DIALOGUE1: A LEMON PIE RECIPE A: Hello Luis, what’s doing? B: Hi Peter, I’m watching TV A: What are you watching on the TV? B: I’m watching a cooking program Gaston, the great Peruvian chef is making a delicious Lemon Pie A: OH, can you tell me what he is doing? Because I want to take note, please B: Ok, no problem First, for the Lemon Pie you need: 250g short crust pastry, lemons, 250ml cold water, tablespoons of corn flour, 150g sugar, eggs and 40g butter A: Ok B: In this moment, He is rolling out the pastry and he's putting it into a 20cm round baking dish Bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes A: Ok B: Now, he is SEPARATING the egg yolks from the whites He is putting the corn flour and 50g sugar into a bowl… he is POURING a little of the water into a paste and mix A:Ok B: Now, he is GRATING the lemons and he is putting the grated rind into a pan with the rest of the water He is BOILING the water and rind, adding the corn flour paste and mix well, now Heat gently for one minute A: Ok, now? B: He is STIRING all the time he Removes from the heat A: Ok B: Now, he is BEATING in the egg yolks, juice from the lemons and butter he is Pouring the mixture into the pastry case A: Ok B Now, with an electric mixer he is WHISKING the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff he is Adding 100g sugar little by little Finally, he is SPOONING the meringue over the lemon mixture Bake in the oven from 40-45 minutes at 150°C A: Wow… thanks so much, now I’m going to write this recipe in my own recipe book B: You’re welcome, take care A: Take care too, bye B: Bye