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- , Intermediate Workbook Steven J Molinsky Bill Bliss Contributing Authors Joan Kimball Elizabeth Kyle Prentice Hall Regent s Publisher: Tina Carver Director of Production and M anufacturing: David Riccard i Editorial Prod uction/Design Manager: Dominick Mosco Production Supervision and Page Compositi on : Ken Uaa Electronic Art : Todd Ware and Rolando Corujo Production Coordi nator: Ray Keating Cover Designer: M erl e Krumper Interior Design: Kenny Beck Ill ustrations: Richard E Hill © 1995 by Prentice H all Regents All rights reserved No part of this boo k may be reprod uced, in any form or by any means, wi thout permission in w ritin g from the pu blisher Printed in the United States of America 10 ISBN -13 -2 78458-0 CONTENTS Perso nal Information Famil y M embers I and II North America The Wo rld Everyday Activities J Everyday Activities II The Classroom Classroom Actions Countries, Na tionalities, and Languages Types of Housing The Living Room The D ining Room The Di nin g Room: A Place Setti ng The Bedroom The Kitch en Kitchenware The Baby's Room Baby Care The Bathroom Personal Care Products Househo ld Cleaning and Laundry Outside the Home The Ap artment Building H ousi ng Utilities, Services, and Repairs Too ls Gardenin g Tools and H ome Supplies Numbe rs 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 34 36 Mathematics 37 TIme The Calendar Places Around Town I and II The City D escribing People and Things Describing Physical States and Emotions 38 39 40 42 43 45 F ruj~ 47 48 Vegetables The Supermarket I The Su permarket II Co ntaine rs and Q uantitie s 49 51 Units of Measure 53 54 Food Preparation and Recipes Fast Foods and Sandwiches The Restaurant Co lors Clothing Slee pwear; Underwear, and Footwear Exercise Clothing and O uterwear Jewelry and Accessories Describi ng Cloth ing The Department Store 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 Video and Audio Equ ipment Computers, Telephones, and Cameras The Toy Store Mo ney The Bank The Body Ailments, Symptoms, and Injuries Med ical and Dental Care Medical Treatment and the Ho spital Medicine The Post Off ice The Library The School School Subjects and Extracurricular Activities Occupations I and II Work Activities The Office Office Equipment Office Furnish ings Office Suppl ies The Factory The Construction Site The Car Highways and Streets Public Transportation The Airport The Airplane The Weather and Seasons O utdoor Rec reation The Park and the Playgrou nd The Beach Individual Sports and Recreation Team Sports Team Sports Equipment W inter Sports and Recreation Water Sports and Recreation Sport and Exercise Actions Handicrafts, Hobbies, and Games Entertainment Types of Entertainment Musical Instruments Trees, Flowers, and Pl ants The Environment and En ergy The Farm and Farm Animals Animals and Pets Birds and Insects Fish , Sea Animals, and Reptiles M easurements and Geometric Shapes The Universe and Space Exploration 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 84 86 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 108 109 110 111 11 11 11 115 11 11 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 III A WHAT'S THE QUESTION l What';; your name? Peter Al an W aterman 16 River Road, Mi ami , Flo rida _ Peter 33419 _ A lan (407) 689- 338 _ Waterman 05 2-65 -9027 B WHAT INFORMATION DO YOU NEED! W hat personal in for matio n you need to send a birthday present ? -'name ' '"1< 'address ' ' "' ''''' _ make an out-of-state te lepho ne cal l? _ introduce two peopl e to each other? _ visit a classmate? _ h ire an emp loyee? -= _ C LISTENING li ste n an d c hoose the correct answer last name : fi rst name: @ And rews b Sands a Andrew b Stanley area code: a 205 b 20 a 14 Hudson Road in address: Weste rly b 14 Hudso n Road in Easton phone number: a 684-1 996 b 844- 1996 zip co de: a 22 490 b 229 40 A WHO ARE THEY! Replace the underlined w o rds w ith a single word Here are m y wedd ing pictu res Here's (1 ) m y fathe r's father The w om an next to him is (2) m y father 's sister Here's (3) my mo ther's brother (4) hi s w ife and (S) their c hild ren O ver here is (6) my sister' s so n and behind him are (7) his two sisters and (8) his father These are (9) m y h usba nd's paren ts What a fa mily! my my my my my _ my my my _ my '2 ndfa t he r _ B RELATIVES -L My fat her's mother is my a so n-in-law, M y dau ghte r's h usba nd is my b M y son 's so n is my c gran d mothe r My so n's w ife is my d M y brothe r's da ugh te r is my e gra ndso n niece da ug hte r-in-law C WHAT'S THE RELATIONSHIP! , @_1 _ , " -.li·, ~"· ~-~ ' ·C~ ~) "'~ """" " \ ' ~ t # , se; M'"rc hae loJ Ju I'ra 70;'" P I '~~ j'" ~ Patty Sc ott /' Ma rk, ~J® , Michae l : Julia - Nancy John' Edw a rd : Na ncy Michae l : Patty Ed wa rd : Ja c k Patty : Mar k Elizabeth : Ch ris -t Julia: Al ice An na : Patt y husband: wife An na Alice: Nancy 10 Jo hn: Chris Jack Ch ris A WHERE AM I! To the north is Ne bras ka, to the so uth is O klah oma, to the e ast is Misso ur i, an d to the west is Colorado W he re am I? To the no rth is Canada, to the south is South Da kota, to the east is Min ne so ta, a nd to the west is M ontana Where a:m 'j.J I ';:=l\:1- To the no rth is Nica ragua, a nd to the south is Pa nama To the north is the Yukon Territory, and to the east is A lberta W here am I? Where am I? To the no rth is Virginia , to the south is South Caro lina, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean , and to the we st is Tennessee W here am I? To the no rth is M ich igan, to the so uth is Kentucky, to the east is Oh io , and to the west is Illinois Where am I? To the no rth is Canada , to the south is Massachusetts, to the east is New H ampshire, and to the west is New York Where am I? To the north is Wash ington , to the so uth is Cal iforn ia, to the east is Idah o, an d to the west is the Pacific Ocea n W he re am I? To th e north is Arizo na , to the south is Sinaloa, to the east is Ch ihua hua , an d to the west is Baja Cal ifo rn ia Where am I? To the no rth is Ar kansas, to the ),l"-"i south is the G ul f o f Mex ico, to the east is Mississ ippi and Tenn essee, and to the w est is Texas W here am I? 10 _ To the north is New York, to the south is M aryland and West Virgin ia, to the east is New Jersey, and to the west is O hio Where am I? To the no rth is Florid a, to the so uth is Jamaica, to the east is Ha iti, and to the west is M exi co W here am I? dj' I9l _ti3 ~I 'v' 11 12 B NORTH AMERICA GEOGRAPHY QUIZ Try to answer the fol lowing questions without looking at the map Name the one U.S state that isn't so uth of Can ada Was hington , Oregon , Ca lifornia , Alaska, and Hawaii share one common feature W hat is it? Janet took a trip from North Caro lina to Maine She traveled a long the coast Name the states that she passed throu gh Tom w as tired of the cold and the snow of Vermont and so he decided to take a trip along the Gu lf of Mexico Which states d id he see? W hich U.S states bo rde r Canada? Wh ich Canadian pro vinces border the U.S.? Which U.S states border the Great l akes? C WHICH WAY DID THEY GO! The Grisley Gang robb ed the First Nationa l Bank and took off w ith the money W hich way did they go-north, south, east, or west? You deci de From Utah, they passed through Colorado, Kansas, and M issouri W hic h way did they go? east From M aine, they went through New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Conn ecticut Which w ay did the y go? From Kentuck y, they raced through Missouri and Kansas Which way did they go? _ From Panama, they sped through Costa Rica, N icaragua, and EI Salvador W hich way did they go? D WHERE IN NORTH AMERICA HAVE YOU BEEN? W hich U.S and Mexican states have you visited ? W hich Canadian provinces have you seen? Locate them on the map W hic h countries have you visited in Central America? W hich place in North Ameri ca wo uld you like most to visit? Wh y? A GEOGRAPHICAllY SPEAKING The co ntinen t that includes Canada is _ _ -"QL!cl:L!O!l North America : JJa-""L-_ _ The long narrow co untry in South Ameri ca w ith a coast on the Pacific O cean is The large island off the eastern coast of southern Af ric a is _ The body of water between South America and Africa is the The _ Ocea n is be twee n Africa an d Australia The country that lies between Norway and Finland is _ The co untry that shares bo rde rs with the Czech Re public, Slovak ia, Hunga ry, Slovenia, Italy, a nd Switzerland is _ The bod y of water north of Russia is the _ The two la nd -lo c ked co untries of Sout h America are 10 Four islands located in the Caribbean Sea are _ _ an d _ _ _ , and _ 11 The co untry north of China and south of Russia is 12 The island off the southe rn coast of Indi a is B _ _ GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOC IATIONS W hat co un try comes to m ind when you thi nk of ? si lk fabrics The Great Wall Beij ing The Kre mli n 51 Pete rsburg Moscow Sydney "down under " kangaroos China The Co losseum The Yuko n Territo ry Leonardo da Vinci Hud son Bay Venice Vancouver " Uncle Sam" The Mississippi Rive r Holl yw ood M t Fuj i Kyoto sushi Ta] Mahal Ga nd hi Bombay The Sphinx The Great Pyram id Cairo C AROUND THE WORLD Which country would yo u travel to if you wan ted to ? .f.- bu y a samovar a G ermany visit a coffee plantat io n b purc hase a co lor ful kimo no c Brazil obse rve lion s, giraffes, and zebras in the ir d United States nat ura l habita t e Pa na ma visit Niagara Falls f Russia see the temp les in Bangkok g M exico clim b Mt Eve re st h Japan vi ew the ru in s of M ontezu m a's empi re I see whe re the Berl in Wal l was 10 watch sh ips pass thro ugh a famo us canal _ Nepal , 11 speak Po rtuguese in South America New Zealand j Co lom bia k Thailand I Po rtugal m Ken ya n Gu ate mala D CAN YOU NAME • •• 1 the co untry situa ted betwee n G ree nlan d an d the Un ited Kingdo m ? two coun tri es w hose coasts are on the Black Sea? three countr ies that have gained independence during the past decade? four Engli sh-speaking countries? five Af rican coun tries? six co untries that we re formerly part of the U S.S.R.? seven Spanish-speaking co unt ries? al l the co untries that border YOU R country? B LISTENING: A TTENTION SHOPPERS! Mal ch Ihe tollow ing announcements to the appropriate department Children's overalls and matching jerseys are now on sale! Get them whi le they las" Ge t that someone specia l a diamond ring this holiday season! Need a new wash er and dryer? Now's the lim e 10 get Ihem at reasonable prices! Blende rs, mixers, food processors-to serve all your baking needs! Hear the latest hils on top-ot-the-llna equip ment-eO players, cassette players , and speakers-c-all at affordable prices! New designer ties at low , low price s! This week only! Colognes, perf umes, and lotions from all the well- known manufacturers available here! Suits and dresses for work and play from leading design ersl For the best selectio n, hurry over now! Matching beds, dressers, and night tables! Prices dramatically recuceor Answe rs J .e, J L e .s .i, -"- L B LISTENING: A SALE AT TECH HI·FI Listen 10 the commercial and fill in the correct information Ring in the New Year with the annual New Year 's Sale at Tech Hi-Fi! Come take advantage of unbelievable savings before it's too tate Sony eight-inch screen TVs with remote cont rol-twenty percent off Camcorders and VCRs-up to filly percent off And don't forget to stoc k up on blank videotapes while you' re here Get four blan k vide otapes for only ten dollars Listen to your favorite tunes on quality equipment Prices OIl turntables, tape decks, and CD playe rs have all bee n slashed from ten to sixty percent And for thos e of you on the go, buy a portable radio cassette player or wencn en and save up to seventy-five percent OIl famous brands Nama-brand raoos-cctock shortwave, and port able-some sel ling for as low as twenty -five ccnere Hurry! Com e to Tech Hi-Fi while suppli es last! Answers 20 2.50 10, 60 75 25 10 WORKBOOK PAGE 67 A CROSSWORD PUZZLE See page 155 C HELP MEl d e a b c f O LISTENING : WHERE ARE THEY? Listen and decide in which departments or areas of a department store you wou ld most likely hear the follo wing conversations A Where can I find toaste rs? B I'm sorry, but we're all out A Would you please push "liv e"? B Certainly B LI STENIN G Listen and choose the best answer I'd like 10 gel a close- up of thai rare bird Where's my ? "Please leave a message afte r the beep " is the recording often heard on •• In the field of language teaching, people are developi ng som e very interesting • • • Most office work is clone on com puters nowadays, but previously people used • If you like to chores while talking, you should really buy co a I knew we were in for a long boring evening when the Johnsons took out their •• If you want to take pictures of Billy's birthday party, don't forget to use the A This is moving so slowly! B We should have taken the elevator I never add, subt ract, multiply, or divide by myself any mor e A Where can I try these on? The and th e t are stuc k! I really need to fix my ••• ! B There's a dress ing room over there, ma'am A Look at that dress over there l B Can I have it? It's just like yours, Mommy l A You'd like to return this? B Yes, I woul d A Do you have the receipt? B Yes Here it Is A Do you have Chris tmas wrappi ng paper? B Yes, we A Can I help you? B Yes, I'd like a cup of coffee A Which floor did we leave the car on? B The second, I thin k Answ ers ~ i, JL JL L L L s, s, TV 142 Answers a b a b b a a b b WORKBOOK PAGE 68 A W HICH TOY DOESN 'T BELONG? bicycle (The others are miniatu re.) doll hous e (The others are for use outdoors.) colorin g book (The others are implem ents used for drawing or painting.) toy truck (The others are replicas of peo ple or animals.) trading cards (The others are round.) swing set (The others have wheels.) B A LETTER TO SANTA doll house pail/shov el doll house furnitu re shovel/pail hula hoop bubble soap walkie-talki e (set) WORKBOOK PAGE 66 A WHAT AM I? record player camcorder blank video tape set of headphones I use a • • VCR speaker Wal kman alarm cloc k 10 shortwave radio science kit beach ball t o crayons/color mar kers 11 color markers/c rayon s 12 painlsel Answers WORKBOOK PAGE 69 A LISTENING listen and write the amount of money you hear For my mother's birthday, I bought her a blouse for nineteen fifty Here Your change is thirteen dollars and sixty-three cents You know, there are still some places where you can get a sandWich and a drink for a dollar twenty-five This camera isn't very expensive II's only seventy-seven dcnars and eighty-nine cents 5, All right, you can have one piece of candy Here's seven cents The taxi ride to the airport cosl me over nineteen dollars With the tax, that comes 10 two hund red and forty-n ine dollars and Ihirty-eighl cents Look! It's on sale for only nmety -nlne ninety-nine! I don't care if they say n'e an antique! I wouldn't pay one cent for this old piece of junk! Answers $19.00 $t9.5O $249.38 $13.63 $99.99 $1.25 , $n.89 s.ovr e $.07f7¢ B HOW MUCH DO THEY COST? t c f b d a e C t 2, ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING IT ten cents a dollar five cents thousand one cent D GETTING CHANGE $U5 $6 ,00 $.25125¢ $.05l5 ¢ $10.00 $.84/84¢ WORKBOOK PAGE 70 A t 3, 4, BANK TALK slip card order statement application book register B LIKELY OR UNL.IKEL.Y? Likely Unlikely ->L ->L ->L L L L C LISTENING : THE BANK ROBBERY listen and decide whether the following statements are true or false Yesterday afternoon an attempted robbery took place at the State Street Bank A robber approached one 01 the tellers and demanded that he ope n the bank vault The teller called the bank officer who had the combination to the vault and she opened it The robber ordered ire teller and the ban k officer 10 put one miliion dollars in cash as well as the contents of the safe deposit boxes into a bag Fortunately, the security guard who had been in the lobby where the ATM machines are located managed to set off the silent alarm and the police came and intercepted the robber T T F F T WORKBOOK PAGES 71-72 A WHICH WORD DOESN'T BELONG? eyelid (The others have hair.) chin (The others are below Ihe waist) wrist (The others are fingers.) knuckle (The others are part of the loot.) temple (The others are part of the eve.) lip (The others are internal parts of the body.) veins (The others are organs.) calf (The others are part of the hand.) B WHICH WORD IS CORRECT? ankle nose jaw 10 heart waisl t shin cornea 12 shoulder forehead t abdomen back t4 gall bladder stomach 15 arm pinky C WHArS THE ACTION? t d 11 P q 12 I 13 e " j t4 m • t5 h 16 , c 10 b I g r D " PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARDI" foot 9, heart tongue 10 back face, face 1t skin , bone nose 12 thumb cheek, cheek 13 neck, neck chin 14 shoulder chest 15 stomach elbow te leg 17 k t8 I 19 s WORKBOOK PAGES 73-74 A WHAT'S AILING THEM? , b b b • • b a 10 b 11 a b B 1, ABSOL.UTELY MISERAB LE! hurt hip wrist virus ankle congested knee bloated cornea 10 neck C t 4, OH, MY ACHING BAC K! aching high scratchy upset hacking pounding itchy 143 WORKBOOK PAGE 75 Answe rs A WHAT'S THE WORD ? optometrisl 2, dentist cardiolog ist pediatrician obstetrician sca le, exam inatio n table, stethoscope 7, psychiatrist surgeo n thermomete r, needle B LISTENING: WHERE ARE THEY ? Listen and decide where these people are I need to weigh you and take your blood pressure, Please sit still whi le I take a picture 01 your lungs Don't worry We'll be at the hospital In just a lew minutes Can you see the eye chart? Lie down and tell me all the thoughts that come Into your head Next! Tell me your name and the problem you're having Now I'm going to give you a shot of Novacaine I'll have this liver repaired in just a lew minutes Answers -"- L s, i, s, -!L -L L A A GOOD IDEAVNOT A GOOD IDEA! A Good Idea Not a Good Idea i L 1Q .i, s, s, C ASSOCIATIONS d g I h WORKBOOK PAGE b a c e rr A AIL MENTS AND REMEDIES aspirin, ice pack cough syrup, cough drops throat lozenges vitamins eye drops aspirin, ointment, creme , healing pad ointmen t, crea m lotion aspirin , cold tablets throat lozenges, decongestant spray/nasal spray decongestant spray/nasal spray 10 ice pack 11 throat lozenges 12 wheelchair I I I I E E I E I C TAKE OR USE? take use use use took take WORKBOOK PAGE 78 Jt Jt.- B LISTENING : WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? Listen and decide what's being taiked about Walk about a mile every day and you'll feel better You'll wear this whi le you're a patient here I'm alraid this bad cut won't heal without them Read this and you'll see what medications this patient is taking Remember Do it three times a day with salt wate r Once we remove your gall bladder , you'll leel much better Jus t push it and a nurse will come right in These pictures will show how serious the problem is You'lI need this since you won't be able to walk to the bathroom 10 Your medication will drip through this very slowly 144 e .z B INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL? WORKBOOK PAGE 76 10 t 12 .L A 3, 10 WHICH WORD IS CORRECT? zip code 11 postcard letter 12 mail bag tetter 13 book rate 14 address money order chanqs -ot-addrass 15 roll of stamps window 16 airmail express mail 17 stamp mach ine registered 18 selective service return address 19 postal clerk mail slot B LISTENING Listen and choose the best answer Step over here to the next I'd like to buy a He's our new I'd like to send this first I don't want a sheet 01 stamps I'd prefer a You can buy stamps over there in the Answers b a b a b b WORKBOOK PAGES 79-80 A THE MIDVILLE LIBRARY librarian 13 atlas card catalog 14 reference librarian author 15 periodiCals section IiIIe 16 newspaper call ca rd 17 magazine call number 18 photocopy mach ine shelves 19 media section checkout desll 20 recotd/lape library assistan t 21 tape/recoo::I 10 reference sectiOn 22 videotape 11 dic::tionary 23 miCrOfiche 24 micrnfilm 12 encydopedia LISTENING: WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? Usten and decide whafs being talked about " you lose it, you be able to take books out of the won' ~brary rna;or It has an the rewspapers from around the world It tells you the autho(s name as well as the title and sutljed "'rm' 'book fascinated by geography Thafs why I Icwe to look thlOUQh one whenever I have the time It has a compuIerizec:l listing of aI the books in the library It has al the information about the wortd you would ever ooec:I to know I'd like 10find a good bilingual one with definitions I can understa nd This is where we keep al our records and tapes Aememberl You ooec:IlO stop here on your way out of the library if you're c::heckitlg out a book Ans_ffi e, e, -L a .L s, s, L _,_ L L 2_ b a b WORKBOOK PAGES 82-83 A A LETTER HOME biology Spanish induslJial artsIsnop home econom ics B WHICH COURSE ? d choir/chorus 10 ""'" student government literary magazine lootbal h i 7• • • , I c • b C ASSOCIAnONS t d I • • c b -L t L -L -L L i- 10 ll a a a D LI KEL Y OR UNL IK EL Y? Likely Unllk~Jy C UKElY OR UNLI KEL Y? Lik~/y Unlikely B LISTE NING: WHO'S TALKING ? Usten and oecoe who is talking, As we discussed at our last meeting, I think you should lake physics next semeste r Is it okay 10 clean In here? As head of the school, I am pleased to welcome you all 10 Midville High I want you to report lor pract ice light after classes end When you finish Ihe lest, you can have lunch Next! What would you like to have? Answers -L L iii- L WORKBOOK PAGE 81 A WHATS THE WOAD? office auditorium (school) nurse track teacher, language lab dJive(s ed instruc10t teache rs' lounge coecn ~nce counselor 10 assistant principal 11 custodian 12 locker room, gyn'VgynvI8Sium WORKBOO KPAGES8~5 A WHAT'S THE OCCUPATION? secretary 10 pharmacist journalist 11 scient ist eccocr eent 12 berber waitress 13 butcher archil 9CI 14, mechan ic translator 15 salesperson baker 16 garde ner lawyer 17 carpe nter chef 18 newscaster B USTENING : WHO'S TALKI NG? usieo and decide who Is talking We'Dbe landing in jusl a lew minutes All righi , class Please rum to page fifty·lt1ree remember my lines! I Good morning Dr Brown 's office May I help you? Where you want me 10 lei you off? I think you'D really like this apartment ? You believe what I've just caug ht! How about Hawa ii? Tha t would be a nice place lor a can' won' vacation n be over with the ptzza you ordered in fJfteeo rnintJles 10 Where should I pullhe laundry detergent? 145 11 12 13 14 Let me look at your paw, Rover What would you like for dessert? I just bought seven new cows Here's your change-thirty-nine cents Thank you , and have a nice day ! 15 You 're under arrest! Answe rs a, _1_ -'- u ~ .L .R II i: ~ R C ANALOGIES butcher real estate haird resser artist mechanic veterinarian carpenter construction wo rker bus driver 10 pharmacist likely -" Listen and complete the sentences I'm using the copy • I'll meet you in the reception • • You can hang your coat in the coat You can find that report in the file Maria is busy at her work Where's the postage ? We'll be meeting in the conference • • Bob is taking a break He's in the employee • Tina works part-time as a file 10 Ms Wa lters is our new administrative • • Answers Unlikely -" " " " -" " 15 sew 16 grow 17, drive 18, repair 19 guard 20 teach 21 , assemble 22 build 23 design 24 cook 25 fly 10 11 12 13 14 bake paint sing type dra w B WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON? d f e h a b c g 146 L R _1_ C LISTENING: WHERE ARE THEY? A These are coming out too light B You're right Something must be wrong wfth the machine B No The Bradley Corporation is on the next floor WHAT'S THE ACTION? serve write s, i: 1.Q A Is this the Bradley Corporation? -" " " " play operate file act translate wash deliver ~ Listen and decide where the conversation is taking place -" " " WORKBOOK PAGES 86-87 A WHICH WORD IS CORRECT? coat rack receptionist conference roo m supply cabinet reception area crece manager machine copier typist 10 storage room B LISTENING: WHAT'S THE LAST WORD? x: e: A 11 actress -" -" serve teach drive paint deliver guard repairffix 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 plumber 13 courier D LIKELY OR UNLIKELY? 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 cook wash g row play bake build/design fly write WORKBOOK PAGE 88 s, u 1Q C WHAT'S THE CATEGORY? 26 sell 27 mow 28 clean A Thanks A Please put this letter in Ms Crane's box It's the second one down on the left B, Certainly A Let's see Glue Where you think it might be? B Look over there on the third shelf I glad you could all come to this important meeting today A It's ten th irty We 'd better get back to work B You 're right Answ ers a, -'- s, -'- _1_ a, D LISTENING: WHO'S TALKING? Listen and decid e who is talking I'm upset I've already made several mistakes in this letter 2, I can' t remembe r where I put the McDonald toicer-cunoer M or under D ' know every employee who wcrxs for me Welcome to the Sterling Company! I'm going to de liver the mail now Answe rs _ 2_ _5_ _ 3_ _ 1_ _ 4_ WORKBOOK PAGES 89-90 A WHAT'S THE WORD? 10 11 12 13 telephone, phone sys te m pos tal scale pape r culler calcu lator rmcrccassette record er/dict ap hone pencil sharpen er plastic binding mach ine la ser printer typ ewriter, com p uterJword processor lett er-quality print er fax machine co mputerlword processor paper shredder B WHICH CAME FIRST? telex machin es dot-matrix printers pencil sharp eners add ing mach ines Listen and decide what's being ta lked about I really enjoy sitting on it It isn't b right enough It just ran out of lead It won't writel That's where I w rite down all my meetings I put my pa pe rs toget her with this This is where I kee p peop le's nam es, ad dresse s, and phone numbers You make holes wi th this I give one to every cli en t I me et You co rrect your mistakes with this Answers b b b a b b a b , WORKBOOK PAGE 92 typ ewrite rs C OFFICE ASSOCIATIONS C LISTENING: WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? c, d, f c d, I d, f b, g d, f a, e a, e d, f D LISTENING: WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT7 Listen and decide what office item is being talked about This is the best qua lity printer yo u can buy It's amazinq ! Jus t dial the number and in a lew seconds, you ca n send a le tter anyw here in the worl d! It's not an electric one, but it still works very we ll Don 't forget to use this to we igh the letter befo re you mail it, Let me have it and I'll compute the answer in just a second T his wi ll cut the paper to just the siz e you wa nt it Answers A WHATAMI? typ ing paper carbon paper co rre ction fluid mailin g label Post-II note pad rubber band comp uter paper lega l pad SCotch tape/cellophane tape B WHAT' S THE WORD? stationery typewriter ribbon mailer index card maili ng la bel package mailing tape gluestic k t humbtack WORKBOOK PAGE 93 A ASSOCIATIONS a b a e a b i , b d 10 j A JANET'S NEW OFFICE des k leit er opener pencil cup pap er cl ip dispe nser loading doc k safety glass es h memo holder 10 org an izer/personal p lanner 11 h ighlighter (pen) suggestion bo x fire ext inguisher f reight elevator quality co ntro l sup erviso r 10 first -aid kit WORKBOOK PAGE 94 A WHAT' S THE OBJECT? d ap pointment book tape dispenser a f e b o B WHAT'S THE WORD? 12 scisso rs 13 des k ca lendar, wall calenda r 14 nameplate 15 waste basket B A GOOD IDEAI/NOT A GOOD IDEA! A Good Not a Good fdes Idea le ver payrolt office supply room rolodex letter t ray/stacking stra y JL blueprints la dder insul ation bulldo ze r, dum p truck pipe tcorten rd hat p lywood , lumber 10 jac khammer 11 scaff olding 12 b rick 13 sh ingle ta pe measu re WORKBOOK PAGES 95-96 JL JL c B WHAT'S THE WORD? WORKBOOK PAGE 91 b f JL JL JL A LISTENING : CALLING ABOUT A CAR Listen to the following telephone conversation and circle the answers as you listen A Hi I'm calling abo ut the ad lor the seven hundred dollar car Is it still lor sal e S Yes , it is A What kind of car is rt? 147 B A B A B A B It' s a Ford hatchback in almost perfect condition Almost perfect? Well it has a lew minor problems A le w minor problems? Yes It needs a new fan belt Otl mars no problem at all Wel l uh _ we 're also having a little trou ble with the transm ission The tact of the mailer is, it may need a - """" A I see Tell me, is there anything else wrong with the ca r? B Wei, as a ma iler of fad the ballery is bit okl A I see B And it probably \Io'OUldn'l hurt to gel a new air fiber while you 're at it A A new air finer? B Yes And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have the anemator checked A The alterna tor? B Yes Oh And incide nta lly the brakes are squeaking jus l a lillie But those are minor things And aside from the little problem with the gas gauge and me de froster everyt hing Is really in tip-top shapel A W hat's wrong with the gas gau ge and the defros ter? B They oon't work A I see Tell me , does ANYTHIN G in the car wOrk? B O h, yes The hom and the warning light s work finel Answers La 6.b a a b 10 a b b a b B WHICH WORD IS CORRECT? speedometer hood, dipstick ignition bumper trunk radiat or 10 station 11 oozae gas stiCkShilt, clutch windshield wipers rear defroste r ta illight 12 emergency brake B LISTENING TO DIRECTIONS Usten and fill in the missing directional information A Good morning This is ESL·To-QoI How may I help you? B I'm registered lor your one-day intensive English course for beg inners, and I'm ca lling for directions from Centerville A Do you have a pencil and paper? B Yes , I A Oka y Take the interstate 1'lOfttl After you pass a rest area, you' see signs lor Flagstaff Get in the right lane and take Exit Sill The eidt Sign says Maple Street Ate you with me so lar? B Yes I'm with you A You 'l im mediately go through a school crossing and win have to slow down At the next intersection lhere's a stop sign Go straight, cross over a raitroadcrossing, and then take you r neld: right onto a one-way street You' cross a small bridge and we're located er the first comer on the righ t There's a large sign outlront Did you gel all that? B Yes , I did A Then I don't think you should be in our beginning·level co urse How about ou r one-d ay adv anc ed level creeett Answers school crossi ng interstate one -way street rest area righl six bridge, co me r WORKBOOK PAGE 98 DIREcnONS TO MY HO US E baggage 10 bus stop 11 bus 12 subway station 13 token 14 token booth 15 tu rnstile 16 train station 17 ticket winoow 18 See page 155 ticket cou nl er ticket agent arrival and de partu re monitor A A GOOD IDEA!/NOT A GOOD IDEAl A Good Not B Good 1 1 - - 11 12 - ' 14 15 16 17 18 148 Ides 1 - '0 lTacll Porters conductOf taxicab lare meter cab drtver WORKBOOK PAGE 99 WORKBOOK PAGE 97 arrival and departure board A A FRUSTRAnNG FUGHTI C CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ides schedule secu rity checkpoint X-ray machine metal detector security guard checI

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2016, 21:50