DATES (YEARS) 0 = 16/00 – Sixteen hundred – Sixteen oh two – Sixteen ten – Sixteen twenty – five BUT 2010 = Two thousand ten 2001 = two thousand and one Now you try writing these years like in the example above: 1700 1706 1745 1796 1800 1991 2021 1976 1982 1863 1924 2011 1997 1512 Telling the Date Remember this formula: Method A + + Monday, February 15th 2010 Or Method B The of Tuesday the 29th of November 2011 According to this format 11/15/2001 Month day year Write down the following dates: Example November fifteenth two thousand and one 12/5/2002 10/28/1977 01/14/1654 08/24/1951 02/29/1998 04/01/2011 03/03/1981 06/02/2025 07/11/1999 10 08/12/1943 Now, with the help of your agenda, write down the complete dates (with the day of the week) for the following holidays, if the holiday has passed, use next year as a reference Christmas Eve _ Halloween _ Your birthday _ Your mother’s birthday New Year’s Day _ Easter _ Your dad’s birthday _ Saint-Jean Baptiste _ Canada’s Day _ 10.Last day of school _ 11.Valentine’s Day _