IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Specialization: Theory and Methods of Teaching
Department of Political Education Code:
Trang 2The thesis was completed at: HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION
1 Assoc Prof Dr Pham Van Chin
2 Assoc Prof Dr Tran Thi Mai Phuong
Reviewer 1: Prof Dr Hoang Chi Bao The Central Council on Theory
Reviewer 2: Prof Dr Phan Van Kha
The VietNam Institute of Educational Sciences
Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Dr Pham Cong Nhat
University of Social Sciences and Humanities The thesis will be defended before the Board meeting dot at school level thesis Hanoi National University of Education
at .time date month year 2016
Could find out the thesis at the library: National Library in Hanoi
Trang 3PREAMBLE 1.Why choose topics
Presentation as traditional teaching methods long used in the teaching process This method has many advantages, actively assist the teacher in teaching activities to achieve the main objectives of transfer knowledge is a systematic way Besides, this teaching method has a disadvantage, not to promote the positive, proactive, creative learners
Before the current renovation requirements, to teach not only to instill
the knowledge, but also aims at forming, developing the capacity for learning, the use of methods of presentation should be reconsidered to promote the strengths and overcome weaknesses of the method which is widely used in teaching
Subject The basic tenet of Marxism - Leninism, have an important role for the formation and development of the world view, the methodology of cognitive and practical activities With the amount of knowledge contained abstract, generalized high, so this subject is very necessary to use methods of presentation to convey the content knowledge to the learners
In colleges and universities, Thai Nguyen Province, presentation methods are still widely used and are mainly teaching methods in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism, but real evidence suggests that there are many limitations The question is how to overcome the disadvantages of presentation methods? how to resolve conflict between ensuring the role of mentor with the
promotion of an active role of the learner ? Therefore, the research,
find out the principles and measures to effectively use methods to promote the presentation of positive students at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province is urgent problems
Stemming from the above reasons, the authors selected issues
Trang 42 Research Objectives
Clarify the rationale and practice of using presentation methods towards promoting students' positive and propose principles and measures using presentation methods towards promoting positive students, to improve the quality of teaching basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in the colleges and universities of Thai Nguyen province 3 Guests and audience research
3.1, Guests can study
Research on methods of presentation during courses that teach basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in colleges and universities 3.2 Research subjects
The principles and methods used measures towards promoting presentation positivity of students in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism in colleges and universities
4 My hypothesis
In the process of teaching the basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism in colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province, if teachers use methods of presentation to ensure the implementation of principles and measures proposed in the thesis, it will promote the positive attributes of the students, helping students understand and master the knowledge of philosophy taking abstract, generalized high, capable of applying knowledge to solve problems in real life; thereby contributing to improving the quality of teaching and learning basic technical principles of Marxism - Leninism in colleges and universities
5 The duties and scope of research 5.1 Research Tasks
First, study the rationale of using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section;
Trang 5Third, the proposed principles and measures using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in colleges and universities Thai Nguyen study Philosophy section;
Fourthly, pedagogical experiments verified the feasibility of the measures used presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism part Philosophy study at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province 5.2 Research scope
Scope of theoretical research, presentation methods towards promoting positive student in teaching and presentation methods used towards promoting positive student in teaching These principles the Marxist - Leninist philosophy section at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province
Range of practical research, survey and experimental teaching content subject knowledge basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province, the pressure measures using presentation methods towards promoting students’ positive
6 Methodology and Research Methods 6.1 Methodology
6.2 Research Methods
6.2.1 Group of academic research methods 6.2.2 Group of empirical research methods 6.2.3 The complementary methods
7 The need to protect arguments
First, the overall assessment of research problems using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy, the new issues and necessary
Secondly, the basis of theoretical and practical approach towards promoting presentation positivity of students in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism-Leninism philosophy section, the base to propose principles and measures to improve the quality of teaching and learning contents of subject knowledge
Trang 68 New contributions of the thesis
In theory, system theory of opinions and give their views of methods of presentation; presentation approach towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities;
In practice, survey and assess the status of using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in the philosophy section colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen; propose principles and measures using presentation methods towards promoting positive, in order to improve teaching quality, promote positive, proactive and skills formation, capacity for students members subjects while learning the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at the colleges and universities of Thai Nguyen province 9 The structure of the subject
Besides the introduction, conclusion, references, appendices,
the thesis is divided into four chapters:
Chapter I: Overview research problems using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism
Chapter 2: Rationale and practice the method of presentation used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy sections in high schools colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province
Chapter 3: Principles and methods used method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at the university colleges and provincialThai Nguyen
Trang 7Chapter 1
SUMMARY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROBLEMS USING DIRECTIONS PRESENTATION BY PROMOTING POSITIVE STUDENT COMPUTERS IN TEACHING THESE SUBJECTS BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MARXISM - LENINISM 1.1 The scientific research projects on the use of methods of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism
1.1.1 Studies of presentation methods
Research on methods of presentation, the scientists in the
world and in the country has many scientific works studied in depth the concept, advantages and disadvantages, and measures to implement this teaching method
Offering views on the concept, advantages and disadvantages, as well as measures to implement the presentation method, the scientists in the world and in the country has shown a clear interest for traditional teaching methods, through the work with profound theoretical calculation and rich
1.1.2 Studies on using presentation methods towards promoting positive student
Using the method of presentation towards promoting students' positive that the problem is the education of scientists around the world and in the country are very interested Derived from the actual
needs of society and education, the researchers have shown minded
approach towards presentation manner methodology combines presentations with other teaching methods, and the use of information technology as a tool for effectively supporting the implementation method in teaching presentations
1.1.3 Studies on using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
Trang 8author does not have a specific study on how to use the method of presentation in the direction of promoting positive student Teachers teach basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy
sections in detail, in particular
1.2 General evaluation of research results related to the thesis and dissertation issues should continue to solve
1.2.1, General evaluation of research results related to the thesis Through research overview on methods of presentation, as well as how to use the method of presentation to promote student active in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism, author the following remarks: The points mentioned by the study
Research on methods of presentation, the scientists in the
world and in the country has addressed the following issues:
First, the work has focused on clarifying the concept of this teaching method
Second, scientists have pointed out the advantages and limitations of the method of presentation, including presentation method is a method of keeping a key role and are commonly used in the teaching process
Third, to promote the advantages and overcome the limitations
of the method of presentation, the scientists also mentioned how the
method of presentation used in the direction of innovation, by combining presentation methods with different teaching methods or increasing the use of information technology in teaching
Fourth, the scientists were initially refers to the method of presentation used towards promoting positive student, through the introduction of the advantages and limitations of the method of presentation when preaching the course teaches the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism These points are not addressed by the study
Besides the points gained, the researchers have not addressed the issue:
Trang 9Second, in the study of how to use teaching methods courses basic principles of Marxism - Leninism, the scientists also have been many studies on how to use lecture method in teaching this subject, but without any research works specifically on how to use the method of presentation towards promoting positive student teaching in the philosophy section
Third, research on methods of presentation in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism, the scientists were limited to reflect the reality of using the method in teaching presentations respectively with each individual study subjects, which have scientific works about the status survey using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in the colleges and universities of Thai Nguyen province
1.2.2 These issues need further thesis solved
First, the theoretical system on the use of methods of presentation towards promoting positivity in teaching students today
Second, clarify the role of presentation methods used towards promoting positivity in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities
Thirdly, reflects the reality of using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities Thai Nguyen province At the same time, the need for interpretation using presentation methods towards promoting students’ positive, as well as the factors that influence this process On this basis, the proposed measures using presentation methods towards promoting positive student to improve the effectiveness of teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section in the colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province
Trang 10Chapter 2
2.1 Rationale using presentation methods towards promoting positivity in teaching students the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities
2.1.1 Method of Presentation
Method of presentation is how to convey, how content lectures
of faculty knowledge in which teachers actively control the teaching
process, the initiative stated, analysis, evaluation, summary content
knowledge while students listen and take notes
In teaching, presentation methods include features such as one - way communication methods; the method includes the forms of storytelling presentations, lecture presentations; lecture presentations; scientific presentations is to raise the issue with such characteristics, methods of presentation teaching method has advantages and limitations:
First, the teaching methods easily applicable to impart knowledge and provide information in all fields and for different
industries; in a short time;
Next, the method of presentation can provide an enormous amount of information and knowledge for a large number of people listening to the east (large class);
In addition, teachers can help to convey the theoretical content is relatively difficult and complicated that students do not learn on their own easily obtained;
Not only that, the lecture presentation can cause emotional direct,
powerful and deeply impressed healthy ideological formation, increase feelings to the listener;
Trang 11Moreover, the method is capable presentations inspire and motivate high, the method is very flexible and is in the hands of teachers, so the presentation method used at all levels of education, used anywhere, anytime, whether winter or fewer classes
Although the method has many advantages, but the method of presentation also have the shortcomings and limitations, such as:
First, presentation methods to enhance the role of the teacher without proper attention to the role of students This is evident in the lecture presentations, focused teacher explained, convey knowledge
exam content, while students just listen, take notes
Secondly, the method of presentation makes the students easily fall into a passive state With the way one-way transfer of knowledge of the faculty, students work under the guidance of the teacher, not actively preparing learning materials and passive knowledge is obtained;
Third, the method of presentation does not promote positive student learning Do teachers use most of the time the lectures for conveying, providing knowledge, so little attention to the design of activities for students to participate in teaching activities Students have little chance to present their views, perceptions of themselves and not to promote the positive in learning
Overall the presentation method has several advantages over limited But the limitations of using presentation methods have made significant impacts on the quality of teaching methods, even had the same opinion requiring removal, alternative methods of presentation teaching methods other other school But with the inherent advantages of the method of presentation, difficult teaching methods that can be replaced To meet the requirements of educational innovation in the current period, the need to change the way the presentation approach towards promoting students' positive
Trang 1210
learning activities; focus on self-study training methods; enhance individual learning, combined with cooperative learning groups; combining the teacher's assessment and self-evaluation of the role
To use the method of presentation towards promoting positive
count of students, teachers need to demand attention, motor learning,
thereby creating interest, stimulate students to actively participate in the learning process
It can be seen, using teaching methods towards promoting student positive, the process has taken as the traditional teaching methods, but the characteristics of teaching methods towards promoting positive there are other points than traditional teaching methods such as:
- The class is the coordination of activities of faculty and students; - Students are placed in the position holders, self-discipline, positive, creative activities in the perception of ourselves;
- Trainers are directed, oriented in teaching activities;
- The process of teaching should be based on the study of the concept, prior knowledge of learners, to exploit the advantages and delve into the obstacles likely to appear in the teaching process;
- The purpose of teaching does not stop at providing
knowledge, skills and techniques, but also to teach students how to learn, how to learn, self-awareness activities to meet the needs of
themselves and society
Therefore, it comes to promoting positive student is speaking about how the teacher is taking urgent problems in science and engineering phase flourished as now, can understand: Use presentation methods towards promoting positive student is essentially a set of activities aimed at transforming the learner teacher from passive to active, from the receivers of knowledge into the search subject tri knowledge to improve learning efficiency 2.1.3 Using the method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges, universities Specific content subject knowledge basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
* On the subject target
Trang 1311 Content presentation approach towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges, universities
Using the method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism, part philosophical system of the activities of teachers to impart knowledge to students, help students acquire a proactive, positive
Promoting positive student expressed through gradual implementation method: Step questioned; step problem solving; ending problems step by step and test and evaluation Advantages and limitations of using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities
- Help faculty be systematized knowledge
- Help teachers infuse knowledge of generality and abstraction - Promoting teachers improve ourselves
- Promote positive, proactive students acquire knowledge Besides these advantages, using presentation methods promote a positive direction of the goal of teaching students basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section also has limitations that need to take more time to prepare and implement the lectures, while the timescale for the content part philosophical knowledge is limited Therefore, requires that teachers a reasonable allocation of time in the use of this teaching method
2.2 Practical basis of presentation methods used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen
2.2.1 Some characteristics of students in colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen
Trang 1412 Perceptions of faculty, students and the learning outcomes of students when using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism part philosophy
* Awareness of trainers when using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
To learn about using presentation methods towards A survey on the awareness of teachers about the use of methods of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section, showed faculty locality study authors are aware of the need to use presentation methods towards promoting positive student to improve the quality of student learning, but how to apply Its implementation is not uniform, inconsistent, superficial way also should not bring high efficiency
* Cognitive and academic performance of students when teachers use methods of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
To learn about the level of awareness of the students about how the teaching faculty in the teaching of content knowledge philosophy section, the author has conducted a survey of 575 students from five colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen
Results of the survey of student perceptions when teachers use methods in teaching presentation content section philosophical knowledge, the authors found that, in fact the teaching and learning of both faculty and students need there must be innovation, but first needed to innovate ways of teaching faculty to take the base, creating conditions for renewal of student learning, to improve the quality of professional learning basic principles of Marxism-Leninism
From the survey of student perceptions, when teachers use methods of presentation towards promoting positive student in
Trang 1513
conducting experimental teaching To test the student's comments are grounded, we conducted statistical study results Mid-term evaluation of the students in the schools in the province study authors share knowledge philosophy
* General assessment of the situation using the methods of teaching technical presentations These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen The cause and the problems faced by the method of presentation used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy sections in high schools colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen
* Cause influence - About the faculty - To the students - Other causes
* Some of the problems faced by the method of presentation used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
First: Trainers need to recognize the changing way the method used in teaching presentations
Second: To use the method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism part philosopher, lecturer correctly understand the nature of the use presentation methods towards promoting students’ positive Third: Use presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section, faculty should determine the correctness of the theoretical principles submit
Trang 1614 Chapter 3
3.1 Principle approach towards promoting presentation positivity of students in teaching basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
3.1.1 Clearly define goals, focus the lecture
For a presentation of philosophy, students are excited, focused on listening to lectures, teachers need clearly defined goals, the focus
lectures by generalization, abstraction, broad practical implications of
philosophical knowledge teachers need clearly defined, accurately and presented lectures in a knowledge-based system sorted logic, science, clearly defined, but the basics to focus on analyzing, resolving contract issues helps students navigate the capture of knowledge needed to concentrate on studying and comprehension 3.1.2 To promote the positive role of students
In teaching content philosophical knowledge, promote the positive role of the learner is expressed through the set of questions proposed exchange student, answered, boldly express their own perceptions about content questions raised by the teacher, boldly give examples to illustrate the content of his answers, especially when teaching content meaningful knowledge of philosophical methodology
Trainers can ask questions using words such as: why?, how?, what?,
thinking mean?, please lighten to giang can also use the views; folk verses and proverb; information ngan de students apply knowledge learned to solve the problem
Trang 1715
philosophical knowledge, teachers need to help students develop the capacity to receive through the levels: Knowledge, understanding, application, distribution tich Tuy when teaching faculty course, need to make energy security are both in the
perception of students, should not cornered, forced knowledge, help
students to grasp the content knowledge generality and abstraction of philosophical knowledge is most effective
3.1.4 Ensuring consistency between scientific and educational; theoretical and practical
In the teaching section between unified philosophy and
educational sciences, theoretical and practical, should be guaranteed
because it is the principle to help teachers choose appropriate knowledge with subject teaching: learners ability, age, culture, consistent with the requirements of the society that guarantees
fundamental scientific disciplines In other words, the content of
lectures and practical examples so that both ensure the accuracy and
truthfulness of the course, ensuring education for students of truth,
goodness and beauty, and the moral qualities of people in the new era 3.2 Measures proposed presentation approach towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
3.2.1 Group presentations preparatory measures Selection, construction of lecture
In philosophical presentations, trainer should choose, construction of logical presentations, not to repeat the words intact,
the same curriculum content, which is important to know the
arrangement lecturers cabinet structures and presentations, design activities in the teaching of students, plan check, evaluation Use teaching facilities
For the particular philosophical knowledge and basic technical principles of Marxism - Leninism in general means to teach specific content knowledge are: writing table, thinking diagrams, models,
paintings photos, stories, situations, internet, computers To use
effective means of teaching, teachers need to use the right time, right place, right time and stimulate students to think, develop the active,
Trang 1816
3.2.2 Group implemented measures to organize presentations Using these techniques, tips for teaching
Presentation is expressed to others understand the content they want to say Good people who express takes less time to provide information but the listener has been thoroughly understood, it is clear the content is transmitted To promote the positive attributes of
the students, teachers first need to have as a presentation, to use the
technical know tricks and presentations * The status of the presenter * Use good presentation techniques * Use the tips in teaching
First: preaching
Second: African languages Third: Use document
Fourth: Use organizational form discussion groups Using flexible methods of presentation logic thinking
These courses teach the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism in general and in particular the philosophy section, using flexible methods of analysis - synthesis; inductive - deductive; abstract - detail is important and necessary to promote positive perceptions of students Combining a flexible approach to the presentation of teaching methods in teaching others
In part teaching philosophical knowledge teachers need flexibility combined with the presentation of modern teaching methods
such as methods to raise, discuss methods; visual methods;
methodology guide students to use learning materials; self-study method the purpose of the matching process is to overcome the inherent monotony of presentation methods, help students understand, easy to absorb lessons
3.2.3 Group test methods and evaluation methods used in presentations oriented actively promote student
Trang 1917 Process examined, assessed learning outcomes of students The requirements for tests and evaluation
* General requirements
* Ask when designing test questions, evaluation * Specific requirements for the types of questions The form of inspection and evaluation
* Test and evaluation on classroom
* Inspection and assessment through organizing a creative activity For the philosophical knowledge, teachers can use _ the inspection form, different assessment as outlined above, but according to the author combines both forms to assess the learning outcomes of students Users will have a higher efficiency, will promote the positive elements of the students in the process of perception Meet the needs, motivation and create excitement for students in the process knowledge is obtained
Chapter 4
THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE 4.1 Experimental plan
4.1.1 Pedagogical experimental purposes
Experimentation was conducted to check the validity of scientific theories have been developed, thereby confirming the feasibility of measures to improve the quality of teaching subjects The basic principle of Marxism - Le Leninism philosophy section at colleges and universities in the province of Thai Nguyen
4.1.2 Subjects pedagogical experiment
Trang 2018 4.1.3 Experimental Lecturer
Trainers are recommended and agreed to teach for the experimental and control classes were quite uniform in age and experience, with strong technical capacity (in terms of knowledge and pedagogic); have a high sense of responsibility in teaching, enthusiastically supported the measures applied using presentation methods towards promoting positive student learning in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching philosophy section subjects the basic tenet of Marxism - Leninism
4.1.4 Conducting empirical principles
One is, content knowledge: Content Knowledge must ensure quality scientific knowledge, valuable and practical reasoning big respect objectivity curriculum basic principles of Marxism - Leninism on the content part philosophical knowledge
Second, the experimental subjects: Subjects must experimental first year students, ensuring a multidisciplinary and professional qualifications of the teaching faculty is similar experiments
4.1.5 Experimental methods and experimental locality * Experimental Methods
Experimental and experimental exploration controls With the
experimental class the lesson is conducted in a manner, measures of which the author was In the control class, teachers teach in regular
lesson plans
* Location empirical
To determine the validity of scientific theories in the thesis, the authors conducted five experiments in colleges and universities in Thai Nguyen province, students with different subjects, specialized knowledge of different occupations, specific pedagogical University, Thai Nguyen, Thai industrial University materials, commercial colleges and tourism services based Taiyuan, the Taiyuan Medical College and pedagogical College Taiyuan
4.1.6 Processing method experimental results
After obtaining the data, the authors conducted data acquisition
processing according to mathematical statistical methods in science education by different methods: the average value calculation;
calculate the variance; the standard deviation calculated from the
Trang 2119
the results obtained, the authors confirmed the result of the process is
experimental and scientific basis meaning in practical implementation of measures outlined in the thesis
4.2 Experimental Organization
Step 1, build experimental plan; Step 2, experimental teaching Organization and control; Step 3, Gathering, integration, data processing and assessing empirical results Check evaluation experimental results: Test and evaluation stage is the end of the teaching process, after the completion of each lesson teaching experiment, the authors examined the students in both the experimental group and the general The group has the same tests, the same amount of time The purpose of the test is to assess the results of the awareness of students in the experimental group and the control group
4.3 Experimental results
The authors conducted experiments in two phases (as above
were made), then the time of the experiment, the results obtained
through the following stages:
4.3.1 Stage 1: Experimental exploration
Input test results of the experiments conducted authors are shown in the table above shows, when two groups of authors in experimental and control classes do the same test, the results obtained (Table 4.2) were similar, assessed cognitive level of student groups and student experimentation, who controlled the solid point, pretty, medium and weak ice cream with no major difference Cream weaknesses in experimental group 19.74% grade, grade control groups 19:50%, 0.24% to the difference Average Score of 59.30% experimental group classes, group classes controlled 59.73%, 0.43% to the difference Quite in the experimental class groups 17:48%, the control group 17:55% grade, 0:07% difference Good points in the experimental group 3:49% layer, the control layer group 3:21% 0:28% difference
4.3.2 Phase 2: Experimental control Results of student awareness
At this stage the author conducted empirical impact after three lesson plans:
Trang 2220
increased compared with the results before the author conducted innovative methods of presentation (Table 4.3) evaluate experimental results showed that lesson 1, the experimental group of students with higher evaluations control group students Average Binh weak - less focused in class control group, while the good points kha- focused largely in the experimental class groups Team GPA is 6.72 experimental classes, while the group's point average is 5.92, the control layer, the standard deviation of the group point average compared with experimental classes the control layer 0.8 In which the standard deviation is 1.27 experimental group, the control group was 1.17 With this result shows that the learning outcomes of the experimental class grade group than the control group classes
* Results aggregate score of all empirical test of student awareness groups experimental classes when teachers use lesson plans 2 to experimental scores have also changed significantly (Table 4.5) At the point of experimental classes pretty - pretty good at higher points - good in the control layer and higher than the control class lesson 1 Such inspections are the average score - weak - less still higher than the experimental group classes Team GPA is 6.97 experimental classes, while the group's point average is 6.06 grade control, the standard deviation of the group point average compared with experimental classes increased layer control up 0.91 In which the standard deviation is 1.31 experimental group, the control group was 1.13
* The experimental results lesson 3 (Table 4.7) The result check in lesson 3 has demonstrated the difference in scores between the two experimental groups Group classes quite experimental - points higher good pretty - well in control layer and higher than the lesson 1, lesson 2 Grade point average control - weak - higher still quite low - and high solid than for the experimental class Team GPA is 7.14 experimental classes, while point average grade control group was 6.15, the standard deviation of the group point average compared with experimental classes increased layer control up 0.99 In which the standard deviation is 1.22 experimental group, the control group was 1.07
Trang 2321
curricula have high results, which reflect the adoption of measures using presentation measures towards promoting positive student learning in subjects the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section has brought results and objective feasibility of the experimental process Results skill formation, capacity for students
The authors found that students formed the experimental group class skills and capabilities are relatively good It shows in cognitive abilities of the students passed the tests evaluated The adoption of measures to use team approach towards promoting presentations positively by students, shows that students gradually formed
relatively academic skills, be more active in lectures, aware deeper
content learning purposes philosophical knowledge Using the method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section helps students form the skills to better serve the learning process set as analytical skills, problem identification skills, skill selection information, problem-solving skills situations and help students get the ability to form such as self-learning capabilities, capacity to analyze, explore issues, intellectual capacity selective General assessment of experimental results
One is, the learning outcomes of experimental groups higher layer control group classes
Second, the experimental class groups students have the skills and learning capacities better than the control group class students
Third, the method of presentation used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects These basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section is a work made entirely properly and effectively
Fourth, using presentation methods towards promoting positive student has created excitement in part philosophical study of the experimental group students
Trang 2422
Method of presentation is a key teaching methods and most appropriate content in teaching philosophical knowledge, but to promote the advantages of the methods available presentations, help students master content knowledge , forming good skills in learning, requiring that teachers know how to teach innovation, innovation method of presentation
From the study of methods of presentation teaching philosophy and empirical part of measures to use the method of presentation towards promoting positive student in teaching basic subjects principles of neo Marxist - Leninist Philosophy section, the author draws the following conclusions:
First: Methodology presentation teaching methods is long standing tradition in the history of the study of teaching methods This is a method of getting a lot of attention and research scientists Through the study's methodology overview presentation, the authors fully agree with the views, the study of teaching methods, methods of presentation of domestic and foreign authors That's the opinion, the research is very valuable and practical science high However, research overview of the
author's thesis that, issues of concern to the presentation methods,
research on the use of methods of presentation towards promoting students' positive, given the measures corrective measures exist limitations of using methods of presentation the authors have also been mentioned But no research scientist refers to methods of presentation used towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy section
Therefore, the study authors problem is completely new and there is no duplication
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positivity of students, reasoning It also conducted a survey of the teaching faculty and students studying in the province of the study's authors On that basis, identify methods of presentation used towards promoting positive student employment is urgent and necessary
Third: To improve the quality of learning the basic principles of Marxism - Leninism, the thesis has given principles and measures applied to presentations using the method in the direction of promoting positive student The measures mentioned thesis with partisanship, scientific, theoretical and practical, in line with the content knowledge of the subject, in accordance with cognitive abilities of students and to comply with the Party's direction points on innovation of teaching methods to improve student awareness
Wednesday: Pedagogical Experimental results have confirmed the feasibility of the thesis, has proven measures using presentation methods towards promoting positive student in teaching basic subjects of Principles Marxist - Leninist Philosophy section is highly effective in teaching On that basis measures thesis statement presentation approach towards promoting students’ positive not only be applied in the teaching of content knowledge of Philosophy, which uses methods of presentation towards promoting positive can be widely used in all subject content knowledge of political theory in particular, the social sciences in general and can be replicated in high schools teaching in colleges and universities across the country
Using the method of presentation towards promoting positive student learning in subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism philosophy is part of new jobs in the system of viewpoints is not old Party, State and the Ministry of education and training Should this innovation requires high consistency and uniformity of all levels and departments to the renewal of teaching methods to promote the positive effects and achieve education set
From practice to conduct surveys and experimental teaching content Philosophy section boldly authors make the following recommendations:
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basic subjects principles of Marxism - Leninism through the regime, incentives for teachers, interested in organizing seminars, training and exchange of experiences between the colleges and universities in the country, especially the schools in the province It should make the standard rules of knowledge, necessary and sufficient for business with faculty teaching courses on political theory and suggested the case taken seriously There can thus be screened for trainers really have the capacity to participate in teaching
* For the school leader: Need to pay more attention to improving the capacity and qualifications, pedagogical faculty of arts teaching political theory; avoid non-professional trainers to teach part-time, weak professional trainers about pedagogical Concern to invest in infrastructure, provide adequate modern equipment such as computers, projectors, Internet for the teaching process, providing adequate textbooks, materials references related to the subject at the library, help teachers be more active in receiving knowledge * For faculty: Need acutely aware of the importance of the reform of teaching methods, grasp, understand the nature of the content of teaching methods; self-interest to improve professional skills, pedagogical, expand knowledge in the areas of social life to lectures
more vivid, rich; Besides, teachers must know to promote enthusiasm
in their own teaching, respect and learn from colleagues know, respect students
* For students: Need aware of the purpose, the meaning, the importance of learning content knowledge in the subjects of political theory, from there there are plans and measures best learning subjects And actively promote cognitive ability, the ability to apply knowledge in solving problems related to life There is thus a new study become a real job meaningful
With the results achieved in the thesis, the author has tried to
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