Name: Contractions Sometimes two words are joined together and shortened when we write or speak A Complete the contractions below He is → _ I will → _ She is → _ you will → _ It is → _ he will → _ Who is → _ she will → _ That is → _ they will→ _ What is → _ we will → _ Where is → _ I am → _ There is → _ they are→ _ The apostrophe (‘) takes the place of the missing letters The two words join together and it is usually the vowel in the second word that falls away B Rewrite the following sentences using contractions for the underlined words I will give you a lift to town I think that is a beautiful picture Maybe we will need to take jerseys There is no coffee in the tin He said it is a long way from here I wonder who is going to the party They will have to run the race again Name: Contractions – Continued A Complete the contractions below Is not → _ I would → _ Was not → _ she would → _ Do not → _ he would Did not → _ they would → _ Does not → _ we would → _ Has not → _ would not → _ We are could not → _ → _ → _ B Rewrite the following sentences using contractions for the underlined words This is not my book _ I would like to go there tomorrow _ He has not been feeling well lately _ Maybe she would like to join us _ On Mondays we not play tennis _ Jane does not like doing homework _ C Rewrite the following paragraph using contractions wherever possible Tandi is not going to town as she would rather stay at home It is time she will use to her homework She has not missed doing her homework once and she does not want to spoil her good record