Direct Speech QUOTATION QUOTED Indirect Speech SAY Reported Speech We need to TELL Use “to” We use say when we name When we name the speaker and the listener He told me that… Only the speaker He said that… (to me) For greetings and farewells: He said hello, For facts and pieces He said hello to us Of Information : He our teacher every day For giving He told us his age Yes – No answer and stating polite phrases : She said yes They always say no We say been you after someone sneezes Pronouns (+ Who/ whom) CHANGES “REFERENCE WORDS” PossessiveTOAdjectives (Whose) Time and Place As the listener you must change thus so that the statement is logical “I need to learn my lesson,” Paul said Paul said that he needs to learn his lesson “I have anPLACE English test tonight,” Tina said (Monday) TIME AND You told them a story TUESDAY Tina said that she had an English test last night SUNDAY Tina said that she had… That night “My test is here at the CBA,” Tina said She said that her test was there at the CBA TIME “TODAY” that day / yesterday “TOMORROW” the next day / the following day “YESTERDAY” the day before “NOW” then / at that moment / at that time PLACE “HERE” there “THIS” that “THESE” those VICEVERSA If we are reporting facts or VERB CHANGES general truths If there´s immediate reporting If the reporting verb is in the simple present Informal conversation SHIFT PRESENT FUTURE PAST NO CHANGES PAST PAST PERFECT PAST PERFECT = PAST PERFECT( NOWHERE TO SHIFT) DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Past Simple Past Present Perfect Simple Perfect Past Perfect Simple Simple Past Continuous Past Present Perfect Continuous Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Continuous Future (Going to)/ Future (will) (Was/Were going to) (Would) Conditional EXAMPLES “I will study hard” she said she would study hard “I´m going to study hard” she said she was going to study hard “I study hard” She said she studied hard “I am studying hard” she said she was studying hard “I have studied hard” she said she had studied hard “I studied hard” she said she had studied hard “I was studying hard” she said she had been studying hard “I had studied hard” she said she had studied hard “I had been studying hard” she said she had been studying hard