1/ Read the following examples of pollution and put them in the corresponding columns a- Litter or trash on the ground b-Motor vehicles smoke c-Factory fumes d-Dumping used oil e-Sewages f- Residue from mines or industry pile up g-Leaking of landfills into the sea h-Human waste i- Emission of gases j-Pesticides and chemicals building up in the soil k-Oil spills from ships Air pollution Land pollution Water pollution 2/ Reading: Read and fill in with Which / as a result/ ourselves/ effect / because/ affect It's generally agreed that we're gradually destroying our planet and…………………………… To be healthy, we need clean air, clean water and healthy food Unfortunately, our air is not clean……………………we are polluting it with poisonous gases from factories, power stations and cars We're poisoning our rivers and oceans with chemicals and minerals,……………………… our water is not clean Toxic fumes in the air produce acid rain…………………….kills trees and pollute our drinking water The…………………… on the food we eat can easily be guessed a- What type of pollution does the text mention? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b-complete the table Air pollutants Water pollutants c- The effect on our food can easily be guessed How does pollution affect our food? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d- What type of pollution you think is the most serious? Put this list in your personal order of seriousness (ie1 most serious/ least serious) • Traffic fumes • Aircraft noise • Dirty rivers and beaches • Polluted drinking water • contaminated food • Use of pesticides and fertilizers E- What can happen if we don't stop polluting our planet? What measures can be taken to reduce pollution? Group work: Work in groups: Let's fight air pollution! Get the facts! Each group reads their respective sheets and comes to the board to write down measures to reduce pollution Now you are organizing a campaign to make people aware about the dangers threatening our planet Work in groups Group1: Think of a slogan to your campaign and draw a poster Group2: Make a list of all the measures mentioned in the previous activity Group3: Write an acrostic poem P O L L U T I O N