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Bai tap Reported speech

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Reported speeech 18 "Why don't you help me?" she asked him → She wanted to know "Where is my umbrella?" she asked 19 "Did you see that car?" he asked me → She asked _ → He asked me "How are you?" Martin asked us → Martin asked us 20 "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins → The mother asked the twins He asked, "Do I have to it?" → He asked _ 21.He said, "I like this song." "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter → He said → The mother asked her daughter "Which dress you like best?" she asked her boyfriend 22."Where is your sister?" she asked me → She asked her boyfriend _ → She asked me "What are they doing?" she asked → She wanted to know _ 23."I don't speak Italian," she said "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me → She said → He wanted to know _ The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" 24."Say hello to Jim," they said → The teacher wanted to know → They asked me "How you know that?" she asked me → She asked me 25."The film began at seven o'clock," he sai 10 "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me → He said → My friend asked 11 "What's the time?" he asked 26."Don't play on the grass, boys," she said → He wanted to know _ → She told the boys 12 "When will we meet again?" she asked me → She asked me _ 27."Where have you spent your money?" she asked him → She asked him 13 "Are you crazy?" she asked him → She asked him _ 28."I never make mistakes," he said 14 "Where did they live?" he asked → He wanted to know → He said 15 "Will you be at the party?" he asked her 29."Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know → He asked her _ → He wanted to know 16 "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me → She asked me _ 30._"Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience 17 "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked → The teacher wanted to know _→ The stuntman advised the audience 31._"I was very tired," she said 50._"Mind your own business," she told him → She said _→ She told him 32."Be careful, Ben," she said 51 "Don't touch it," she said to him → She told Ben _ → She told him 33."I will get myself a drink," she says → She says 52 "Don't that again," he said to me 34."Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me → He wondered _ → He told me 35."I cannot drive them home," he said 53 "Don't talk to me like that," he said → He said → He told her 36."Peter, you prefer tea or coffee?" she says → She asks Peter _ 54 "Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him 37."Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me → She warned him → She asked me _ 38.He said, "Don't go too far." 55 "Don't let him in," she said → He advised her → She told me 39 "Have you been shopping?" he asked us → He wanted to know 56 "Don't go out without me," he begged her 40 "Don't make so much noise," he says → He begged her → He asks us _ 41 "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said 57 "Don't forget your bag," she told me → The teacher told Joe → She told me 42 "Be patient," she said to him → She told him _ 58 "Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said 43 "Go to your room," her father said to her → The chemistry teacher told his students → Her father told her _ 44 "Hurry up," she said to us 59 "Don't give yourself up," he advised her → She told us _→ He advised her 45 "Give me the key," he told her → He asked her _ 60 "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said → She told the boys 46 "Play it again, Sam," she said → She asked Sam 61 She said, "Go upstairs." 47 "Sit down, Caron" he said → He asked Caron → She told me 48 "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said 62 "Close the door behind you," he told me → The receptionist asked the guest → He told me 49._"Take off your shoes," she told us → She told us _ → _ → He advised us 83 He said, “I have a toothache.” 64 "Stop staring at me," she said → → She told him _ _ 65 "Don't be angry with me," he said → He asked her 84 She said, “I’ll write him a prescription.” → 66 "Leave me alone," she said _ → She told me 85 They said, “We’re going to the drugstore.” 67 "Don't drink and drive," she warned us → She warned us → _ 68 "John, stop smoking," she said 86 He said, “The doctor gave me some pills.” → She told John → 69 "Don't worry about us," they said _ → They told her _ 87 She said, “I go to the supermarket every day.” 70 "Meet me at the cinema." he said → → He asked me 71 Ha said to Mai: “ Don’t touch the electric wires” 88 He said, “I have received the envelope.” → → 72 “Please, don’t tell anyone the news,” Ha said to her sister _ → 89 They said, “We visited Cannery Row.” 73 “Don’t drive so fast” Ha said to Minh → → _ 74 “Please remove your shoes before entering” Ha said to Hang 90 She said, “I feel very sick.” → → 75 “Ba, don’t interrupt me when I’m meditating” Ha said to Ba _ → 91 He said, “I bought some popcorn.” 76 “First switch on, then wait for minutes” Ha said to Nhung → → _ 77 “Hanh, take the man to the cells” Ha said to Tung 92 They said, “We’re flying to California.” → → 78 “Don’t forget to write me a letter every week” Ha said to her _ friend 93 He said, “I’m cutting off the main valve.” → → 79 Ha said: “Don’t make so much noise, Hieu” _ → 94 He said he didn’t know what had happened 80 Ha said to Mai, “You’re going to post the letter, don’t forget.” → → _ 81 He said, “I don’t know what happened.” 95 She said that she had gone to the dentist yesterday → → 82 She said, “I went to the doctor yesterday.” _ 63 "Don't be late," he advised us 96 She said the doctor had written her a prescription 116 “You can’t park here” → → 97 He said that he had a toothache _ → 117 “Have you worked before?” she said to him 98 She said she went to the museum every day → → _ 99 They said they were going to the supermarket 118 “Can you work on Saturday before?” she said to him → → 100 She said that the doctor had given her some pills _ → 119 “May I open the window?” she asked 101 He said he had received the report → → _ 102 They said they had visited the aquarium 120 “Would it be alright if I had the day off?” she said to her boss → → 103 He said that he was feeling sick _ → 121 “May I borrow your tennis racket?” she asked him 104 She said she had bought some bread → → _ 105 He said that he was turning off the television 122 “Are you coming to the party tonight, Ha?” she asked → → 106 They said they were driving to Chicago _ → 123 “Can you borrow your pen please, Ha?” she asked 107 “If you are late tomorrow, I am going to fire you,” he said → → _ 108 “I’m telling you that I didn’t break that window”, the boy said 124 “Do you know where my tennis racquet is, Mum?” she asked her Mum → → 109 “I’m going to change the wheel on my car myself,” said Hang _ → 125 “Was Ha at work yesterday?” she asked her secretary → 110 “It’s certainly essential to take a long−term view of the situation,” the boss said → _ 126 “Did you read the article about Prince Diana?” she asked him 111 “I passed my driving test first time,” said Sam → → _ 112 “It’s the first time I’ve flown”, Ha said 127 → “Where you live?” she said to him → 113 Hang said: “Why doesn’t Ha buy them this picture as a _ wedding present?” 128 “Why you want the job?” she said to him → → 114 “I can’t work at all! My typewriter isn’t working properly,” _ she said 129 “How did you hear about it?” she said to him → → 115 “I think you should try to be more punctual,” she said to Ha → _ 130 “How much you expect to earn?” she said to him 147 He said, “I don’t know what happened.” → → 131 “When can you start?” she said to him _ → 148 She said, “I went to the dentist yesterday.” 132 “What time is it, Ha?” she asked → → _ 133 “How long have you worked for this company?” she asked 149 She said, “The doctor wrote me a prescription.” → → 134 “Why has he been working so hard?” she asked _ → 150 He said, “I have a toothache.” 135 “Why did you it when I told you not to?” she said to me → → _ 136 “Why didn’t you come at ten o’clock?” she said 151 She said, “I go to the museum every day.” → → 137 “If you type this letter out for me, I’ll buy you a drink, OK? _ Thanks!” he said (persuade) 152 They said, “We’re going to the supermarket.” → → 138 “Sure, I don’t mind at all if you use my typewriter Go ahead.” _ he said (allow) 153 She said, “The doctor gave me some pills.” → → 139 “All right, it’s true, I was nervous.” he said (confess) _ → 154 He said, “I received the report.” 140 “I don’t think Liverpool will win.” he said (doubt) → → _ 141 “Don’t forget: you’ve got to hand in your work this evening” 155 They said, “We visited the aquarium.” he said (remind) → → _ 142 “It’s a shame you couldn’t make it to the party last night” he 156 He said, “I’m feeling sick.” said (regret) → → _ 143 “Don’t worry, as long as you keep your head, you’ll manage 157 She said, “I bought some bread.” all right” he said (assure) → → _ 144 “You really must come, and visit us next weekend” he said 158 He said, “I’m turning off the television.” (insist) → → _ 145 “If I had more time, I’d help you with your work” he said 159 They said, “We’re driving to Chicago.” (claim) → → _ 146 “Might it be a good idea if we all organized our time more 160 He said he didn’t know what had happened effectively” he said (suggest) → → _ 161 She said that she had gone to the dentist yesterday → → _ 162 She said the doctor had written her a prescription 182 He said, “I’m feeling sick.” → → 163 He said that he had a toothache _ → 183 She said, “I bought some bread.” → 164 She said she went to the museum every day _ → 184 He said, “I’m turning off the television.” 165 They said they were going to the supermarket → → _ 166 She said that the doctor had given her some pills 185 They said, “We’re driving to Chicago.” → → 167 He said he had received the report _ → 186 He said he didn’t know what had happened 168 They said they had visited the aquarium → → _ 169 He said that he was feeling sick 187 She said that she had gone to the doctor yesterday → → 170 She said she had bought some bread _ → 188 He said he had a toothache 171 He said that he was turning off the television → → _ 172 They said they were driving to Chicago 189 She said she would write him a prescription → → 173 He said, “I don’t know what happened.” _ → 190 They said they were going to the drugstore 174 She said, “I went to the dentist yesterday.” → → _ 175 She said, “The doctor wrote me a prescription.” 191 He said that the doctor had given him some pills → → 176 He said, “I have a toothache.” _ → 192 She said that she went to the supermarket everyday 177 She said, “I go to the museum every day.” → → _ 178 They said, “We’re going to the supermarket.” 193 He said he had received the envelope → → 179 She said, “The doctor gave me some pills.” _ → 194 They said that they had visited Cannery Row 180 He said, “I received the report.” → → _ 181 They said, “We visited the aquarium.” 195 She said that she felt very sick → 214 “Which countries have you been to?” the customs officer asks me 196 He said he had bought some popcorn → → _ 197 They said they were flying to California 215 “Do you know where Jean is living?” he asked me → → 198 He said he was cutting off the main valve _ → 216 “What color are you going to paint the living room?” she asks them 199 “I’m tired,” Trevor said → → _ 200 “Sorry I wasn’t listening,” Hang said 217 “Where did you go last night?” his father asked him → → 201 “Is this your pencil?” he asked his pupil _ → 218 “Why doesn’t she talk to me any more?” I thought to myself 202 “I’m going to Paris soon,” she said → → _ 203 “It’s time to start revising (ôn lại) for the exam,” the teacher 219 “What are you going to with your scholarship?” Hang asked Huong said → → _ 204 “The film will be interesting,” I thought 220 “Remember to book a table” said Ann → → 205 “I can’t help you because I have too much to do,” she said _ → 221 “Could you please ring back in half an hour?” said the secretary 206 “Anne has bought the tickets.” She said to me → → _ 207 “It took me three hours to get here because the roads are 222 “Get into the right lane (lối đi),” said the driving instructor flooded” he told me → → _ 208 “I think it’s a crazy (điên dại/ ngu xuẩn) idea It’s won’t work” 223 “I should say nothing about it if I were you,” said my brother she said → → _ 209 The receptionist says “Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 224 “Please, please don’t anything dangerous,” his wife said 9.00” → → _ 210 “Where are you going?” he asks me 225 “Why don’t you open a bank account?” Tom said → → 211 “Do you want to go out for a meal?” she asked him _ → 212 “Why are you late?” they asked their guests 226 “I can’t sell the cassette player at that price” he said → → 213 “Can I use your phone to make a local call?” she asks me _ → 227 “Could I see your driving license (bằng lái xe)?” said the policeman → 244 Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock 228 “Why don’t you go to a dentist, Mary, before your toothache → gets any worse,” I said _ → 245 This is the second time they have written to us about this 229 “Open your suitcase for inspection (sự kiểm tra).” the customs → officer said to all passengers _ → 246 Mr Smith has taught us French for years 230 “I’ve replaced all the carpets (tấm thảm).” She said to me → → _ 231 “Can I move the furniture (đồ đạc) around?” I asked her 247 They didn’t look after the children properly → → 232 “How many bedrooms are there?” Sally asked _ → 248 Nobody swept this street last week 233 “When you want to move in?” Mrs Mawby asked → → _ 234 “Is there a fridge in the kitchen?” she asked him 249 People drink a great deal of tea in England → → 235 “I need $ 100 deposit (tiền đặt cọc)” she said _ → 250 People speak English all over the world → _ 251 Tom was writing poems → _ 252 She often takes her dog for a walk 236 A group of students have met their friend at the railway station → → _ 237 They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home 253 How many lessons are you going to learn next month? → → 238 The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow _ → 254 She didn’t introduce me to her mother 239 How many trees did they cut down to build that fence? → → _ 240 This well-known library attracts many people 255 Someone had invented electric lights before I was born → → 241 All students attended the meeting _ → 256 Farmers usually milk cows twice a day 242 People say that he is intelligent → → _ 243 He can’t repair my bike 257 He likes people to call him “sir” → → _ Passive and Active voice 258 People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars → → _ 259 Our teacher used to bid us talk in class 279 He hasn’t seen you for years → → 260 Don’t let other see you _ → 280 The examiner will read the passage times 261 Workers were digging a large hole in the ground → → _ 262 Before they took exams they had revised their lessons 281 An earthquake destroyed the town → → 263 The car knocked a woman down in the street _ → 282 He didn’t type the letter last night 264 When he came home his father was reading a newspaper → → _ 265 Cows were eating grass on the meadow 283 They will pick me up at my house → → 266 My cousin will meet you at the station _ → 284 When did you see him in that bank? 267 She is running her own company → → _ 268 Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom 285 My father will take me to Ho Chi Minh City next week → → 269 My mother used to make us clean the house _ → 286 A man returned the keys to me 270 John hasn’t finished his homework → → _ 271 They suggested banning advertisements on TV 287 Mary will see her friends off at the station → → 272 I will shut the door if you like _ → 288 You were wearing your new hat when I met you yesterday 273 We have just seen a horrible accident → → _ 274 What language people speak in this country? 289 He is preparing everything for the presidential election → → 275 At p.m., Mrs Smith was making cakes _ → 290 Last Friday, when I came to Jane’s house, she had finished all exercises 276 He isn’t going to buy that house → → _ 277 When I was 18 years old, my parents allowed me to go out in 291 They have to pull down that building the evening → → _ 278 This terrorist has kept hostages for a week 292 He gave me a knife to cut this bread → 313 I put the pound note into one of my books yesterday 293 People used to steal a lot of goods from supermarkets → → _ 294 Countries are finding a way to solve the problem 314 After he had told the story, we clapped our hands → → 295 He put the letter in the drawer, and then he locked it up _ → 315 His wife usually brings him sandwiches at lunch time 296 She can sew shirts a day → → _ 297 By the end of this year, we will have learnt 2,000 English 316 They were continually asking question words → → _ 298 Don’t ask for another book until you finish this one 317 We have to pick fruit very early in the morning → → 299 We consider that she is the best singer _ → 318 How many books you give me? 300 Nobody has used this room for ages → → _ 301 Her father was planting different kinds of flowers in the garden 319 He always lost keys → → 302 I am translating an article from English into Vietnamese _ → 320 The light went out while I was making a cup of tea 303 The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment → → _ 304 People said he had swallowed a safety pin 321 When she went to Barcelona, she learnt some Spanish → → 305 How many days did she spend finishing the work? _ → 322 The State will assign our students to different jobs 306 Someone is following me → → _ 307 She read the letter again and again last night 323 The government launched the blood drive → → 308 The doctor pulled out one of my teeth yesterday morning _ → 324 The students of chemistry made many experiments last week 309 The tailor has just made a new suit for me → → _ 310 Someone saw him pick up the gun 325 When will you the work? → → 311 He has caught a lion and shot others _ → 326 My brother has sent me this interesting book 312 He received a letter from home by the evening post → → _ 327 She asked her mother to let her go 347 If I collected a lot of shells on the beach I would give you some → → 328 He couldn’t find his key _ → 348 People believed that the policeman had saved many children from the 329 She used to pull my hat over my eyes fire → → 330 For the past years, I have done all my washing by hand _ → 349 European countries decided to put a high tax on petrol 331 A pair of robins have built a nest in the porch since last week → → _ 332 The police haven’t found the murderer yet 350 People say that the decision imposes tight restrictions on cross-border → trade 333 They sold one of her own paintings at $1,000 → → _ 334 I will put your gloves back in your drawer 351 My sister often makes me the washing up → → 335 Have you seen Philip lately? _ → 352 The policeman allows all vehicles to go when traffic lights are green 336 When did you receive my letter? → → _ 337 Mr Speed is dictating letters to Ann 353 Everyone believes him right → → 338 I found the book boring _ → 354 We made her head of the class 339 Jack felled a tree in the garden yesterday → → _ 340 When I came back home, my mother was preparing lunch 355 They were carrying the injured player off the field → → 341 The house was dirty because we hadn’t cleaned it for weeks _ → 356 I like you to take photographs 342 People say that they bought this shop last year → → _ 343 He wants her to write an article 357 Haven’t you yet found out information about the trains to Hanoi? → → 344 My parents encouraged me to apply for this job _ → 358 Peter advised me not to sell that flat 345 A 70-year old pensioner, Mrs Parker, found a puma in her back → garden _ → 359 He urged the Government to pass the law 346 A teacher should be a person that everyone can respect → → _ 360 She decided to paint her house blue → → 361 My classmates used to call me John _ → 381 Someone broke into her house last night 362 Mr Smith will appoint Tom the director tomorrow? → → _ 363 You should pay more attention to your study 382 How you spend this amount of money? → → 364 He heard the bell ring _ → 383 Paul didn’t tell me the ending of the story 365 Did anyone take English books away? → → _ 366 The major ordered the soldiers to march 384 She needs English for her work → → 367 Before we gave you our decision, we had thought carefully _ → 385 Have you seen any good films so far? 368 Do people use milk for making butter and cheese? → → _ 369 They didn’t invite me to the birthday party 386 They didn’t see you at the bus stop → → 370 Did they build that house in 1972? _ → 387 How did you break your leg? 371 The teacher will give her a prize if she works well → → _ 372 People said that he could swim across this river 388 My dog is attacking the postman → → 373 The policeman showed you the way to Thu Le zoo _ → 389 I couldn’t catch any fish 374 He won’t tell me the truth about the situation → → _ 375 They can see the valley from the top of this hill 390 Mrs White was drawing diagrams on the blackboard → → 376 All the students choose him the monitor _ → 391 Most of the boys listened to the teacher attentively 377 You must wash your hands → → _ 378 My favorite football team hasn’t won many matches so far this 392 She promised not to report me to the police season → → _ 379 My father has used this bicycle for years 393 I believed one of the dogs had discovered some cannabis → → 380 The government is taking measures to attract foreign _ investment 394 The cashier used to the accounts → 415 Children should treat old men with respect 395 The computer can all the accounts → → _ 396 My dictionary doesn’t give any example of this word 416 She is taking care of the baby girl → → 397 The local council decided to rebuild the house opposite the _ college 417 He immediately accepted his guilt → → 398 She asked me to lend her $100 _ → 418 I am sure that I will prepare everything carefully 399 She is going to buy a cookery book → → _ 400 The policeman is sticking a parking ticket to the windscreen 419 I advise my sister to put her money box under the carpet → → 401 All the tourist guides can speak at least foreign languages _ → 420 How many ways can you solve this problem? 402 Mr Nam gives lectures in universities everyday → → _ 403 How you make a survey? 421 He gave the magazine back to me → → 404 I found this baby bird at the foot of a tree _ → 422 Tom borrowed her book and lost it 405 She couldn’t catch his name → → _ 406 They were watching her on closed circuit TV 423 Someone turned on the light and opened the door → → 407 They can’t carry the piano upstairs _ → 424 Lan left her bag in the classroom 408 He often sends postcards to his mother → → _ 409 I needn’t wind this watch 425 Some students haven’t submitted their assignments to the teacher on time → → 410 Daisy is hanging out all the washing out _ → 426 They brought their children up in Italy 411 Why did people think Halloween was important? → → _ 412 Why don’t you write a novel? 427 After 10 minutes, he will call us in → → 413 He saw you shopping _ → 428 They are repairing my piano now 414 Will you post this letter on the way to work? → → _ 429 You must keep dogs outside shops → If → 444 Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders 430 The postman usually leaves letters in the hall → If → 445 He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed early last night 431 You can’t wear this shirt because it is very small → If → 446 They don’t behave themselves so their parents are not happy about that 432 The government is launching an anti-smuggling campaign → If → 447 She didn’t say sorry so he was angry 433 He can speak languages → If → 448 I am not a rich businessman and I can’t afford to buy an expensive car 434 She used to make cloth puppets → If → 449 It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue 435 Why don’t you open a bank account? → If → 450 My parents not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home → If 451 She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible → If 452 The weather was very nice so we didn’t go camping → If 453 The computer broke down and I had to stop my work → If 454 She loves him so she forgives him easily → If 455 He was angry so I didn’t say anything → If Conditional Sentences II) Multiple choices 436 You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me → If 456 If I ……….a lot of money now, I ………… a new car 437 There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen a have /will buy b have / would buy on the window c had/ will buy d had/ would buy → If 457 If I ……………you, I …………….do that 438 He is busy right now So, he can’t help them a am/ will b were /would → If c were/ will d had been/ would 439 I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at 458 If I were offered the job, I think I ……… it cooking a take b will take → If c would take d would have taken 440 I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth 459 I would be very surprised if he…………… → If I _ a refuses b refused 441 She came, so he wasn’t disappointed c had refused d would refuse → If 460 Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down 442 He is not a good student He didn’t study for the test yesterday a closes b had closed → If c closed d would close 443 I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now 461 If she sold her car, she ………… much money a gets b would get c will get d would have got 462 They would be disappointed if we…………… a hadn’t come b wouldn’t come c don’t come d didn’t come 463 Would John be angry if I …… ……his bicycle without asking? a take b took c had taken d would take 464 She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring a will be b would be c were d had been 465 If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened a would walk b walks c had walked d walked 466 What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow? a don’t go b didn’t go c won’t go d wouldn’t go 467 We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out a go b did go c went d had gone 468 If I go shopping, I ………some food a buy b will buy c would buy d would have bought 469 If I find it, I ………you a will tell b would tell c had told d told 470 What would you if you……………a million dollars? a would win b win c had won d won 471 They ‘d be hurt if I ……………… a don’t go b didn’t go c hadn’t gone d wouldn’t go 472 If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early a would have arrived b arrived c will arrived d would arrive 473 If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you a will go b would go c went d would have gone 474 If I …………., I would have said hello a had seen b see c saw d would see 475 I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired a will go b went c would have gone d would go 476 If I ……… a camera, I would have taken some pictures a have b had c would have d had had 477 You won’t pass the examination……………you study more a as long as b unless c if d whether 478 If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business a had known b knew c have known d know 479 If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed a probably be b would have been c will be d would be 480 If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination a would fail b wouldn’t fail c wouldn’t have failed d won’t fail 481 If I had taken that English course, I ……… much progress a had made b would have made c made d would make 482 If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England a will make b had made c made d would make 483 If I ………… you , I’d save some of your lottery winning a be b were c am d was 484 If the car ……… larger, we would have bought it a had been b have been c has been d been 485 If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English a will go b should go c would go d should have go to 486 If it …… convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight a be b was c were d is 487 If you …… time, please write to me a have b have had c had d has 488 If you had the chance, ………… you go finishing? a did b would c may d 489 Trees won’t grow ……… there is enough water a if b when c unless d as 490 If you ……… to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now a listen b had listened c will listen d listened 491 I wish I …… you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself a can lend b could lend c would lend d will lend 492 If someone ……… into the store, smile and say, “ May I help you?” a comes b came c would come d could lend 493 If you stay up late the previous night, you ……… sleepy the next morning a feel b to feel c feels d will feel 494 If Peter ……, Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much a comes b not come c does not come d will come 495 If his teeth still …… , he will have to go to the dentist’s again a hurt b hurts c to hurt c will hurt 496 If you…………Tom , tell him I have a message for him a will meet b would meet c meet d met 497 If you …………too hot during the night , turn down the central heating a will feel b felt c feel d feels 498 If you …………with your dictionary, I ‘d like to borrow it a finish b finished c will finish d are finishing 499 If I lived nearer the centre , I …………always late a wouldn’t be b can be c won’t be d will be 500 What would Lan if she ………… the Miss world a would be b were c will be d is 501 If I ………….her , I would have said “ hello” a has seen b have seen c saw d had seen 502 If she had read the passage more slowly , the candidate………… a understood b would have understood c will understood d would understand 503 If it……………, they will not go out a rains b rained c rain d raining 504 James will not complete the work if she is ………… rarely enough a tell b telling c tells d told 505 Betty will not go to the party unless John ……………….too a go b went c going d goes 506 Miss An does not want to go on the trip if nobody………… with her a go b goes c went d going 507 If you ………….to go shopping, please go with your aunt this weekend a wants b want c wanting d wanted 508 Mr Smith has to work on weekends if his manager………….him to a tell b telling c told d tells 509 Unless they ……………her to work hard, she would not a encourage b encourage c encourages d encouraging 510 If I ……….a king, I would give money to the poor a is b are c am d were 511 If we had left this country , we would have………….to Australia a emigrated b emigrates c emigrate d emigrating 512 If I had to the party last night, I …………her a will have met b would meet c would have met d will meet 513 Unless the pupils pay attention, the teacher …………….be angry a would b may c will d might 514 Please not go out if it……………… a rain b rains c rained d raining 515 If you …………me with this exercise, I will the same for you one day a helped b would help c help d will help 516 If you listen to music, you can’t ……………your study a concentrate on b interested in c care about d read about 517 ……………you study harder, you won’t pass the final exam a unless b if c if not d without 518 If the weather………….fine, we will go on a picnic a is b were c would be d will be 519 If he………………….harder, the results will be better a worked b works c has worked d will work 520 If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health better a be b will be c is d would be 521 If she hadn’t overslept, she ……… late for the interview a wouldn’t be b wouldn’t have been c hadn’t been d would have been 522 I’d have told you if I ………… the book a had seen b would have seen c saw d see 523 If we had known your new address, we………… to see you a came b would have come c would come d will come 524 If I found a wallet in the street, I ………….take it to police a will b should c would d shall 525 I ………….that coat if I were you a wouldn’t buy won’t buy b didn’t buy c don’t buy Tag Question I) Add the necessary question tag: 526 Mr White is a tailor, ………? 527 It isn’t ready yet, ……… ? 528 I am clever, ……….? 529 We must hurry, ………….? 530 They won’t stop long, ………….? 531 You asked for mustard, ………….? 532 She speaks too quickly, ………….? 533 He will arrive soon, ……………? 534 The milk may be sour, ………… ? 535 Tom doesn’t like ham, ………….? 536 They told me a lie, ……………? 537 It can’t be so bad, ……………? 538 It was a pity, ……………? 539 Jack is joining the club, ……………? 540 You mustn’t that again, ……………? 541 You ought not to eat that, ……………? 542 They have sold the house, ……………? 543 Our team won the prize, ……………? 544 You are leaving here tomorrow, ……………? 545 You can’t come next week, ……………? 546 You ought to leave now, ……………? 547 He should have come home earlier, ……………? 548 He daren’t it, ……………? 549 Go and get me some aspirins, ……………? 550 We need some more sugar, ……………? 551 I may open it, ……………? 552 You’d better keep quiet, ……………? 553 He used to live near here, ……………? 554 Open it for me, ……………? 555 Let’s sing it again, ……………? 556 He shouldn’t put so much salt in it, ……………? 557 Going swimming in the summer is very interesting, ……………? d 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 Let’s dance together, ……………? The party is so wonderful Don’t talk in class, ……………? The teacher is explaining the lesson Nobody understands what the lady over there says, ……………? The woman seldom writes poems and stories, ……………? Nothings makes you bored, ……………? You always look happy You have read this article on the website, ……………? You don’t read this article on the website, ……………? She never tells the truth, ……………? II) Rewrite the following sentences with “question tag”: 566 She will probably be out for dinner => She won’t be home for dinner, ……………? 567 The paper looks good, don’t you think? => The paper doesn’t …………………………………… ………………………? 568 Larry would be busy on Sunday => I don’t suppose that Larry would be ………………………………………… ? 569 I think you can’t eat one more piece of cake => You can eat ……………………………………………………………………? 570 The prices at this store are very high, don’t you think? => The prices at this store aren’t …………………………………………………? 571 She is going to get a scholarship, I believe => She is ………………………………………………………………………….? 572 The electricity department is going to cut down its power supply, apparently => The power supply is ………………………………………………………… ? 573 Scientists have carried out some experiments on AIDS recently, I think => Some experiments have ………………………………………………………? 574 They haven’t found any special drugs to cure ADIS, in my view => No special drugs have ……………………………………………………… ? 575 Computers can replace man, I think 576 => Man can’t be ………………………………………… ... 320 The light went out while I was making a cup of tea 303 The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment → → _ 304 People

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2016, 19:43

