School 2009-2010 Education Year 7th Classes 1st Term 1st Written Exam Name-Surname: Class – Number: A Write the sun signs 5x2=10p ( Resimlerin altına burçları yazınız ) We will go for a picnic Gemini - Sagittarius - Pisces - Leo - Libra If he eats chocolate a lot, She won’t pass the exam If you walk under a ladder, b) he will have teeth problems c) you will be unlucky d) you will get money e) if it doesn’t rain tomorrow 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- E Write Bad Luck or Good Luck Then, match 5x2=10p (İyi şanssa Good Luck, kötü şanssa Bad Luck yazınız ve sonra resimlerle eşleştiriniz.) B Write True or False 5x2=10p ( Doğru cümleler için T, yanlış cümleler için F yazınız ) See a black cat _ Walk under a ladder Find a four-leaf clover _ Break a mirror _ Put a horseshoe outside your house He is fat.He shouldn’t eat chocolate ( _ ) He is hungry.He should eat sandwich ( _ ) He has got a toothache He shouldn’t go to the dentist ( ) It is cold.You should eat ice-cream ( ) We have an exam We should study ( ) C Fill in the blanks with the words 5x3=15p ( Boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz ) attractions - sun signs - afraid of talkative - homemade There are twelve I don’t like dogs because I am dogs People cook it at home and sell it to the market It is Bodrum is one of the tourist _ Capricorn people are very They love talking Turkish delight is a) a thing to eat b) a place to visit c) a thing to d) a place to go Do you want a single or a return _ ? a) platform a) if she doesn’t study hard b) town c) ticket d) change Are you afraid of by plane? a) travels D Match the sentences 3x2=6p ( Cümleleri eşleştiriniz ) If your right hand itches, F Choose the best answer 15x2=30p b) travelling c) travel d) to travel The lion is the symbol of _ a) Virgo b) Aquarius c) Leo d) Libra Ahmet is interested pop music a) of b) at c) by d) in a) homemade b) handmade We _ be 8th grade student next year a) will b) are c) must d) should POST OFFICE MAIN STREET People don’t use machines when they make something They are _ STATIONERY What is your sun sign? a) I’m 35 years old LIBRARY CAFE b) It’s on 23rd of May c) It’s virgo d) Yes,I believe in horoscopes You’re Resimdeki kızı anlatan kelime hangisidir? here Go along the Main Street Take the first a) helpful b) crazy c) lazy d) hardworking turning on the left It’s on your right Where 10 If your nose itches, someone _ you a) visit b) will visit c) visits d) is visiting 11 Aşağıdak kelimeler sınıflandırıldığında hangisi dışarıda kalır? a) rude b) angry c) tolerant d) jealous 12 We go to school bus a) on b) at c) by d) with are you? Excuse me Can you tell me the way to the stationery? 13 Kocaeli is _ for “pişmaniye” a) famous b) center c) good d) attraction 14. _ protects us from bad looks a) the four-leaf clover b) the evil eye bead c) the black cat d) the umbrella 15 You can visit _ in Ankara a) the Blue Mosque b) the Trojan Horse c) the Atatürk’s mausoleum d) the Fairy Chimneys G Answer the questions 5+10=15p (Soruları verilen haritaya göre cevaplayınız.) !!! soru puan, soru 10 puandır !!! English Teacher