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Tenses exercise english grammar

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Tenses exercise Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form The patient ————— yesterday a) die b) died c) dead d) had died I —————– the parcel yesterday a) had received b) received c) would receive d) receive The sun ——————- when we started our journey a) shone b) was shining c) shines d) would shine I saw him ——————- the boy a) beaten b) beat c) beating d) had beaten Yesterday I ————— a new laptop as my old one ————- quite slow a) buy, has become b) bought, had become c) bought, is become d) bought, have become He thanked me for what I ————— a) did b) had done c) would d) I ——————– on this project for two years a) had worked b) am working c) worked d) have been working They —————- an apartment in Bangalore three years ago a) had bought b) bought c) buy d) would buy I usually —————– coffee in the morning a) drink b) am drinking c) will drink d) would drink 10 Ever since I ————– my country in 2007, I ————— living in Canada a) left, have been b) leave, was c) leaving, have been d) left, have been Answers The patient died yesterday I received the parcel yesterday The sun was shining when we started our journey I saw him beat / beating the boy Yesterday I bought a new laptop as my old one had become quite slow He thanked me for what I had done I have been working on this project for two years They bought an apartment in Bangalore three years ago I usually drink coffee in the morning 10 Ever since I left my country in 2007, I have been living in Canada Stay on top of your writing! Download our grammar guide from www.englishgrammar.org to stay up-to-date Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 17:13

