MUST – MUSTN’T You You watch watchTV TVtoo toolate late ininthe evening the evening You You -help help ininthe thekitchen kitchen You You -play play football footballininyour your room room You You throw throwpaper paper around around You You -eat eat your meals your meals You You break breakfurniture furniture at athome home You You -take take your yourstinky stinkysocks socksinto into the thewashing washingmachine machine You You keep keepyour yourroom room clean and clean andtidy tidy You You -play play video games all video games all weekend weekend You You listen listento toloud loud music music You You -eat eat too much fast too much fast food foodat athome home You You clean cleanthe thewindows windows regularly regularly You You -make make long phone calls long phone calls every everyday day You You -help help ininthe garden the garden You You quarrel quarrelwith withyour your siblings siblings You You -be be friendly friendlyto toyour your grandparents grandparents You You take takeaashower showerinin the morning the morning You You feed feedyour yourpet pet every day every day You You -stay stay ininbed bedififyou’re you’reill ill Your Yourfather father -shout shoutat at you you You You spend spendmuch muchtime time outside outside You You -be be at athome homeon ontime time You You -lay lay the thetable tableon on weekends weekends You You scream screamat atyour your cat cat You You -be beaa mean meanboy boy