Countable and uncountable nouns exercise Identify the following objects as countable or uncountable Water (countable / uncountable) Weather (countable / uncountable) Wool (countable / uncountable) Advice (countable / uncountable) Bread (countable / uncountable) Information (countable / uncountable) Chess (countable / uncountable) Grass (countable / uncountable) Knowledge (countable / uncountable) 10 Salt (countable / uncountable) 11 Journey (countable / uncountable) 12 News (countable / uncountable) 13 Grape (countable / uncountable) 14 Fact (countable / uncountable) 15 Cat (countable / uncountable) 16 Cotton (countable / uncountable) Answers uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable uncountable 10 uncountable 11 countable 12 uncountable 13 countable 14 countable 15 countable 16 uncountable Notes Travel and journey have very similar meanings, but travel is normally uncountable It is used to talk about traveling in general We cannot, for example, say ‘a travel’ Journey, on the other hand, is a countable noun We can say a journey The nouns beans, peas, grapes, lentils and facts are usually countable Foods are usually uncountable Examples are: rice, spaghetti, sugar, salt, wheat etc Stay on top of your writing! Download our grammar guide from to stay up-to-date Powered by TCPDF (