Should teacher be paid according to how much their students lear Although many people are paid according to how good they are doing in their profession, I think that teachers can only be partly rewarded for their students grades and knowledge Getting paid only for the performance of the students in tests and quantity of their knowledge will lead to an excessive drill in classrooms, where teachers like and support only hard working, intelligent people because they are the cause for his good salary, while people who have natural difficulties in learning things won't be good for teachers and popular among them at all First of all I think that everyone should be paid according to his performance in work, that is why I would agree with the statement if the only thing teachers had to is getting their pupils to learn But teachers should also show and teach things to their students that are not approvable in normal knowledge tests, like social skills, tolerance and an open mind That is why I believe that paying teachers only based on how much their students know would lead to a one dimensional style of classes in general, there would be many facts, dates and formulas to learn for students but some other important things would be left aside, just because the teacher would get no reward for teaching them In contrast to that, a system where teachers are not at all paid for their performance is in my opinion not the best way to reward work either If paid for how much his students know, the teacher will prepare well for his classes, he will inform himself about good didactic ways of showing things and his knowledge will be up to date These are obvious advantages of the suggested system The main drawback of the statement is that teachers would push and foster their students only in one direction and they would not care about their social and emotional situation Support in other matters than learning would become rare, slower students could become a burden to teachers because they would lower their salary Teachers will love their good students while the bad ones would bother them This could even lead to teachers mobbing their bad students out of the class or similar actions For this reason I think that this system would create more harm than good Maybe a mixed system of generating a teachers salary would be good, like for instance apart from looking only on the performance of students also making polls about how satisfied and happy they are with the class given to them A good teacher will have students who know a lot and also like him, therefore he should be paid well Teachers who don't prepare for classes will have ignorant students and their pupils probably won't like them much either A system like this could improve the situation at schools and universities and it would probably make teaching a more attractive profession for performance oriented people who until now where driven back by low salaries and lazy teacher-colleagues Therefore, a change in the payment system for teachers is necessary but it should not be a burden on students, like the suggested one would in my opinion be