Reading Comprehension, Question Words Name _ English A: Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions Ana Pierre and Miguel Sanchez are new students Ana is from Haiti and Miguel is from Cuba Ana is in the ninth grade She is 14 Miguel is in the eighth grade He is 13 Ana is short and thin Miguel is tall and heavy Ana and Miguel are in Mrs Smith’s English class Miguel is also in a computer class and Ana is in a cooking class Where is Miguel from? Is Miguel a new student? Is Miguel in the ninth grade? How old is Miguel? _ Where is Ana from? _ Who is Ana and Miguel’s English teacher? Is Ana tall? _ Is Ana in a computer class? Is Ana in a cooking class? _ 10 Who is 14? _ B: Fill in the blank with the correct word What Where _ is Miriam from? _ class is Rafael in? _ is your teacher? Who Haiti Math Mrs Perez _ is this? It’s a pencil is from Ecuador Denise is the school? It’s in Miami