PRONUNCIATION OF ‘CH’ The letters –ch can be pronounced in three ways ch sound as in watch /t∫/ ch sound as in chemical /K/ ch sound as in chef /∫/ WRITE THE WORDS ON THE LEFT IN THE CORRECT COLUMN ACCORDING TO THEIR PRONUNCIATION THEN READ ALOUD THE SENTENCES ON THE RIGHT : ache bachelor brochure cache champagne character charades charge chauffeur chemistry cheque children choose Christian church echo machine macho mechanic moustache psychiatrist rich sachet technology I’ve got a terrible ache in my stomach He remained a bachelor until he died in 1999 I’ll ask them for a travel brochure The police have discovered a cache of explosives Let’s celebrate with a bottle of champagne He’s a funny little man Let’s play a game of charades Who is in charge of this office? Why don’t you hire a chauffeur for your limousine? I love chemistry classes because we have a lot of practice You can pay in cash or by cheque Jane has three children You’re allowed to choose a gift for yourself Mr Gomes is a devout Christian He’s a bishop in a church The whole house echoed with laughter I need a new washing-machine He thinks he’s a macho man My car badly needs a good mechanic He’s grown a moustache She’s depressed – I think she should see a psychiatrist Meat and nuts are rich in protein There’s a free sachet of shampoo with this soap Modern technology is amazing, isn’t it? bachelor charge cheque children choose church macho rich ache character chemistry Christian echo mechanic psychiatrist psychiatrist technology brochure cache champagne charades chauffeur machine moustache sachet