General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2014 Anthropology Unit ANTH3 Global and Local: Societies, Environments and Globalisation Tuesday 10 June 2014 9.00 am to 10.45 am For this paper you must have: l an AQA 12-page answer book Time allowed l hour 45 minutes A Instructions l Use black ink or black ball-point pen l Write the information required on the front of your answer book The Paper Reference is ANTH3 l This paper is divided into two sections In Section A, answer all questions In Section B, answer two questions l Do all rough work in your answer book Cross through any work you not want to be marked Information l The marks for questions are shown in brackets l The maximum mark for this paper is 90 l Questions carrying 15 marks or more should be answered in continuous prose In these questions you will be marked on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate H/IB/104326/Jun14/E3 ANTH3 Section A Answer all questions in this section Total for this section: 30 marks Read Item A below and answer all the questions that follow Item A Globalisation and improved technology have made it easier for people to travel to other countries People move around the world for many reasons Movement may be permanent, such as migration to live in a new country, or it may be temporary, such as tourism Movements of population can have a number of different effects, both on the people who move and on the society they move to One effect is transnationalism It is not only people who move; ideas also move People who move to another country will bring with them ideas from their own country For example, African indigenous religions carried by slaves to the Americas have strongly influenced belief systems such as Vodou/Voodoo in Haiti and Santeria in Cuba H/Jun14/ANTH3 Define what is meant by ‘transnationalism’ (Item A, line 5) and explain two possible results of this process, apart from those referred to in Item A [6 marks] Identify and briefly explain three ways in which ideas may move between cultures, apart from those referred to in Item A [9 marks] Examine some of the ways in which the rights of indigenous peoples have been improved in recent times [15 marks] Section B Answer two questions from this section Total for this section: 60 marks ‘In order to benefit local societies, development projects need to take account of local culture.’ Assess this view, using anthropological arguments and evidence Assess the view that local conflicts always have global causes, such as colonialism and neo-colonialism [30 marks] ‘Throughout the world, advances in technology inevitably cause cultures to become more similar.’ Assess this view, using anthropological arguments and evidence END OF QUESTIONS H/Jun14/ANTH3 [30 marks] [30 marks] There are no questions printed on this page Copyright © 2014 AQA and its licensors All rights reserved H/Jun14/ANTH3