detective solved the case-go ahead Name jobs you would like to try policeman Name the dirtiest jobs pastor pilot waitress /waiter Name jobs that your friends Veterinarian actor/ actress Politician Name occ that work outdoors computer specialist lawyer journalist Name occ that work with the media teacher car mechanic chef musician secretary tour guide Name jobs related to food Author TRADE SPACES with other player receptionist Name of the highest paying jobs film director electrician hunter model speech therapist miner Name jobs you never want to shop assistan t Farmer truck driver Name jobs that work with animals gardene r nutritionist fisherman engineer nurse surgeo n travel agent played a great concert-go ahead fantastic movie-go ahead Talked too much-go back no rain for weeks-go back priest cleaning woman need a new job-go back 3 TO PLAY Students roll one dice to move on the board Talk about the occupation or follow the instructions on the square The winner is the one who reaches the END first Can be used for any grammar point Ex • • • I have been in a boat all day fishing I work on a boat and catch fish all night He will catch 101 fish tomorrow