Sweet child o´mine (By Gun’s an´ Roses) She's got a _ that it seems to me Reminds me of memories where everything THOUGHT was as fresh as the bright _ _ HAIR Now and then, I see her NOW She me _ to that special _ STARE SWEET And if I _ too long I'd probably break down and _ Sweet child o' mine (x 2), Sweet love of mine… She's got the of the bluest skies As if they of rain BLUE SKY MINE I to look into those And see an ounce of RAIN Her _ reminds me CHILD of a warm place FACE Where as a I'd hide PASS And pray for the thunder TAKES And the To quietly me _ child o' mine, Sweet _ of mine… (x2) we go Where we go Where we go… Sweet child o' _ SMILE PLACE EYES CHILDHOOD WHEN LOVE CRY EYES PAIN WHERE AWAY BY SAFE HATE