Name the Fruits and Vegetables: List of names: Artichoke Bok Choy Cabbage Cauliflower Cucumber Garlic Mushroom Parsnip Pumpkin Spinach Tomato Asparagus Broccoli Capsicum Celery Eggplant Leek Olive Peas Rhubarb Squash Turnip & Swede Beans Brussels Sprouts Carrot Corn Fennel Lettuce Onion Potato Shallots Sweet Potato Zucchini Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blueberries Cherry Grapefruit Kiwifruit Lychee Nashi Passionfruit Pineapple Rockmelon Grape Lemon Mandarin Nectarine Peach Plums Strawberries Honeydew Lime Mango Orange Pear Raspberries Watermelon