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My first english adventure 3 PDF 2

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=a*:r.jt-::: ''': F¿+a, a,:::lrrii:il,: : ' ::i::: i:i::i:ri:,ii : +j.ljj+?w¿t I é J , "= l-w*¿ )-l , ,,- -.?ast ': 'i:t -t =:, :i:i lzahelta Hearn Peorson Educotion Limited Edinburgh Gote Horlow Essex CM20 2JE Englond ond Associoted Componies throughout the world www.en g [is h-odventu re n et @ Peorson Educotion Limited 2005 Disneg mqteriqlO 2005 Disneg Enterprises, lnc Moteriol from Tog Storg (poge 28) Tog Storg elements O 2005 Disneg Enterprises, lnc ond Pixqr Animotion Studios; originol Tog Storg elements @ 2005 Disneg Enterprises, lnc Mr Pototo Heqd @ is o registered trodemork of Hosbro,lnc Used with permission @ Hosbro, lnc.Alt rights reserved Moteriol from A Bug's Life (poge 42) O 2005 Disneg Enterprises, lnc qnd Pixqr Animotion Studios Al[ rights reserved; no port of this publicotion mog be reproduced, stored in o retrievol sgstem, or tronsmitted in ong form or bg ong meons, etectronic, mechonicol, photocopging, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers First published 2005 tsBN 9780582791831 Set in Gilt Sons MT Schoolbook Botd 14l18pt ond Stone lnformol 12l15pt Printed in Argentino bg MUNDIAL 5.A.1212012 lllustroted bg Jesús Alonso, Mossimilqno Colo, Jovier Corbojo,Yves Chognoud, Comicup Studio, Morio Cortes, Dore-Kqst Studio,Alberto de Hogos, Mouricio Moggiorini, Federico Moncuso, Gerordo Molino, Bob Nicholls, Gustovo Otero, José Luis Pordo, Eloiso Scichilone, Flovio Scuderi, Thereso Tibbetts qnd Dqnielo Vetro Photogrophs poges 2,3,7,9,12,20,31 @ Peorson Educotion Ltd bg Antonio Morcos, o[[ other photogrophs @ Peorson Educotion Ltd bg Trevor Clifford Cover colour work bg Ulkutog & Ulkutog **'= -"Éi =s -i= *=*Ss Activity Book É Hello! € what are you good at? R* There is a town ,ij "iil.lfl Review Units and Animels and monsters ff Review Units and F* t8 S.¡ Stories and heroes "' 46 B body wes ten metres long! 48 12 S We have Maths on MondaY 20 €; l'm better today! *; Review Units and ó0 26 Birthday 62 32 Christmas ó3 +¡+l-n ir'- Review Units and S; fuagic or illusions? * ffi comPlete ond drow * ffi Find the dogs of the week UHSRDATY ADAUTRSY N4ADNEY TESAUDY DWYSENAED YDUNSA IARDYF * ffi Find ond write' /:+r \' ./ d*fu = +ft?Ú sct¡sot s ,"* - i ffi Sffi Write the questions Motch the onswers' I¡ve:got ,a,brother you sister o Hove got brother o or , € ? l-ks¡ thatls ri$ht,' I $ you Are in ? I b# k# €* *"rr,t€d Do gou remember? Reod ond motch ffi closs He's got o bike ,SS- ffiw got rollerblodes She's comPlete ond drow' My friend (nome) This is (qge) He's / She's (closs) He's / She's in closs ' She's got two sisters ond o big brother ¡',, sÉi' i !,.i i+ l::: *,ii: His nome's Eddie , ** tl *es' _* Write ond drqw '*"ffi -("-.'\ 7ffi 8ffi Whot is number 6? Whot ore theg soging? Complete $ffi * W+ Listen ond circte the letters ! I A F K B G L CD Ei HI rj MN oi U L_*" -_ a VW RS Ti rl Z letters I : ¡ : I P Write the i Use the letters to moke two words! T @ gffi write ond motch' 1ffi e I t S d r p P , d' o r e o t o s r t b I a r b a n k e S t I * 6@ comPtete ond drow' I'm in closs I've got I've got My favourite *ffiMotch fu" kicking o boll * ffi #ffi comPrete' @ c F I''r \= )kt U*E:- ,* t i ':=j i *'* -: rtk A/ (A,l/ Listen ond order the words * m q, € \: -='=1.;1o == +=- =-"0'.r =ii:é* in The story hero the 7-h*, hz,o ¡ ilú ,+.''' ¡1 : r+€ ii !.+$l : :, -.rF - i¡ J+.: '+,': F i E.!+ s*i\.-:: "l.€l=' t";'t¡; = ="-':t ;=:= i ond strong Wos hondsome eves dqrk were His ,¡ e,*€:' i+.-l;r+ J" rr=* I ,,i =I'¡tn ¡+ * '- *,',-J "tS- ; tl :== :,'"'+'',-i 54 t ;t l Listen ond comptete the progromme G = * e fiÉffif Doys: Times: write * Find someone who tikes books obout: * ,S:;i-.i"EF w Motch &;+e' /'5,¿ k3g tooth stories hero teeth mouse children t+ ,-.-!'{' story houses [-/ td /'{-:,} child heroes ffidz\ :üi J :!Ir, house mice S- Is l/-\ t / r-l r *", \J \"iJ-,i-of (1 fr1"T1t ft _,,, il_ rry'.: /-:,9_ )* i,, , \*r_:r-n J2{-N\ru"¿¡\-\ 'lffi¿afu1":Jih F 55 The porro, r@i, o -orrrter / bird It lives in o cove I pet shop in the mountqins / town Phil's got o coke / sword He wonts to fight / feed the porrot I hydro Phil is scored / hungry He throws * SS ñ s* ff ¡'Éi {-." / eots the sword / coke! Write o storg using the other words Write the words i*rE""' ""'-.''-"".'"':*'''' 1"*"""'"'*''"""i coge forest ii:- .' = ;.,,' = , hydro l ,." ,, , ,'",;1 5ó T @ 5$ Mqtch ond write Hucu.[p-r Robuo Hood, Poc¿juntar Am*.rt"c.a,, Qrut Brbam * s*# chonge the words.write obout o person gou know @wos from @G") *o, q fomous @ @u)*o, very strong * SiF Drqw o cover for gour fovourite book I like books obout My fovourite book is j n A ü il & 57 * -*-ÉS Find the words SC CH RB OM LC LM MO co I B o R E E L I N S R H X U M i NCO computer downlood rww TEN c PBL U KSO o E W BIA E STD TER P U L I bro*r screen website | ]-ryffi S ; click i scroll S ir i mouse i i li i i",.-"- " -" ", - , i ffi $::BE- choose ond write' @**ápérs mosazine booksr€ >\ rYM üe television ,g/ 6ü)\ the rsdio @ tgocherl the computer @ WM and porents '4r- ¡Y I find informotion from: ond (3) (2) (1) * # Ptososome' Éo =S,TorF Ito ol ll(L -J b_d /a-o\\ lo =M,NorS loLq_qt laJ I /-*-V =L,PorT on octivity o i1 /=-r\ ü:'l a, - =B,AorG ilo =O,EorB -\ 0ol tp!9 on onimol o sport o month o ploce =G,ForR o type of food 58 F Reod ond circte Moyo is very sod / hoppy Her friends ore going awly onoboot/bus Moyo is crying / loughing A mogic duck / fish chonges Moyo into o rot / dolphin so she go with her friends! Reod ond motch Children ore crossing the rood There ore deer jumping There's o troin coming l ffio reo I Write the messoge =F i= =i / t;.:ri i I¡.-:tí ! Unit reo I '., 8: I tolk obout heroes from the post I understond stories I soy ffi fi/rsh" N trü W 59 r * complete' -€::ti-=+ In English Adventure: My fovourite song wos My fovourite story wos wos My fovourite unit wos My fovourite poge €$ comPrete' s€*iiF Nome: * I Two onimols in English Adventure Two children in English Adventure Two dinosours in English Adventure Choose, circte ond comptete.Then drow the picture .5i:.$"i,-:1F Rex i Coco wos o drogon / clown He wos very strong / funny His nose was big i smoll ond red / brown His legs were long /short ó0 e IFffi-¡tE} Design o progromme for gour school plou S 6ffi write the words 10 *'2t (({'/L_ ¡.:' 'm4ffiffi '@ 2@ :" V' \ ! n"€ Gt H € @ uV /l'¿^ \ \ { \ tf\! v @ @ 15 ";r¿,, : e ''0ffib#,?' 16 4v l-1ñ \rr vt!- 6l * lffi Reod ond choose * ffi Plon o birthdog Picnic' Where? Drinks * ond onswer' S@ comPtete in / at The picnic is Who is coming to the picnic? Whot is there to eot ond drink? S g$ Find ond write g;;** FáSe *ri:_ l/\*- * ffi F\ ** á.: -+ü' !i{r1i- i *-? :l Jl '=.*, :S s: Reod ond write true (T) or fotse (F)? At Christmos time in Greot Britoin: The nights ore long It's cold Snowmen decorote the trees The birds ore hungry There ore no flowers in the gordens tr rT T T Write s sentence obout gour countrg At Christmos time ó3 'ii : Reod ond number the pictures Eoster Egg coke You need: o) o big round coke b) icing sugor, woter, sweets Cut qn egg shope from your Moke the icing: mix the woter ond icing sugar qnd put on the coke Decorote your'egg'with sweets Cut the coke ond eot it with your friends coke ffi Eddie's cord hos got o field of lombs ond o duck in the pond Nino's cord hos got Eoster eggs ond chicks in o bosket 64 Soniq's cord hos got o bosket with chocolote robbits ond chocolote flowers Williom's cord hos got o huge Eoster egg in o footboll field r: ?:j:!: ,* :i : ¿: : -:'¿É -.- : -, €::-,:, ';'':: ¡;-, , :i.': t¿ ' Í r, ,***' Pupil's Book Teacher's Book Activity Book :r- |'l: ll tl :,:.1 :- a -ri rá=¡ Class CD and cassette Songs CD and cassette Video and DVD Posters CD-ROM i 3ni ilar ISBN 978058279T831 Guía para Padres ,:&¿{r&se€gr$s ESCUETA*HOGAR llililffilill|[illilllll

Ngày đăng: 21/09/2016, 16:52