At the supermarket You accompany Mrs Jones to the supermarket as she needs to pick up a few groceries for dinner She teaches you about English supermarkets Objective: a) learn vocabulary related to supermarkets b) learn about some English supermarkets Task: complete the exercises Nouns Match each description to the correct French word: a Supermarket: a large store where you go to buy food b Groceries: the general name for food products that you buy regularly c Trolley: the cart you use to put your groceries in whilst at the supermarket d Basket: smaller than a trolley: used to put your groceries in if you aren’t buying much at the e f g h i j k l supermarket Aisle: the rows in the supermarket Fridge: where cold food products are stored Freezer: a very cold food container Fresh: products that usually need to be kept in the fridge or eaten soon after purchase Frozen: products that are stored below 0°C Checkout: where you go to pay for your shopping Cashier: the person who works at the checkout Receipt: the piece of paper you get once you have finished your shopping: it has all the prices on m Carrier bag: usually plastic, you use this to put your shopping in in order to take it home Le caddie Le ticket de caisse Le supermarché Le sac en plastique La vitrine réfrigérée Frais/fraîche Les provisions Le congélateur Caissier/ière Surgelé Les rayons Le panier La caisse Verbs a b c d e f g h i Match the underlined verb in each sentence to the correct French verb (in the infinitive form): When we go to the supermarket, remind me to buy milk Does the supermarket sell pineapples at this time of year? I’m looking for the tomato ketchup We’re finished, let’s go to the checkout to pay for our shopping That costs £52.35 I can’t find the crumpets, can you help me please? The orange juice is on offer, let’s get two bottles Don’t carry the eggs in your hand, put them in the trolley Come on, it’s time to the shopping Vendre Faire les courses Ne pas pouvoir trouver Coûter Mettre dans le chariot Acheter Payer Chercher Être en promotion In pairs, write a short dialogue between a cashier and a customer The customer can’t find something on his/her shopping list and so the cashier helps him/her find it The customer then wants to know the price of the product English supermarkets Here are the names and logos of six British supermarket chains For homework research one supermarket (when established, how many people work for the company, annual profits etc.) Research: