T DRAFT 7367 R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION A-LEVEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS Specification For teaching from September 2017 onwards For A-level exams in 2019 onwards D Version 0.1 June 2016 DRAFT SPECIFICATION T R AF D A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Contents Introduction 2.1 Subject content 2.2 Assessments 7 Subject content 11 3.1 Overarching themes 3.2 Compulsory content 3.3 Optional application – mechanics 3.4 Optional application – statistics 3.5 Optional application – discrete 11 12 20 22 26 R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION Specification at a glance 5 T 1.1 Why choose AQA for A-level Further Mathematics 1.2 Support and resources to help you teach 1.3 Draft specification Scheme of assessment 4.1 Aims 4.2 Assessment objectives 4.3 Assessment weightings General administration D 5.1 Entries and codes 5.2 Overlaps with other qualifications 5.3 Awarding grades and reporting results 5.4 Re-sits and shelf life 5.5 Previous learning and prerequisites 5.6 Access to assessment: diversity and inclusion 5.7 Working with AQA for the first time 5.8 Private candidates 5.9 Use of calculators 31 31 32 33 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration • • You will always find the most up-to-date version of this specification on our website at aqa.org.uk/7367 We will write to you if there are significant changes to the specification Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION T R AF D Are you using the latest version of this specification? A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Introduction 1.1 Why choose AQA for A-level Further Mathematics T A specification with freedom – assessment design that rewards understanding We want students to see the links between different areas of maths and to apply their maths skills across all areas That’s why our assessment structure gives you the freedom to teach further maths your way R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION Maths is essential for many higher education courses and careers We’ve worked closely with higher education to ensure this qualification gives your students the best possible chance to progress and realise their potential Consistent assessments are essential, which is why we’ve worked hard to ensure our papers are clear and reward your students for their mathematical skills and knowledge You can find out about all our Further Mathematics qualifications at aqa.org.uk/maths 1.2 Support and resources to help you teach We’ve worked with experienced teachers to provide you with a range of resources that will help you confidently plan, teach and prepare for exams Teaching resources Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 to see all our teaching resources They include: D • route maps to allow you to plan how to deliver the specification in the way that will best suit you and your students • teaching guidance to outline clearly the possible scope of teaching and learning • lesson plans and homework sheets tailored to this specification • tests and assessments that will allow you to measure the development of your students as they work through the content • textbooks that are approved by AQA • training courses to help you deliver AQA mathematics qualifications • subject expertise courses for all teachers, from newly qualified teachers who are just getting started, to experienced teachers looking for fresh inspiration Preparing for exams Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for everything you need to prepare for our exams, including: • • • • past papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports specimen papers and mark schemes for new courses Exampro: a searchable bank of past AQA exam questions example student answers with examiner commentaries Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration Analyse your students' results with Enhanced Results Analysis (ERA) Find out which questions were the most challenging, how the results compare to previous years and where your students need to improve ERA, our free online results analysis tool, will help you see where to focus your teaching Register at aqa.org.uk/era For information about results, including maintaining standards over time, grade boundaries and our post-results services, visit aqa.org.uk/results Keep your skills up-to-date with professional development T • Improve your teaching skills in areas including differentiation, teaching literacy and meeting Ofsted requirements • Prepare for a new role with our leadership and management courses You can attend a course at venues around the country, in your school or online – whatever suits your needs and availability Find out more at coursesandevents.aqa.org.uk R AF Help and support Visit our website for information, guidance, support and resources at aqa.org.uk/7367 If you'd like us to share news and information about this qualification, sign up for emails and updates at aqa.org.uk/from-2017 Alternatively, you can call or email our subject team direct E: maths@aqa.org.uk T: 0161 957 3852 1.3 Draft specification D This draft qualification has not yet been accredited by Ofqual It is published to enable teachers to have early sight of our proposed approach to A-level Further Mathematics Further changes may be required and no assurance can be given that this proposed qualification will be made available in its current form, or that it will be accredited in time for first teaching in September 2017 and first award in August 2019 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION Wherever you are in your career, there’s always something new to learn As well as subject specific training, we offer a range of courses to help boost your skills A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Specification at a glance This qualification is linear Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course 2.1 Subject content • • • • OT1: Mathematical argument, language and proof (page 11) OT2: Mathematical problem solving (page 11) OT3: Mathematical modelling (page 12) Compulsory content (page 12) R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION All students must study this content T Core content Options Students must study two of these options D • Optional application – mechanics (page 20) • Optional application – statistics (page 22) • Optional application – discrete (page 26) Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 2.2 Assessments Paper What's assessed How it's assessed • Written exam: hours • 100 marks • 33⅓ % of A-level Questions D A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION A: Proof B: Complex numbers C: Matrices D: Further Algebra and Functions E: Further Calculus F: Further Vectors G: Polar coordinates H: Hyperbolic functions I: Differential equations J: Trigonometry L: Coordinate geometry R AF • • • • • • • • • • • T May assess content from the following sections: A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Paper What's assessed A: Proof B: Complex numbers C: Matrices D: Further Algebra and Functions E: Further Calculus F: Further Vectors G: Polar coordinates H: Hyperbolic functions I: Differential equations J: Trigonometry L: Coordinate geometry How it's assessed T • • • • • • • • • • • R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION May assess content from the following sections: • Written exam: hours • 100 marks • 33⅓ % of A-level Questions A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems Paper What's assessed One question paper answer booklet on Discrete and one question paper answer booklet on Statistics How it's assessed D • Written exam: hours • 100 marks • 33⅓ % of A-level Questions A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems OR Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration Paper What's assessed One question paper answer booklet on Statistics and one question paper answer booklet on Mechanics How it's assessed A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems OR R AF Paper What's assessed One question paper answer booklet on Mechanics and one question paper answer booklet on Discrete How it's assessed • Written exam: hours • 100 marks • 33⅓ % of A-level Questions D A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems 10 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION Questions T • Written exam: hours • 100 marks • 33⅓ % of A-level Content SB5 Formulate hypotheses and carry out a hypothesis test of a population mean from a single observation from a Poisson distribution using direct evaluation of Poisson probabilities 3.4.3 SC: Type I and Type II errors • Understand Type I and Type II errors and define in context Calculate probability of making Type I error from tests based on a Poisson distribution • Calculate probability of making Type I error from tests based on a normal distribution Content Power of a test Calculations of P(Type II error) and power for a test for tests based on a normal distribution or a Poisson distribution R AF SC2 T SC1 3.4.4 SD: Continuous random variables (CRV) Content SD1 Understand and use a probability density function, f(x), for a continuous distribution and understand the difference from discrete distributions Content SD2 Find the probability of an observation lying in a specified interval Content SD3 Find median and quartiles for given probability density function, f(x) Content Find mean, variance and standard deviation for given CRV function, f(x) Know the formulae E(X)= ∫xf(x)dx, E(X2)= ∫x² f(x)dx, Var(X)=E(X² )-(E(X) )² D SD4 Content SD5 • Understand expectation of simple linear functions of CRVs and know the formulae E(aX+b)=aE(X)+b and Var (aX+b)= a² Var (X) ] • Know the formula E(g(X))= ∫g(xi) pi dx • Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of functions of a continuous random variable such as E(5X3 ),E(18X-3 ) Var (6X-1) 24 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION Content A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Content SD6 Understand and use a cumulative distribution function, F(x) Know the relationship between f x and F x F x = ∫−x ∞ f t dt and f x = d F dx x Content T • Understand the rectangular distribution f(x) where a≤x≤b b−a f x = otherwise • Know the conditions for the rectangular distribution to be used as a model • Calculate probabilities from a rectangular distribution • Know proofs of mean, variance and standard deviation for a rectangular distribution R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION SD7 3.4.5 SE: Chi tests for association Content SE1 Construction of n x m contingency tables Content SE2 OE 2 Use of ∑ Ei i as an approximate χ statistic with appropriate degrees of i freedom Content SE3 Know and use the convention that all Ei should be greater than Content SE4 Identification of sources of association in the context of a question D Content SE5 Knowledge of when and how to apply Yates’ correction 3.4.6 SF: Exponential distribution Content SF1 Know conditions for an exponential distribution to be used as a model Know the probability density function, f(x), and the cumulative distribution function, F(x), for an exponential distribution Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 25 Content SF2 Calculate probabilities for an exponential distribution using F(x) or integration of f(x) Content SF3 Know proofs of mean, variance and standard deviation Content 3.4.7 SG: Inference – one sample t-distribution Content Test for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown variance using a tstatistic with appropriate degrees of freedom R AF SG1 3.5 Optional application – discrete 3.5.1 DA: Graphs Content DA1 Vertices, edges, simple graphs, connected graphs Content DA2 The degree of a vertex, Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphs Content DA3 Walks, trails, cycles, Eulerian trails, Hamiltonian cycles Content Planar graphs, Euler’s formula V–E+F=2, Kuratowski’s Theorem, complete graphs, the notation K n bipartite graphs, the notation Km,n D DA4 Content DA5 Adjacency matrices, isomorphic graphs Content DA6 Trees 26 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION Understand that the lengths of intervals between Poisson events have an exponential distribution T SF4 A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 3.5.2 DB: Networks Content DB1 Minimum spanning trees/minimum connectors Content DB2 Route inspection problem for a network with at most four odd vertices Content 3.5.3 DC: Network flows Content DC1 T Travelling salesperson problem, upper bounds and the nearest neighbour method, lower bounds by use of minimum spanning trees Interpret flow problems represented by a network of directed edges R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION DB3 Content DC2 Find the value of a cut and understand its meaning Content DC3 Use and interpret the maximum flow-minimum cut theorem Content DC4 Introduce supersources and supersinks to a network with more than one source and/or sink Content DC5 Use a labelling procedure to augment a flow and determine the maximum flow in a network Content Upper and lower capacity problems D DC6 Content DC7 Vertices of restricted capacity 3.5.4 DD: Linear programming Content DD1 Formulation of constrained optimisation problems Content DD2 Graphical solution of two-variable problems, including those with integer solutions Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 27 Content DD3 Use the Simplex algorithm for optimising (maximising and minimising) an objective function Content DD4 Interpret the values of the variables, slack variables and objective function from a Simplex tableau 3.5.5 DE: Critical path analysis Construct, represent and interpret a precedence (activity) network using activityon-node Content Use forward and reverse passes to determine earliest and latest start and finish times R AF DE2 Content DE3 Identify float times, critical activities, critical paths and their effect on project completion times Content DE4 Construct and interpret Gantt (cascade) diagrams and resource histograms Content DE5 Carry out resource levelling (using heuristic procedures) 3.5.6 DF: Game theory for zero-sum games Content Pay-off matrix, play-safe strategies, stable solutions, dominance and pay-off matrix reduction, saddle points, value of the game D DF1 Content DF2 Optimal mixed strategies for a game with no stable solution Content DF3 Graphical solutions for x or x games 3.5.7 DG: Binary operations and group theory Content DG1 Binary operations; commutativity; associativity 28 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION DE1 T Content A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Content DG2 Cayley Tables, Modulo arithmetic Content DG3 Identity, inverse Content DG4 Understand and use the group axioms: closure, associativity, identity and inverses T DG5 Finite and infinite groups, symmetry groups, abstract groups, groups using integers modulo n Content DG6 Groups and subgroups; the order of a group and period order of an element; Lagrange’s theorem R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION Content Content DG7 Generators of groups Content DG8 Cyclic groups, the generators of cyclic groups Content Isomorphism between groups of finite order D DG9 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 29 DRAFT SPECIFICATION T R AF D 30 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 Scheme of assessment Find past papers and mark schemes, and specimen papers for new courses, on our website at aqa.org.uk/pastpapers This specification is designed to be taken over two years This is a linear qualification In order to achieve the award, students must complete all assessments at the end of the course and in the same series T All materials are available in English only Our A-level exams in Further Mathematics include questions that allow students to demonstrate their ability to: • recall information • draw together information from different areas of the specification • apply their knowledge and understanding in practical and theoretical contexts R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION A-level exams and certification for this specification are available for the first time in May/June 2019 and then every May/June for the life of the specification 4.1 Aims Courses based on this specification should encourage students to: D • understand mathematics and mathematical processes in ways that promote confidence, foster enjoyment and provide a strong foundation for progress to further study • extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques • understand coherence and progression in mathematics and how different areas of mathematics are connected • apply mathematics in other fields of study and be aware of the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in general • use their mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts, and communicate the mathematical rationale for these decisions clearly • reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning • generalise mathematically • construct mathematical proofs • use their mathematical skills and techniques to solve challenging problems which require them to decide on the solution strategy • recognise when mathematics can be used to analyse and solve a problem in context • represent situations mathematically and understand the relationship between problems in context and mathematical models that may be applied to solve them • draw diagrams and sketch graphs to help explore mathematical situations and interpret solutions • make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions by using mathematical reasoning • interpret solutions and communicate their interpretation effectively in the context of the problem • read and comprehend mathematical arguments, including justifications of methods and formulae, and communicate their understanding Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 31 • read and comprehend articles concerning applications of mathematics and communicate their understanding • use technology such as calculators and computers effectively, and recognise when such use may be inappropriate • take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development 4.2 Assessment objectives Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all A-level Further Mathematics specifications and all exam boards R AF • AO1: Use and apply standard techniques Learners should be able to: • select and correctly carry out routine procedures • accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions • AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically Learners should be able to: • construct rigorous mathematical arguments (including proofs) • make deductions and inferences • assess the validity of mathematical arguments • explain their reasoning • use mathematical language and notation correctly • AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts Learners should be able to: • translate problems in mathematical and non-mathematical contexts into mathematical processes • interpret solutions to problems in their original context, and, where appropriate, evaluate their accuracy and limitations • translate situations in context into mathematical models • use mathematical models • evaluate the outcomes of modelling in context, recognise the limitations of models and, where appropriate, explain how to refine them 4.2.1 Assessment objective weightings for A-level Further Mathematics D Assessment objectives (AOs) Component weightings (approx %) Overall weighting (approx %) Paper Paper Paper AO1 55 55 40 50 AO2 25 25 25 25 AO3 20 20 35 25 Overall weighting of components 33 ⅓ 33 ⅓ 33 ⅓ 100 32 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION T The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 4.3 Assessment weightings Maximum raw mark Scaling factor Maximum scaled mark Paper 100 x1 100 Paper 100 x1 100 Paper 100 x1 100 T Component Total scaled mark: 300 D R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION The marks awarded on the papers will be scaled to meet the weighting of the components Students’ final marks will be calculated by adding together the scaled marks for each component Grade boundaries will be set using this total scaled mark The scaling and total scaled marks are shown in the table below Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 33 DRAFT SPECIFICATION T R AF D 34 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 General administration You can find information about all aspects of administration, as well as all the forms you need, at aqa.org.uk/examsadmin 5.1 Entries and codes T Every specification is given a national discount (classification) code by the Department for Education (DfE), which indicates its subject area If a student takes two specifications with the same discount code, further and higher education providers are likely to take the view that they have only achieved one of the two qualifications Please check this before your students start their course R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION You only need to make one entry for each qualification – this will cover all the question papers, non-exam assessment and certification Qualification title AQA entry code DfE discount code AQA Advanced Level GCE in Further Mathematics 7367 TBC This specification complies with: • • • • Ofqual General conditions of recognition that apply to all regulated qualifications Ofqual GCE qualification level conditions that apply to all GCEs Ofqual GCE subject level conditions that apply to all GCEs in this subject all other relevant regulatory documents The Ofqual qualification accreditation number (QAN) is TBC 5.2 Overlaps with other qualifications There is overlapping content in the AS and A-level Further Mathematics specifications This helps you teach the AS and A-level together D 5.3 Awarding grades and reporting results The A-level qualification will be graded on a six-point scale: A*, A, B, C, D and E Students who fail to reach the minimum standard for grade E will be recorded as U (unclassified) and will not receive a qualification certificate 5.4 Re-sits and shelf life Students can resit the qualification as many times as they wish, within the shelf life of the qualification Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 35 5.5 Previous learning and prerequisites There are no previous learning requirements Any requirements for entry to a course based on this specification are at the discretion of schools and colleges However, we recommend that students should have the skills and knowledge associated with a GCSE Further Mathematics or equivalent 5.6 Access to assessment: diversity and inclusion The subject criteria have been assessed to see if any of the skills or knowledge required present any possible difficulty to any students, whatever their ethnic background, religion, sex, age, disability or sexuality Tests of specific competences were only included if they were important to the subject R AF As members of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) we participate in the production of the JCQ document Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments: General and Vocational qualifications We follow these guidelines when assessing the needs of individual students who may require an access arrangement or reasonable adjustment This document is published at jcq.org.uk Students with disabilities and special needs We're required by the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments to remove or lessen any disadvantage that affects a disabled student We can make arrangements for disabled students and students with special needs to help them access the assessments, as long as the competences being tested aren't changed Access arrangements must be agreed before the assessment For example, a Braille paper would be a reasonable adjustment for a Braille reader To arrange access arrangements or reasonable adjustments, you can apply using the online service at aqa.org.uk/eaqa Special consideration D We can give special consideration to students who have been disadvantaged at the time of the assessment through no fault of their own – for example a temporary illness, injury or serious problem such as family bereavement We can only this after the assessment Your exams officer should apply online for special consideration at aqa.org.uk/eaqa For more information and advice visit aqa.org.uk/access or email accessarrangementsqueries@aqa.org.uk 5.7 Working with AQA for the first time If your school or college hasn't previously offered our specifications, you need to register as an AQA centre Find out how at aqa.org.uk/becomeacentre 36 Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration DRAFT SPECIFICATION T General qualifications are designed to prepare students for a wide range of occupations and further study Therefore our qualifications must assess a wide range of competences A-level Further Mathematics DRAFT 7367 A-level exams June 2019 onwards Version 0.1 June 2016 5.8 Private candidates This specification is available to private candidates A private candidate is someone who enters for exams through an AQA approved school or college but is not enrolled as a student there A private candidate may be self-taught, home schooled or have private tuition, either with a tutor or through a distance learning organisation They must be based in the UK 5.9 Use of calculators T • speak to the exams officer at the school or college where you intend to take your exams • visit our website at aqa.org.uk/privatecandidates • email privatecandidates@aqa.org.uk A calculator is required for use in all assessments in this specification Details of the requirements for calculators can be found in the Joint Council for General Qualifications document Instructions for conducting examinations R AF DRAFT SPECIFICATION If you have any queries as a private candidate, you can: For A-level Further Mathematics exams, calculators should have the following as a required minimum: • an iterative function • the ability to perform calculations with matrices up to at least order 3x3 • the ability to compute summary statistics and access probabilities from standard statistical distributions D For the purposes of this specification, a ‘calculator’ is any electronic or mechanical device which may be used for the performance of mathematical computations However, only those permissible in the guidance in the Instructions for conducting examinations are allowed in A-level Further Mathematics exams Visit aqa.org.uk/7367 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 37 Get help and support Visit our website for information, guidance, support and resources at aqa.org.uk/7367 You can talk directly to the Further Mathematics subject team: E: maths@aqa.org.uk aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2015 AQA and its licensors All rights reserved AQA retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications However, schools and colleges registered with AQA are permitted to copy material from this specification for their own internal use AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX DRAFT SPECIFICATION D R AF T T: 0161 957 3852