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    • UNIT 14: REVIEW
















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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG KINH TẾ - CÔNG NGHỆ TP.HCM HOCHIMINH CITY INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Preface This learning material is intended to provide students with guidelines to the learning of vocabulary and grammar in order to best use the core book “Developing Skills for the TOEIC TEST”, one of the most renowned books by First News The material contains sessions Session deals with the knowledge of vocabulary in 14 units and the contextual examples of authentic language given to illustrate Session gives the important grammar practice tests related to the key grammar points so that students can actively practise and effectively improve their skills Session gives the answer key As mentioned, the material is beneficial to students Constructive suggestions and corrections are, therefore, highly appreciated English lecturers, HIAST Acknowledgements First published in 2014, Ho Chi Minh Compiled by lecturers of English Department, HIAST We would like to express our many thanks for the Directing Board of HIAST for their assistance, strong support and encouragement during the preparation and production of this material We warmly express our sincere thanks for our supportive colleagues at the English Department at HIAST for their initiation, for their long and kind co-operation as well as for their careful proof-reading and corrections in the making of this material Ho Chi Minh City, 2014 English lecturers English Department, HIAST CONTENT SESSION – VOCABULARY .4 UNIT 1: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES UNIT 2: AUXILIARY VERBS 12 UNIT 3: SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT .14 UNIT 4: VERB FORM AND TENSES 17 UNIT 5: PARTICIPIAL FORMS .22 UNIT 6: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES 27 UNIT 7: NEGATION 29 UNIT 8: PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS 45 UNIT 9: NOUNS AND ARTICLES 47 UNIT 10: RELATIVE CLAUSES .49 UNIT 11: CONJUNCTIONS AND PREPOSITIONS 59 UNIT 12: CONDITIONALS 64 UNIT 13: OTHER POSSIBLE QUESTIONS 69 UNIT 14: REVIEW 72 PRACTICE TEST .75 SESSION – GRAMMAR PRACTICE TESTS .87 UNIT 1: GERUNDS & INFINITIES 87 UNIT 2: AUXILIARY VERBS 91 UNIT 3: SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT .95 UNIT 4: VERB FORM AND TENSES 98 UNIT 5: PARTICIPIAL FORMS 100 UNIT 6: COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES 102 UNIT 7: NEGATION 103 UNIT 8: PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS 105 UNIT 9: ARTICLES 107 UNIT 10: RELATIVE CLAUSES 109 UNIT 11: CONJUNCTIONS & PREPOSITIONS 111 UNIT 12: CONDITIONALS 116 SESSION – ANSWER KEY 118 SESSION – VOCABULARY UNIT 1: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES PART - Kite [kait] (n.) : a toy which consists of a light frame covered with paper or cloth = diều : thả diều (v.) : to make something separate into two or more pieces = gãy, vỡ (n.) : a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest = sự nghỉ, sự dừng lại  to fly a kite - Break [breɪk] e.g.: Let's take a break - Fight [faɪt] (v.) : if people or animals fight, they hit, kick, or bite each other = đánh - Soundly [' saʊndli] (adv.) : if you sleep soundly, you sleep well and it is not easy to wake you = (ngủ) ngon lành - Bartender ['bɑ:tendə(r)] (n.) - On display [ɒn dɪ'spleɪ] : sb who serves wine and drinks in a bar or restaurant = người phục vụ quầy rượu (idm.) : put in a place where people can look at it = on show = trưng bày e.g.: A collection of photographs was on display in the hall - Tear [teə(r)] (v.) : to damage sth by pulling it apart or into pieces = xé  Tear – Tore [tɔ:(r)] – Torn [tɔ:n] e.g.: He tore the letter in two  Tear down [,teə(r) 'daʊn] (phr.v.) : to pull or knock down a building, wall, etc = giật đỗ e.g.: They tore down the old houses and built a shopping centre - Graffiti [ɡrə'fi:ti] (n.) : drawings or writing on a wall, etc in a public place = nghệ thuật grafito (hình vẽ, chữ viết lên tường) e.g.: The subway was covered in graffiti - Destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] (v.) : to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, etc = phá hủy e.g.: An earthquake destroyed the town, killing about 20,000 people - Construction [kən'strʌkʃn] (n.)  Under construction : the process of building something large or complicated = sự xây dựng : being built = xây dựng e.g.: Our new offices are still under construction PART - Dresser ['dresə] (n.) : a piece of furniture with cupboards at the bottom and shelves above for holding dishes, cups, etc = tủ bát đĩa : to pay the bill and leave a hotel PART - Check out (of) (phr.v.) = trả phòng khách sạn e.g.: Guests should check out of their rooms by noon # Check in (at) (phr.v.) : to go to a desk in a hotel, an airport, etc and tell an official there that you have arrived = đăng kí phòng khách sạn e.g.: We've checked in at the hotel - Dial ['daɪəl] (v.) : to press the buttons, or to turn the dial, on a telephone in order to call someone = quay số - Tray [treɪ] (n.) : a flat open container with raised edges used for holding papers, documents, etc = khay tài liệu (dùng để đựng giấy tờ văn phòng) - Folder ['fəʊldə(r)] (n.) : a cardboard or plastic cover for holding loose papers, etc = bìa đựng giấy/hồ sơ - Original [ə'rɪdʒənl] (adj.) : new, interesting, and different from anything else = độc đáo (n.) a document, work of art, etc produced for the first time, from which copies are later made = gốc : e.g.: Send out the photocopies and keep the original - Press : to push or squeeze part of a device to make it work = ấn e.g.: to press a button/switch/key : ấn vào nút/công tắc/chìa khóa - Operate [pres] ['ɒpəreɪt] (v.) (v.) : to use or control a machine or make it work = vận hành e.g.: What skills are needed to operate this machinery? -Load [ləʊd] (v.) : to put a large quantity of things or into sth = nhét [rɪ'zɔ:t] (n.) : a place where a lot of people go on holiday = nơi nghỉ mát (n.) : the activity of swimming under water with a container of air and a tube for breathing through = việc lặn có mang bình khí ép PART - Resort - Scuba diving  to go scuba-diving - Water polo ['wɔ:tə(r) pəʊləʊ] (n.):a game played in water by two teams of seven players who get points by throwing a ball into the opponent's goal = môn bóng nước - Raft [rɑ:ft]  River rafting (n.) : = bè (v.) : cross a river on a raft = sang (sông) bè : sự bè sông - Contact ['kɒntækt] (v.) : to communicate with sb, for example by elephone or letter = liên lạc với e.g.: I've been trying to contact you all day - Coordinator [kou'ɔ:dineitə(r)] (n.) : a person who is responsible for organizing different things or people so that they work together = điều phối viên e.g.: The campaign needs an effective coordinator  Coordinate [kəʊ'ɔ:dɪneɪt] (v.) :to organize the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work together effectively = phối hợp e.g.: They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team - Scenic ['si:nik] (adj.) : - Tournament ['tʊənəmənt] (n.) : providing beautiful views of nature = (thuộc) cảnh vật thiên nhiên đẹp đẽ a sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different games and must leave the competition if they lose The competition continues until there is only the winner left = vòng thi đấu e.g.: a golf/tennis/chess tournament - Sign up [,saɪn 'ʌp] (phr.v.) : join a club = tham gia - Schedule ['ʃedju:l] (n.) : timetable = biểu thời gian - Faculty ['fækəlti] (n.) : one department in a university, college = khoa (của trường Đại học hay Cao đẳng) - Semester [si'mestə] (n.) : one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into = học kỳ PART - Drop by [,drɔp 'baɪ] (phr.v.) : to pay an informal visit to a person or a place= tạt vào thăm, ghé thăm - Take off [,teɪk 'ɒf] (phr.v.) : (of an aircraft) to leave the ground and begin to fly = cất cánh [lænd] (v.) # Land : hạ cánh - Whereabouts ['weərəbaʊts] (n.): a place where sb/sth is =chỗ - Infer [ɪn'fɜ:(r)] (v.) : to form an opinion or decide that sth is true from the information you have = deduce = suy - Deform [di'fɔ:m] (v.) : to change shape in a way that is not attractive or good = distort = làm biến dạng, làm méo mó e.g.: The disease had deformed his spine - Reform [ri'fɔ:m] (v.) : change or improve = sửa đổi, cải cách - Mop [mɒp] (n.) : a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick strings or soft material at the end = lau nhà - Force [fɔ:s] (v.) : to compel = ép buộc - Opposed [ə'pəʊzd] (adj.) : disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop it = phản đối e.g.: He was bitterly opposed to the war PART - Cause [kɔ:z] (v.) : to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleasant = gây e.g.: Do they know what caused the fire? - Order ['ɔ:də(r)] (n.) : a request to make or supply goods = đơn đặt hàng e.g.: We received an order for two tons of coal - Process ['prəʊses] (v.) : to deal officially with a document, request = giải e.g.: It will take a week for your application to be processed 11 I hope you know that you … … … come with me if you don't want to A don't have to B don't need C mustn't D can't 12 Ever since they’ve discovered that little resort off the coast of Spain, they … … … … anywhere else for vacation A didn’t go B weren’t going C went D haven’t gone 13 There were … … advantage in stopping distribution of thhis product A non B neither C not D no 14 I don't like tea Can I have … … … …? A anything other B something other C something else D other thing 15 Excuse me! Can't you see the doctor's notice? Do you mind not … …? A to smoke B smoking C smoke D be smoking 16 It's not raining … … … … A some more B no more C more D any more 17 When John arrived at the airport, he went right to the gate because he did not have … … … … luggage to check A any B some C nothing D no 18 There was … … … … I could say A any B nothing C everything D anything 19 … … … … he leaves or I leave A neither B only C unless D either 20 Please … … … … photocopies of documents A not to submit B not submit C no submit D not submit UNIT 8: PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences The reporter asked the old lady if she had spent … … … … on toys 105 A few money B some moneys C any moneys D any money He can't go to see her tonight He hasn't got … … … … time A many B a C some D much I brought my umbrella, but she forgot … … … … A her B hers C her's D herself She loves … … … … Hungarian music A - B some of C the D a They never … … … … homework A there B they're C they D their … … … … wanted to see you yesterday A A friend of mine B One of my friend C One my friend D A friend of me She will have … … … … free time from now on A lot of B no C few D many It was past midnight, so there were … … … … people in the street A few B any C a few D less This young man can get along not only with girls, but also with … … … … parents A they're B their C theirs D their's 10 … … … … is often made of wood A Items of furniture B Furniture C A piece of furnitures D Furnitures 11 By using the new safety equipment, … … … … industrial accidents can be prevented A many B much C a lot D every 106 12 Among the Iroquois, everyone prepared … … … … carefully for the gathering ceremonies A herself B themselves C ourselves D himself 13 I still have … … … … time to spare A much B a bit C some D any 14 Human beings, as distinct from … … … … animals, can think for themselves A another B other C others D the others 15 The travel agent gave me … … … … useful information A a B one C the D some 16 Our host family always invites my roommate and … … … … to their house on Sundays A me B my C I D Mine 17 I am glad so many people have passed the test In fact, there were … … … … who haven't A little B a little C few D a few 18 It was raining … … … … so we couldn't go out A every days B all day C all the day D all days 19 "There are … … … … leftovers for you in the fridge", she cried out A few B a few C little D a little 20 That decision of … … … … to repaint the house now was a very smart one A your B you C yourself D yours UNIT 9: ARTICLES Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences This book is … … … … accurate guide to popular parks on … … … west coast 107 A a, an B a, the C an, the D an, - The contractor will give us … … … … estimate of … … … … cost of renovating our house A an, - B an, the C an, a D a, an I'd like to buy … … … … book for my aunt because she likes … … … … reading A a, - B a, an C a, the D -, the Mr Ho is … … manager of Sunrise Foods, … … big company A a, the B -, a C the, the D the, a I play … … … … piano and enjoy listening to … … … … music A a, an B an, the C the, - D the, the This is … … … … lovely car but it is also … … … … most expensive one on sale A a, the B a, an C the, the D -, the My sister and I love … … … … Western food but my brother prefers local food A a B an C the D - Braille is … … … … alphabet for blind people consisting of … … … … arrangement of raised dots A a, a B an, an C a, an D an, a … … … … oldest child in that family is … … … … talented musician A An, a B The, the C The, a D A, a 10 Neil Amrstrong was … … … … first man to step on … … … … moon A a, - B the, - C a, the D the, the 11 Several … … … … were injured in the accident A man B person C crew D people 12 I left a few pieces of … … … … in my aunt's house after the holidays A cloth B cloths C clothes D clothing 13 The … … … … served at the hospital was so terrible that the 108 patient refused it A meals B food C cakes D dishes 14 I carried a small bag on board the plane as the rest of the … … … … was checked in before the flight A bag B bags C luggage D suitcases 15 When a stone hit the hive, a … … … … of bees flew out A swarm B group C cluster D crowd 16 A … … … … of sheep grazed on the hillside A herd B flock C shoal D troop 17 The pilot informed us that the … … … … would take an hour A flight B journey C trip D voyage 18 Peter bought a bouquet of … … … … for my mother A candy B chocolates C flowers D fruits 19 Salim was late for work because his car had a … … … … A break away B break out C breakdown D break-in 20 Abdullah received some unpleasant … … … … yesterday; his car had been stolen A news B report C information D knowledge UNIT 10: RELATIVE CLAUSES Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences Sam is the boy … … … … shaved his head He is completely bald now A whose B that C which D O 109 The food … … … … she is buying looks healthy A who B whose C which D where A dishwasher is a machine … … … … washes dishes A who B whom C which D O The bat is the only mammal … … … … can fly A who B that C where D O Look! That's the singer … … … … mother is from my hometown A whose B who C that D who’s I don't like dogs … … … … jump on me A whose B that C whom D O I felt bad for the guy … … … … failed the exam A that B which C whom D O Jasmine is a flower … … … … is white and very fragrent A which B who C whose D O They are filming the girl … … … … birthday is today A whose B that C who D O 10 There's the couple … … … … dancing you liked so much A whose B that C who D O 11 I ate all the cake … … … … you gave me A what B that 110 C when D whom 12 My brother Tom … … … … hates fishing, will stay at home A who B whom C that D which 13 A man … … … … name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday A whom B which C whose D what 14 I put everything in my suitcase, … … … … is under my bed A what B who C that D which 15 The teacher, … … … … every student is afraid of, is really very nice A whose B which C that D whom 16 This is the town … … … … I was born A that B which C where D when 17 Children … … … … eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth A which B what C who D whom 18 The girl … … … … pen you borrowed neds it not A whose B which C that D whom 19 Go and find the guests … … … … arrived here yesterday A who B whom C which D what 20 Look at the horses … … … … are drinking in the river A who B whom C which D what UNIT 11: CONJUNCTIONS & PREPOSITIONS A – Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences "Are they good pianists?" “Malee's a good pianist, … … … …” A but Somsri isn't either B and Somsri is either C but Somsri isn't too D and Somsri is too I'm going to the market but I can't think of … … … … to buy for dinner 111 A what B where C which D that We both decided to different things: he wrote a letter … … … … I listened to the radio A because B if C since D while Tom left his spectacles behind because he was … … … … A hurriedly B hurry C to be hurried D in a hurry Chote isn't going to go, and Prasit isn't … … … … A either B too C as well D also Can you explain the difference … … … … these two words? A of B from C between D to C still D soon She hasn’t arrived … … … … A only B yet They studied in California … … … … six months A on B at C for D with Let’s meet on the corner … … … … Gate Street and Charles Way A of B for C over D from 10 I can buy a new car now … … … … I have enough money A but B because C before D between 11 Write your name … … … … this paper A at B on C over D between 12 Melody … … … … reads three or more books a week A yet B ever C often D until 13 The … … … … train to the airport leaves in seven minutes A next B after C soon D near 14 You can swim, fish, … … … … camp at the park 112 A but B neither C and D either 15 Please put those boxes … … … … the bed A down B under C low D fall 16 A pound … … … … meat is equal to 2.2 kilos A of B with C for D on 17 Eat three servings of fruits and vegetables … … … … day A every B no C only D several 18 We … … … … need $25 A yet B still C ever D while 19 It hasn’t stopped raining … … … … three weeks A for B with C on D under 20 Biology is a common subject for students …… want to study medicine A whose B who C when D where B – Incomplete sentences Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences The flight was delayed … … … … bad weather A respond to B about C because of D due Guests may select a single room … a suite with a bedroom and office A but B and C or D nor Ms Quistorf felt hungry … … … … there was nothing at the snack bar she wanted to eat 113 A only B or C nor D but … … … … her vacation she toured every museum in the city A During B While C Because D Although … … … … I am tired, I will work late tonight A Or B Even though C Because D So that You’ll find the papers … … … … the file cabinet on the left A at B of C out D in The radio advertisement will start airing … … … … Friday A of B in C on D at A subsidiary has entered … … … … a partnership arrangement with another company A in B to C into D for The flight arrives … … … … Rome in two hours A at B to C for D in 10 The air-conditioning systems need to be serviced … … … … A annually B rarely C usually D seldom 11 The secretary typed up the monthly report, but it … … isn’t correct A still B anymore C already D yet 12 E-mail cannot be sent … … … … the network is operational A since B until C when D that 13 I’ve got a meeting … … … … Thursday afternoon A at B in C on D to 14 We’ve lived in this flat … … … … five years 114 A ago B already C for D since 15 You can see the details … … … … the computer screen A at B by C in D on 16 We are travelling overnight … we want to get there early tomorrow A because B but C and D though 17 The weather report predicts that it will rain … … … become colder A neither B nor C and D either 18 Several trees fell down last night … … … … the strong wind A because B because of C since D so 19 When the weather is good, more people will travel … … … … bike A by B in C on D at 20 At this time tomorrow … … … … over the Atlantic A we flying B we’ll be flying C we’ll fly D we to fly 115 UNIT 12: CONDITIONALS Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences "John, you have a passport?" – "No, but I wish I … … … … one." A can have B had C have D having "Did you enjoy the show last night?" – "Yes, but I wish I … … a cold." A hadn't had B wouldn't have C didn't have D hadn't … … … … you agree, nothing can be arranged A Because B Lest C Without D Unless If he had not given me advice, I … … … … again A wouldn't fail B would have failed C would be failed D would fail She wants to know if we have … … … … extra copies A a few B the few C not many D a little You ought to be insured now … … … … you’re married A unless B that C because of D though Tom left his spectacles behind because he was … … … … A hurriedly B hurry C to be hurried D in a hurry If Mr Hu does not arrive soon, we … … … … without him A left B is leaving C will leave D had left I’ll be home for dinner unless the boss … … me to work overtime A will ask B is asking C asks D asked 10 Their marriage wouldn’t be so good if they … … … … so well with each other A communicated B didn’t communicate C don’t communicate D communicate 116 11 If … … … … my passport, I’ll be in trouble A I lose B I’ll lose C I lost D I would lose 12 … … … … is the biggest city in Brazil, it is not the capital A Although Saõo Paolo B If Saõo Paolo C Saõo Paolo, which D Saõo Paolo 13 I wish I … … … … the answer to your question A would know B knew C know D have known 14 … … … … the plumber could repair the toilet, he still would not it A Therefore B However C So D Even if 15 … … … … his joining the group late, his manager is confident that he will fit right in A Even though B Despite C If D However 16 I filed my report last week, but now I wish I … … … … A have waited B waited C had waited D wait 17 The doctors will go home after they … … … … their rounds A will finish B will have finished C are finishing D finish 18 If Fujikin, Inc., … … … … more available capital, they‘d have expanded their European operations A has B had had C were having D has had 19 … … … … the patient's condition get worse, the nurse will call in an internist A Might B Unless C Should D As if 20 If Dr Puri did not like jazz, he … … … … to it so much A would not have listened B would listen C would not listen D would be listening 117 SESSION – ANSWER KEY UNIT 1 D 11 D 21 A 31 D A 12 A 22 B 32 A C 13 D 23 D 33 A A 14 C 24 A 34 C A 15 D 25 D 35 B B 16 C 26 A 36 D B 17 A 27 D 37 C C 18 D 28 A 38 B C 19 D 29 B 39 B 10 C 20 C 30 A 40 A B 13 D 23 C 33 A D 14 A 24 A 34 C D 15 D 25 B 35 A D 16 B 26 A 36 A A 17 C 27 D 37 A A 18 A 28 A 38 C D 19 C 29 D 39 A 10 D 20 D 30 A 40 A UNIT D 11 B 21 C 31 C B 12 C 22 A 32 A UNIT A B C C B D C B B 10 C 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 A 19 D 20 D UNIT C B A D D B C A C 10 C 11 B 12 C 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 A 17 C 18 B 19 A 20 C UNIT B C C A D B B C A 10 D 11 C 12 B 13 C 14 B 15 C 16 D 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 C UNIT D A D A A A B B B 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 C 15 D 16 B 17 B 18 A 19 A 20 A UNIT D A C D A B C D A 10 A 11 A 12 D 13 D 14 C 15 B 16 D 17 A 18 B 19 D 20 B UNIT D D B A D A B A B 10 B 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 B 15 D 16 A 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 D UNIT C B A D C A D B C 10 D 11 D 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 A 118 UNIT 10 B C C B A B A A A 10 A 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 D 16 C 17 C 18 A 19 A 20 C UNIT 11 A– D 11 B B– C 11 A A D D A C B C A 10 B 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 B 16 A 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 B C D A 12 B 13 C 14.C B D C C D 10 A 15 D 16 A 17 C 18 B 19 A 20 B UNIT 12 B A D B A B D C C 10 C 11 A 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 C 20 C - The End - 119

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2016, 14:10

