NEVER- RARELY- SOMETIMES-OFTEN-USUALLY- ALWAYS REMEMBER ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY COME AFTER THE SUBJECT BUT AFTER THE VERB TO BE Examples: The girl often does her homework at home Laura is usually late for school ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS USING A FREQUENCY ADVERB 1.- How often you eat pasta? 2.- How often does your parents take you to the zoo? 3.-How often you brush your teeth after lunch? 4.-How often does your father play with you? 5.-How often does your brother help you with homework? 6.-How often you take the dog for a walk? WRITE SENTENCES USING THESE WORDS PRESENT SIMPLE 1.-My cat/ catch /mice/always …………………………………………………… 2.-Kate/go to school/by car/sometimes ……………………………………………… 3.-Richard /do/exercise /never …………………………………………………… 4.-Lorena /drink /milk/for breakfast/usually …………………………………… 5.-My brother/ eat /carrots and peas/often 6.-We /watch /the news on TV/rarely ………………………………… ………………………………… 7.- He /feed/ his cat/in the morning/ usually ……………………………… 8.- Martha /be/the first in the classroom/often …………………………