SCHOOL’S NAME 2012- 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR …th GRADE NAME: CLASS: DATE Match the explanations with the symbols From time immemorial, beloveds have been compared to roses If we juggle the letters of the word ROSE we get EROS, who is the God of Love Rose has thus been the traditional choice of lovers around the world The colour red is associated with strong emotions The love and attraction that a man and a lady feel for one another is traditionally ascribed to the mythological god, Cupid In Latin, the word Cupid means "desire." Cupid is represented as a naked, chubby boy with wings and possessing a mischievous smile He carries a bow with a quiver of arrows which he uses to transfix the hearts of youths and maidens The gifting of a heart signified the selfless act of giving everything to someone you love Though the ancients were not aware that the heart was responsible for pumping blood though the circulatory system, yet they knew one thing for sure that the heart was It was the popular belief that birds chose their mate for the year on February 14 Since doves and pigeons are mate for life ,they symbolize loyalty, fidelity and love. Doves common urban birds, shy and gentle by nature, symbolize loyalty, fidelity the center of all feelings and love means "desire." Cupid is represented Although it had many forms, a rebus as a naked, chubby boy with wings usually was a romantic verse written and with possessing a mischievous smile in ink certain words omitted and Love knots are He carries a bow with a quiver illustrated with a picture Meant to of made of ribbons INCLUDEPICTURE " whichthey he uses transfix the be arrows a riddle, wereto not always and are" \* MERGEFORMATINET hearts of youths and maidens traditional 3easy to quiver of arrows which he uses to symbols of decipher INCLUDEPICTURE " interminable transfix the hearts of youths and and everlasting //" \* MERG maidens love EFORMATINET It was the popular belief that birds chose their mate for the year on February 14 Since doves and pigeons mate for life ,they symbolize loyalty, fidelity and love. Doves common urban birds, shy and gentle by nature, symbolize loyalty, fidelity VALENTINE’S DAY February 14th is Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is a day for romance and love Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom You see a lot of romantic symbols on Valentine’s Day For example, many couples give each other roses To give someone flowers at any time of year is romantic, and as roses are a symbol of romance, roses on Valentine’s Day are especially popular Another symbol of romance that is seen frequently on Valentine’s Day is Cupid In Roman mythology, Cupid was the son of Venus, the goddess of love Cupid was often shown as a smaller, more playful version of his mother His golden arrows were magical and even slight contact with one of the arrow tips could make a person fall madly in love One understanding of romantic love—called courtly love—dates back to medieval times, and sending cards on Valentine’s Day dates back equally far In 1415, a prisoner in the Tower of London sent a poem to his wife This is considered to be one of the earliest recorded valentines For over four hundred years, people made their own valentines by writing poems like this In the Victorian era, in the mid-1800s, companies started producing valentines for people to buy Now many people buy, rather than make, their valentines Almost one billion valentines are sent every year According to the Greeting Card Association, 85% of the valentines are bought by women Of course, people don’t just buy cards People buy candles and balloons and many other things, often in the shape of a heart You can find boxes of candy that are shaped like hearts, or candy that is itself in the shape of a heart! The presents might be something small and sweet or something big and dramatic Some people get engaged (promise to marry each other) on Valentine’s Day Although Valentine’s Day is generally romantic, many people like to use the day to celebrate any kind of love—including love of friends and family Some schools have valentine parties The students give each other valentines They eat heart-shaped candy Some schools have other valentine celebrations, such as dances ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT VALENTINE’S DAY Why is Cupid associated with Valentine’s Day? What are some symbols of Valentine’s Day? What many people on Valentine’s Day? According to the article, where we get the idea of courtly love? The article specifically mentions three kinds of love What are these three? What you think of Valentine’s Day? PORTFOLIO ENTRY Here are some typical Valentine’s Day messages Complete each of the rhymes and then you make up anotherValentine’s Day rhyme and prepare a portfolio page Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so ……………… Roses are red, violets are blue, My love for you will always …………… BE MY VALENTINE You make me feel dazed, crazed, ecstatic and more You make me feel love Like never …………………… Even when I’m old and grey I’ ll love you as much as I …………………… Compiled by the English Department Gairns, Ruth; Redman Stuart, True to Life Pre-Int p77.Cambridge University Press ,1997 From time immemorial, beloveds have been compared to roses If we juggle the letters of the word ROSE we get EROS, who is the God of Love Rose has thus the traditional choice of Matchbeen the explanations with the symbols lovers around the world The colour red is associated with strong emotions KEY KEY KEY NAME: KEY CLASS: The gifting of a heart signified the selfless act of giving everything to someone you love Though the ancients were not aware that the heart was responsible for pumping blood though the circulatory system, yet they knew one thing for sure that the heart was the center of all feelings Love knots are made of ribbons and are traditional symbols of interminable and everlasting love KEY KEY F r It was theo popular belief that birds chose their mate for the m year on February 14 Since doves and pigeons are mate for life ,they symbolize loyalty, fidelity and love. Doves common t urban birds, i shy and gentle by nature, symbolize loyalty, fidelity and love m means "desire." Cupid is represented as a naked, e chubby boy with wings and possessing a mischievous smile He carries a bow with a i quiver of arrows which he uses to transfix the m hearts of youths and maidens m quiver of arrows which he uses to transfix the e hearts of youths and maidens m o r was the popular belief that birds It i popular It was the belief that chose their mate forbirds the chose year their on a year 14 mate for February the on February 14 Since doves Since doves and pigeons l and pigeons mate for for life life ,they ,they symbolize symbolize are mate , loyalty, fidelity and love. Doves common urban loyalty, fidelity and love. Doves b birds, shy and urban gentle birds, by nature, common shy andsymbolize gentle e loyalty, fidelity and love by nature, symbolize loyalty, fidelity l love and o v e dAlthough it had many forms, a rebus susually was a romantic verse written in ink with certain words omitted and hillustrated with a picture Meant to abe a riddle, they were not always veasy to decipher e b e e n c o m p a r ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT VALENTINE’S DAY e Why is Cupid associated with Valentine’s Day? d He is the son of the goddess love KEY t o r o s s I f What are some symbols of Valentine’s Day? Cupid, roses and hearts w e What many people on Valentine’s Day? j u They give presents and cards g According to the article, where we get the idea of courtly love g ? l It dates back to the Middle Ages e The article specifically mentions three kinds of love What are these three? Family love, friendly love, and romantic love What you think of Valentine’s Day? Students’ own answers t h e l e t t e r s o f t h e w o r d R O S E w e g e t E R O S , w h o i