τmax = 25 MPa 136 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME , , VIII RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS 8.1 Results of Boom At first point of crane boom the load applied is 20 KN At this point load is carried with the help of a hook The maximum displacement is 8.38 mm and maximum Stress is 175 MPa near the upper portion where the assembly is done In the Figure.4 it is shown by red colour Table No 6: Stress analysis by using analytically for 20 KN loading condition Minimum 100 MPa Maximum 175 MPa Table No 7: Displacement analysis by using analytically for 20 KN loading condition Minimum 1.91 mm Maximum 6.156 mm Table No 8: Stress analysis by using Solid Works and COSMOS for 20 KN loading condition Minimum 108 MPa Maximum 173 MPa Table No 9: Displacement analysis by using Solid Works and COSMOS for 20 KN loading condition Minimum 1.00 mm Maximum 8.38 m 8.2 Results of Bracket Column At this point load is carried with the help of a Boom The maximum displacement is 2.49 mm and maximum Stress is 196 MPa near the upper portion where the assembly is done In the Fig.11 it is shown by red colour Table No 10: Stress analysis of Column Bracket by Using Solid Works and COSMOS Minimum 23 MPa Maximum 196 MPa Table No 11: Displacement analysis of Column Bracket by using Solid Works and COSMOS Minimum 1.00 mm Maximum 2.49 mm At first during the analysis, the Solid Works and COSMOS is used the analysis is carried out in two load steps The total analysis time is approximately twenty two hours taken by the software 137 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME IX COST ESTIMATION & PARTS LIST All cost estimation & parts list as below in tabular form Table No 12: Cost Estimation of Column Bracket Name of Parts Qty Cost per piece (Rs.) Total Cost (Rs.) I-boom 80000 80000 Rope clamper 500 500 Bracket 11500 3.1 Bracket pipe 5500 5500 3.2 Bracket clamper 5000 5000 3.3 Rib 250 1000 Sr No The designed Column Bracket consists of number of parts are listed below table Sr No Table No 13: Parts list of Column Bracket Name of Parts Materials Weight (kg) I-boom Structural steel 564.85 Rope clamper Mild steel 10 plate 2.1 Rope clamper 40C8 1.5 plate pin 2.2 Rope clamper 40C8 0.5 Bracket 640 3.1 Bracket pipe Structural steel 190 3.2 Bracket Mild steel 440 clamper 3.3 Rib Mild steel 10 Qty 1 1 1 X CONCLUSIONS Jib Cranes vary widely in configuration, capacity, mode of operation, intensity of use, working environment The variety of forms, operating conditions, environmental factors make the design of jib cranes challenging Usually a new design need arises when existing cranes not meet the requirements for a new application However, in most of the cases the required knowledge on configuration and structure of a jib crane can be obtained from previously accumulated technical information The technical information is generally standardized Besides that, the available jib crane components are also well standardized all over the world and suitable for computer automated design procedures Since jib Crane design procedures are highly standardized Thus it concluded that, we have selected the suitable Design and Analysis of Bracket Column for Rotary Jib Crane XI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I gratefully acknowledge Department of Mechanical Engineering of RSCOE (IInd Shift Polytechnic) Tathawade, Pune (India), For technical support and providing the research facilities I would also like to thank to Dr D S Bormane, Principal RSCOE, (IInd Shift Polytechnic) Pune and Prof S Pattekari sir (DEAN) and Prof Snehal Chopade, Head of Mechanical Engineering 138 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 – 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6359(Online), Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2014), pp 130-139 © IAEME Department for their help and dedication toward our research and related research, also our friends for their directly & indirectly help, support and excellent co-operation REFERENCES [1] [2] Baker J Cranes in Need of Change, Engineering, Vol 211, PP- 298 1971 British Standards Institution, Specification for Steel girder bridges, BS153: Parts 3B & 4: 1972, 1972 [3] Marchese P J and Rice R F, Trends in Equipment Design and Controls for Heavy Duty Industrial Overhead Travelling Cranes, Iron and Steel Engineer, Vol 51, N 9, PP-66, 1974 [4] International standard, Specification of Steel structure, BIS, ASTM and JIS 1980 [5] Unsal Z and Erden, A, Computer Automated Access to the F.E.M Rules for Crane Design, International Conference on Engineering Software, pp 135-142, Stafford, UK 1993 [6] Erden Z., Erkan M, A Computer Based Design Support System for Automate Access to the F E M Rules in a Crane Design Procedure, International Machine Design and Production Conference, pp 575-583, Ankara, Turkey 1996 [7] Harry M Pearce, The Design and Construction of an Intelligent Power Assist Jib Crane, Northwestern University, August 27th, 1999 [8] Basu A, Majumdar A K, Sinha S, An Expert System Approach to Control System and Analysis, IEEE Trans on Systems, Mans and Cybernatics, Vol 18, N 5, PP- 685-694, 1989 [9] S Ramamrutham, Strength of Material, Dhanpat Rai Publication Company, 2008 [10] Madhura.S, Pradeep B Jyoti and Dr.T.V.Govindaraju, “FEM Based Modelling of Amb Control System”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET), Volume 4, Issue 3, 2013, pp 191 - 202, ISSN Print: 0976 – 6340, ISSN Online: 0976 – 6359 139

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