How much/m any? What’ s it like? How big? What shape? How old? What colou r? What ’s the patte rn? Wher e’s it from ? Wha t’s it mad e of? Wha t is it? a/an little square old scarf round new three ugly oval mod ern some clean rectang ular antiq ue dark blue flower ed Germ an leath er car a few dirty mediu msize avera gesized large Frenc h Englis h Japan ese silk small pale red light yellow bright green check one beautif ul nice pointed brown spotte Italian d gold hous e several cheap big triangul ar 19th cent ury 1930 s box a lot of expens ive meta l pape r black white stripe d plain Roma n Parisi an cotto blous n e wood desk en Exercise Example: A big, red, leather suitcase Put the three adjectives in the correct order before the noun book - interesting – small – Spanish …………………………………………… picture - modern - ugly - rectangular …………………………………………… opinion - old - boring - American …………………………………………… apple - ripe - green - delicious …………………………………………… suit - woollen - large - black …………………………………………… house - beautiful - modern - small …………………………………………… car - German - expensive - modern …………………………………………… cap - cotton - funny - green …………………………………………… Exercise - Add these adjectives to the following sentences: The bear frightened the campers (ferocious, big, black) _ Seamus came from a town (quiet, peaceful, Canadian) _ My father was a Norwegian (tall, honest, skinny) _ Geoff arrived in a pair of shoes (running, ugly, old) _ Ruth was holding a baby (chubby, new-born, pink) _ Steve hated the buildings in the city (glass, enormous, soulless) _ Vincent loves his gloves (lovely, woollen, warm) _ My mother was proud of her floor (linoleum, clean, beautiful) _ KEY Exercise 1 An interesting small Spanish book An ugly modern rectangular picture An old boring American opinion A delicious green ripe apple A large black woollen suit A beautiful small modern house An expensive modern German car A funny green cotton cap Exercise The big black ferocious bear Quiet peaceful Canadian town a tall skinny honest Norwegian old ugly running shoes chubby pink new-born baby enormous soulless glass buildings lovely warm woollen gloves beautiful clean linoleum floor