Động từ bất quy tắc dễ thuộc dễ nhớ Tôi đã sắp xếp động từ bất quy tắc theo nhóm căn cứ vào cách phát âm cũng như các dạng thức gần giống nhau cho học sinh dễ học và giáo viên dễ dạy. Mong các anh chị góp ý thêm
IRREGULAR VERBS / EASY LEARNING (page 1) • Những khó khăn việc học nhớ động từ bất quy tắc giải biết thiết kế chúng theo nhóm Tôi dùng phương pháp chia nhóm (groups) chia âm (pronunciation) sau đây: I GROUP : Ba cột khác nhau, có âm giống nhau: Rise /ai/ Arise Ride Drive Write Bite Hide Forbid Bid 10 Beat 11 Eat 12 Give 13 Forgive 14 Take 15 Mistake 16 Shake 17 Break 18 Get 19 Forget 20 Speak 21 Steal 22 Freeze 23 Choose 24 Fall • Notes: rose /ou/ arose rode drove wrote bit hid forbade bade beat ate gave forgave took mistook shook broke got forgot spoke stole froze chose fell risen arisen ridden driven written bitten hidden forbidden bidden beaten eaten given forgiven taken mistaken shaken broken got / gotten forgotten spoken stolen frozen chosen fallen -thức dậy, mọc -xuất hiện, bắt đầu -cưỡi ngựa, cưỡi xe -lái xe, dẫn trâu bò -viết -cắn -che giấu -cấm -đấu giá -đánh -ăn -cho -tha thứ -cầm, lấy -sai lầm -rung, lắc -làm gãy, làm vỡ -có, nhận -quên -nói -trộm -đóng băng -chọn -rơi -I've gotten -I've got =I've obtained =I have =I've become =I must II Group 2: cột (simple past) cột (Past participle) giống Buy Fight Think Seek Bring Teach Catch Lose Shoot 10 Find bought fought thought sought brought taught caught lost shot found bought fought thought sought brought taught caught lost shot found -mua -đánh -suy nghĩ -tìm kiếm -mang -day -bắt -mất -bắn -tìm (page 2) 11 Bind 12 Grind 13 Wind /ai/ 14 Bend 15 Lend 16 Spend 17 Send 18 Rend 19 Mean 20 Lean 21 Dream 22 Sweep 23 Sleep 24 Creep 25 Feed 26 Bleed 27 Breed 28 Weep 29 Keep 30 Meet 31 Lead 32 Read 33 Leave 34 Speed 35 Have 36 Sit 37 Flee 38 Feel 39 Deal 40 Kneel 41 Smell 42 Spell 43 Hold 44 Behold 45 Make 46 Tell 47 Sell 48 Stick 49 Dig 50 Swing 51 Win 52 Hang 53 Hear 54 Build 55 Burn 56 Learn 57 Pay bound ground wound bent lent spent sent rent meant leant (reg) dreamt (reg) swept slept crept fed bled bred wept kept met led read left sped (reg) had sat fled felt dealt knelt smelt spelt (reg) held beheld made told sold stuck dug swung won (reg) heard built burnt (reg) learnt (reg) paid bound ground wound bent lent spent sent rent meant leant (reg) dreamt (reg) swept slept crept fed bled bred wept kept met led read left sped (reg) had sat fled felt dealt knelt smelt spelt (reg) held beheld made told sold stuck dug swung won (reg) heard built burnt (reg) learnt (reg) paid -cột -xay -uốn khúc, quấn lại (xem notes) -cong -cho mượn -tiêu xài, bỏ thời gian/tiền bạc -gửi -xé nát -muốn nói, có nghĩa -tựa vào -mơ -quét -ngủ -bò -nuôi -chảy máu -sinh sản -khóc -giữ -gặp -dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo -đọc -rời -tăng tốc (xem notes) -có -ngồi -trốn thoát -cảm thấy -giao dịch -quỳ gối -ngửi -đánh vần -giữ, tổ chức -nhìn, để ý -làm -bảo -bán -dính -đào -đánh đu -thắng -treo (xem notes) -nghe -xây dựng -đốt -học -trả tiền (page 3) 58 Lay 59 Spoil 60 Stand 61.Understand 62 Slide 63 Light 64 Dare 65 Shine laid spoilt stood understood slid lit (reg) durst (reg) shone (reg) laid spoilt stood understood slid lit (reg) durst (reg) shone (reg) -đặt -hư -đứng -hiểu -trượt tuyết -thấp sáng -dám -chiếu sáng (xem notes) • Notes: a/ -Hang a picture -The picture hangs up against the wall -Hang oneself -They hanged the prisoner at down b/ -The sun has shone brightly all afternoon (intransitive verb) -The boy has shined my shoes well (transitive verb) c/ -The hounds had winded /wind/ the fox (đánh hơi) -The snake had wound /waud / itself around the man's arm (quấn quanh) -The river winds /waind/ its way to the sea (uốn khúc) d/ -Cars speeding past the school (di chuyển nhanh =>sped) -The drugs will help speed her recovery (làm cho xảy nhanh=>speeded) -The train soon speeded up (tăng tốc) -They have speeded up production of the new car III Group 3: ba cột khác nhau, có âm gần giống Come Become Ring Drink Sing Sink Begin Spring Swim 10 Run 11 Throw 12 Grow 13 Blow 14 Draw 15 Withdraw 16 Fly 17 Know 18 Wear came became rang drank sang sank began sprang swam ran threw grew blew drew withdrew flew knew /iu/ wore come become rung drunk sung sunk begun sprung swum run thrown grown blown drawn withdrawn flown known worn -đến -trở nên -rung chuông -uống -hát -chìm -bắt đầu -nhảy -bơi lội -chạy -ném -mọc, trồng -thổi -vẽ -rút lui -bay -biết -mặc (page 4) 19 Tear 20 Bear 21 Go 22 Show 23 Do 24 See 25 Lie 26 Be • Note: tore bore went showed did saw lay was/were torn born/borne gone shown done seen lain been -xé rách -chịu đựng, mang (xem note) -đi -chỉ -làm -thấy -nằm -là, thì, bị -She has borne six children (active) -She was born in Hongkong (passive) IV Group : ba cột giống Bet Set Upset Let Spread Shut Burst Hurt Cut 10 Cost 11 Put 12 Hit 13 Cast 14 Broadcast bet set upset let spread shut burst hurt cut cost put hit cast broadcast bet set upset let spread shut burst hurt cut cost put hit cast broadcast -cá cược -thiết lập -làm phiền -để -lan -đóng -nổ -làm đau -cắt -tốn -để -va chạm -quăng , ném -phát been able to had to (không có) (không có) (không có) (không có) (không có) -có thể -phải -sẽ -sẽ -có lẽ -phải -đã V Group : Defective verbs Can Must Will Shall May Ought to (không có) could had to would should might ought to used to