Different friends or similar friends? I have always believed that choice of friends depends mainly on people`s hearts, not on their minds That is why some people become friends without having anything in common In other cases we choose friends so similar to ourselves that we can understand each other much more easier than we with our closest relatives, such as our brothers or sisters First of all, I like to emphasize on the fact that it does not matter what kind of man my friend is I really not care if he or she possesses a similar temperament to mine or my friend is totally different from me The only thing, I truly care about, is my friends to be real ones, they should be reliable and I want to be able to count on them as they can always count on me In addition to above mentioned, I would like to say that having real friends, who are similar to me, has, of course, a lot of advantages An example for that is my long lasted friendship with a schoolmate of mine who was born thirteen day after me; we are the same zodiac sing; we have the same believes and thoughts It is very easy to have a friend like this We understand each other with one word; only a look is enough for me to know what she wants and only a gesture is sufficient for her to `see` what I think Our friendship does not need to be proven because it exists regardless of time and distance However, to have a friend who is similar to me is as wonderful as to have one who is absolutely different from me In this case I can discuss and argue with someone who has diverse opinion from mine What is more, a person with different ideas and believes may help me to work things out in a different way which I consider really valuable I think that if friends are not alike they can learn a lot from each other Another advantage of communicating with friends who are different from me is that will increase my experience in dealing with people on the whole Comparing the advantages of having friends who are different from me with the advantages of having friends with similar temper my efforts, to determine which kind of friend I prefer, have failed As I already mentioned the most important qualities of a friend are honesty and reliability This kind of friend I prefer for myself and I wish this kind of friend to all of you