Icebreakers What to when the only response you get is: “I not say.” Quick! Call Annoying Orange http://annoyingorange.wikia com/wiki/Episode_Guide Copy/paste the episode transcripts to Word/check for typos/ read in class/ many puns and lots of silliness guaranteed Instead of doing the most boring thing on earth- watching grass grow- make a book about your favorite sports heroes Episodes can be watched on YouTube- some with English subtitles Get info and pictures from www The teacher could write a simple summary Watch how easily students learn to read- when it’s someone they really care about Annoying Orange scripts turned a silent disinterested student into an enthusiastic chatterbox Miraculous! Write your own book and illustrate it Read it to the class ad ht W tp:/ an / t e spo Tr d ng Re ans e S re p o s c ng ue eb : ob Sq u ar ep a cr nt bo s b al ipts ou wi to d of k in th i al a cl l e co e as pi m so s / an de wi d ki en s C /H jo o p y! y/ el Pa p_ st e to W or d My F avor ite NBA Play ers "Annoying Orange: Food Court" Episode 60 Orange, Pear, Passion Fruit, Liam the Leprechaun, Characters: Eggs, Grapefruit's Mailman, Onion, Radish, Grapefruit's Nephew, Bailiff Apple Airdate: January 21, 2011 Episode Guide Previous "Rapberry" Next "Wazzup Blowup" Annoying Orange: Food Cour t Orange: (singing to the tune of "Shave and a Haircut") Bored, b-b-bored bored, bored bored! (laughs) (groans) So bored Grapefruit's Mailman: (Off-screen) Hey, hey Orange! Orange: Hey, what was that? Liam: Uh-uh, Orange The summons is for you (The scene cuts to Grapefruit's Mailman on the counter) Orange: Who, me? Grapefruit's Mailman: Over here! Liam: It urns out to be you're more annoying then the law will allow That's why I'm taking you to the food court Passion: Seriously? Orange: Hey, It's Grapefruit's Mailman Liam: Seriously! Grapefruit's Mailman: That's right, and I got a special delivery for ya Heads up! (He throws a letter on top of the oven) (Liam, Orange, Passion, and Pear disappear) Passion Fruit: Whoa, what'd ya get, Orange? Grapefruit's Mailman: Oh, geez, I almost forgot I'm gonna need a signature for that summons Oh, crap! Orange: I don't know (title card) Pear: Dude, that's not yours It's for someone named Summons (Orange, Passion, and Pear appear in the food court) (Liam the Leprechaun appears) Orange: Whoa! Liam: Well, well, well If it isn't me wee old pal, Orangey Orange: Hey, hey! It's Jolly Green! Bailiff Apple: All rise; this court will now come to order The honorable Liam T Leprechaun will be presiding Passion: Liam, what you want now? (Liam appears to be the judge) Orange: You must be looking for that Summons guy, huh? Pear: You're kidding me He gets to be the judge? Liam: All right! quiet down, everyone! (hammering) Order in the court! Order in the court!! Onion: He said that my mother was a Funyun with a bunion (All gasp) Orange: Okay, I'll have a cheeseburger with curly fries (laughs) Passion: You really said that? Passion: As your attorney, I would advise you let me all of the talking Orange: But it rhymes Pear: (sarcastically): Oh, this is a great idea Radish: He kept telling me, "if you're rad-ish, then I'm totally awesome-ish." Passion: Your Honor, given you're uh history with my client, I move an immediate mistrial Mr Pickle: And then? Liam: Overruled Guilty Mr Pickle: Uh, your honor, we haven't been selected a jury yet Liam: Fine Pear, you it Mr Pickle: Objection, Your Honor Liam: What? Mr Pickle: You need a dozen jurors, and it's obvious that Pear already knows the defendant Liam: A dozen? Orange: Whoa! Sounds like Jolly Green's in a real pickle (laughs) Liam: Fine I'll give you a dozen (snaps fingers) Radish: And then he started singing (crying) Mr Pickle: I think we've seen enough here, Your Honor Grapefruit's Nephew: (spits out pacifier) He annoyed my uncle, he annoyed my great grandpa, he annoyed my third cousin twice removed, and he even annoyed my mailman Orange: That's not a family tree That's a family forest (laughs) Grapefruit's Nephew: I'm gonna get you, Orange! Liam: Well well well, I think we've seen all the evidence we need to see to make a decision Eggs, what ya say? Guilty, right? Passion: Your Honor, the defense would like to call one last witness (Eggs appeared & talking) Liam: Why not? Don't know what load of good that's gonna ya (chuckles) Orange: Hey, it's Eggs We were really had a scramble to find you (laughs) Passion: The defense wishes to call Pear: (on the second court) Um the Annoying Orange! Mr Pickle: It's a simple question, sir Do you believe the orange is annoying? Orange: Hey, that's me! Yay! What'd I win? Pear: Uh, I'm gonna have to plead the fifth on this one Mr Pickle: Answer the question, sir Is he or is he not annoying? (Liam bangs his gavel [judges hammer] and Orange appears on the witness stand) Passion: Mr Orange, you think you're annoying? Orange: (babbling tongue) Orange: I'm not annoying I'm an orange (laughs) Pear: Yes, yes, he's annoying Mr Pickle: Oh, this is a slam dunk (Orange and Passion gasp) Passion: What about Mr Pickle? Pear: What? Don't act like it's not true Mr Pickle: Me? Liam: All right, next witness Passion: Is there anything you'd like to say to him? Orange: Him? Um Yeah Hey, Pickle, You're a real dillweed (laughs) Eggs: Yay! Liam: (very angry) That's not an option! You can't find him yay Eggs: Yay! Mr Pickle: Hey! Liam: You stop it now! Passion: What about the jury? Any thoughts about Orange: The eggs? Nah, they can't take a yolk (laughs) Eggs: (laughs) Passion: How about the Judge? What you think of the Leprechaun? Liam: Watch it now, lassie Orange: Lassie? She's not a dog, she's a passion fruit (laughs) Eggs: (laughs) Liam: (Getting angry) Stop it! (gavel bang) Eggs: Yay! Liam: (screaming) Eggs: (laughs) Orange: (laughs) Liam: That's it, I quit! (Liam throws his gavel [judges hammer] and it accidently hits Bailiff Apple) Bailiff Apple: Ow! (pillar crumbles over) Liam: OH, darn! Orange: Yay, I want to be a carpenter too! (laughs) (crash) Liam: (Very angry now) Stop! Orange: Whoa! Orange: Hammer time! (laughs) Happy music starts playing (Click here to play Happy Music, Ignore Voice) (Orange, Pear and Passion appear back in the kitchen) Orange: Whoa! We're back! Passion: Don't you see? The orange is annoying, but only because he can't help it You can't make that a crime That's be like arresting Mr Pickle for smelling like vinegar Mr Pickle: Objection! Passion: Or locking Liam away because he dresses like a dork (happy music stops abruptly) Liam: Alright, alright, alright, you made you're point, but this decision isn't up to you, is it, Passion Fruit? The decision is in the hands of our jury Now how you find the orange? Annoying, or not annoying? Pear: Nicely done, Passion You got Orange off the hook Passion: Oh it was nothing Orange: Yay, Passion! Pear: Whoo-hoo! Orange: That was fun! We should that more often Grapefruit's Mailman: Uh, that's great, gang, but I still need a signature over here Eggs: Yay! (An orange background appears with Orange asking "Is Orange funny, annoying, or annoyingly funny?" as the Fruity Question of the Day.) Liam: Yay as in yes or no? Grapefruit's Mailman: Who's gonna sign for this?! Eggs: Yay! Orange: Hmm, there's only one person I can think of who will sign for this Liam: (getting angry) Ther's no yay, okay? Grapefruit's Mailman: Who? Orange: Knife This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Help Wanted" from season one, which aired on May 1, 1999 • • • • • • • French Narrator: Ah, the sea So fascinating So wonderful Here, we see Bikini Bottom, teeming with life [Shows from left to right Patrick's, Squidward's, and SpongeBob's houses Zooms in on SpongeBob's house] Home to one of my favorite creatures, SpongeBob SquarePants Yes, of course he lives in a pineapple, You silly [SpongeBobs alarm sounds; he wakes, but is unaffected by the annoying sound, and with a smile turns it off He climbs from his bed to a ladder leading to a diving board] SpongeBob: Today's the big day, Gary! Gary: Meow SpongeBob: [Jumps on the diving board] Look at me, I'm… [Jumps up, and leaves his underwear behind] nakeeeeeeeeeed! [Lands inside pants, walks over to exercise room His head pops out of the top of his pants] Got to be in top physical condition for today, Gary Gary: Meow SpongeBob: [He goes inside his small gym that has a sign that says, "I LOVE PAIN" Taking deep breaths, he prepares to lift a barbell that is balanced by two lightweight stuffed animals He sticks out his chest, but almost passes out because he can barely lift it He drops it, and it makes a 'squeak' noise] I'M READY! [Runs outside] I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready [Patrick Stars rock tilts upwards with Patrick stuck to its underside] Patrick: Go, SpongeBob! [Patrick falls] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SpongeBob: [Runs down the street to the Krusty Krab] There it is The finest eating establishment ever established for eating The Krusty Krab [Restaurant sparkles, and polluted smoke gushes out of a pipe to a flatulent sound effect] home of the Krabby Patty With a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window! For years I've been dreaming of this moment! I'm gonna go in there, march straight to the manager, look 'im straight in the eye, [breaks the fourth wall and looks the audience in the eye] lay it on the line and… I can't this! [He starts to run home but Patrick stops him] Uh, Patrick! Patrick: Where you think you're going? SpongeBob: I was just… Patrick: No you're not You're going to the Krusty Krab and get that job! SpongeBob: I can't, don't you see? I'm not good enough! Patrick: Whose first words were "may I take your order"? SpongeBob: Mine were Patrick: Who made a spatula out of toothpicks in wood shop? SpongeBob: I did Patrick: [Grimaces and contorts twice while trying to come up with a good third line] Who’s a, uh who’s uhh oh! who’s a big yellow cube with holes? SpongeBob: I am! Patrick: Who's ready? SpongeBob: I'm ready! Patrick: Who's ready? SpongeBob: I'm ready! Patrick: Who's ready? SpongeBob: I'M READY! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! [Runs toward the Krusty Krab] Squidward: [Cleaning graffiti of himself with the word Loser, sees SpongeBob, and sighs] Oh no, SpongeBob What could he possibly want? SpongeBob: [In background, at first while Squidward was talking] I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m READY! I’m READY! I’m READY! I’m READY! Go SpongeBob! Go SpongeBob! Go SpongeBob! Go self! [Squidward looks at the Help Wanted sign and runs inside] Squidward: [While SpongeBob says, "I’m ready" one more time in the background] Mr Krabs! [Cuts to the ordering window, where Mr Krabs is happily sniffing a handful of money Squidward runs up to him] Hurry, Mr Krabs, before its too late, I gotta tell you about-[interrupted by SpongeBob] SpongeBob: Permission to come aboard, captain! [deep voice] I’ve been training my whole life for the day I could join the Krusty Krew, [normal voice] And now I’m ready [SpongeBob trips on a nail stuck in the floorboard His fall causes him to bounce against the ceiling, SpongeBob shouts and blurts incomprehensibly while his bounces and ricochets around the building accelerate He then rolls to a stop at the feet of Squidward and Mr Krabs] So, uh, when I start? Mr Krabs: Well lad, it looks like you don’t even have your sea legs SpongeBob: Mr Krabs, please Ill prove I’m fry cook material Ask Squidward, hell vouch for me [Mr Krabs and Squidward quickly walk away from SpongeBob] Squidward: [deep breath] No [Mr Krabs winks They head back to SpongeBob] Mr Krabs: Well lad, well give you a test, and if you pass, you’ll be on the Krusty Krew! Go out and fetch me [SpongeBob takes out a notepad] a, uh, hydrodynamic spatula [SpongeBob quickly jots down what he says] with, um, port-and-starboard-attachments, [more scribbling] and, uh turbo drive! [more scribbling] And dont come back till you get one! [Mr Krabs puts a Krusty Krab crew hat on SpongeBob SpongBob sees how he looks in a mirror, there are sparkles on his hat, and he has a huge, satisfied smile] SpongeBob: [saluting Krabs] Aye aye, captain! [reading] One hydrodynamic spatula, with portand-starboard attachments, turbo drive, coming right up, Sir! Mr Krabs: Carry on! [SpongeBob leaves] Well never see that lubber again Squidward: You’re terrible! A hydro-what? [Squidward and Mr Krabs laugh While Squidward laughs, his nose moves distinctly while he inhales and exhales Krabs laugh sounds like a pirate As they laugh, SpongeBob is shown leaving the Krusty Krab As SpongeBob fades out of sight, five buses drive toward the Krusty Krab from the opposite direction] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bus Driver: Hey! Hey! Please! Passengers are to stay seated and put their hands out the window! [The buses surround the Krusty Krab and the doors open, Mr Krabs stops laughing] Mr Krabs: That sounded like hatch doors! [sniffs repeatedly] Do you smell it? That smell A kind of smelly smell A smelly smell that smells smelly [bulgy eyes] Anchovies Squidward: What? Mr Krabs: ANCHOVIES! [Anchovies get out of the buses and rush inside the Krusty Krab, crowding, repeating the word "meep" over and over again] Squidward: Please, please, quiet! [anchovies stop talking] Is this any way to behave, hmmm? Anchovy: Eat! Squidward: Could we show a little decency and form a neat, single file line in front of the register? [The anchovies are quiet at first, and then pick up the boat, as their cries of "meep!" become more intense Cut to BargN Mart as SpongeBob enters] SpongeBob: [singing to himself] BargN Mart, meeting all of your spatula needs [Cuts to the Krusty Krab Squidward and Mr Krabs are still in the boat, and being tossed around] Mr Krabs: All hands on deck! Get your anchors out of your pants! Squidward: One single file line was all I asked! Mr Krabs: Whoa! Button down the hatches, Mr Squidward! [Mr Krabs and Squidward are thrown up in the air] Were taking on water, Mr Squidward! [they get thrown back up again] I want my mommy, Mr Squidward! [cuts to BargN Mart] SpongeBob: [singing] Do do do do, spatula, spatula, port-and-starboard attachments [Cuts to the Krusty Krab] Squidward: HELP!!!! Mr Krabs: Man overboard! Climb, Mr Squidward! Climb! [They climb the mast, while the anchovies try to get them down The anchovies then form a big wave] Anchovies: MEEP!!!! MEEP!!!!!! Mr Krabs: This is the end! Good-bye, Mr Squidward! Squidward: Oh Mr Krabs! [They cry, then SpongeBob comes in with red lights flashing and flying with the spatula, singing a heroic tune] SpongeBob: Permission to come aboard captain! Da da da da da da da! Da da da da da da da da da da! Did someone order a spatula? [Squidward and Krabs are shocked] Thats right! One hydrodynamic spatula with [two spatulas pop out on the sides of the previous one] port-andstarboard attachments, and lets not forget the turbo drive! [the two extending spatulas twirl around and smack Squidward and Krabs in the face] Would you believe they only had one in stock? To the kitchen! [to the anchovies] Who’s hungry? [Tiny Tims Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Moonlight plays while SpongeBob serves up burger after burger Many, many, many burgers are launched through the opening window to the hungry anchovies Eventually, all of the anchovies are served and they leave on the buses Cuts to later] Mr Krabs: That was the finest fast foodsmanship I’ve ever seen, Mr SquarePants! Welcome aboard! [Mr Krabs gives SpongeBob a name tag] Squidward: But, but Mr Krabs Mr Krabs: Three cheers for SpongeBob! Hip-hip! Squidward: [weakly] Hooray, Mr.Mr Krabs: Hip-hip! Squidward: [quickly] Hooray, Mr Krabs: Hip-hip! Squidward: [quickly] Hooray Mr Krabs! Mr Krabs: I'll be in my quarters, counting up the booty [He wheels a wheelbarrow piled with an enormous stack of cash to his office Patrick enters] Patrick: Good morning, Krusty Krew! Squidward: What would you like to order, Patrick? Patrick: One Krabby Patty, please [SpongeBob flies back to the kitchen using his spatula and a score of Krabby Patties is immediately fired through the servery, which collide with Patrick and send him flying out of the Krusty Krab Cuts to Krusty Krab exterior; crashing noises] Patrick: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Squidward: Mr Krabs! Mr KRABS!!! [calmly and singing] Mr Krabs, come see your new employeeeeeeeee! [added emphasis with the -ployee] Kevin Durant From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kevin Durant Kevin Durant during his tenure with the Oklahoma City Thunder, playing against the Sacramento Kings at the ARCO Arena in March 2010 No 35 – Oklahoma City Thunder Small forward Personal information Born September 29, 1988 Washington, D.C Nationality American High school Montrose Christian School (Maryland) Oak Hill Academy (Virginia) Listed height ft in (2.06 m) Listed weight 235 lb (107 kg) Career information College Texas (2006-2007) NBA Draft 2007 / Round: / Pick: 2nd overall Selected by the Seattle SuperSonics [1] 2007–present Pro career Career history Seattle SuperSonics / Oklahoma City Thunder Career highlights and awards • • • • • • • • • • • NBA Rookie of the Year (2008) 3× NBA All-Star (2010–2012) 3× NBA scoring champion (2010–2012) 3× All-NBA First Team (2010–2012) NBA All-Rookie First Team (2008) NBA All Star Game MVP (2012) 2× H-O-R-S-E Competition winner (2009–2010) 2010 FIBA World Championship MVP Oscar Robertson Trophy (2007) Adolph Rupp Trophy (2007) Naismith College Player of the Year (2007) • John R Wooden Award (2007) Stats at Medals Competitor for the United States FIBA World Championship Gold 2010 Turkey Team competition Kevin Wayne Durant (born September 29, 1988) is an American professional basketball player Playing the position of small forward, Durant currently plays with the Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association Standing at 6'9" (235 lbs) and playing the position of small forward, Durant was the consensus 2007 National College Player of the Year and the 2006–2007 Big 12 Player of the Year, amongst other awards After a standout freshman season at the University of Texas, [2] Durant opted to enter the NBA Draft,[3] where he was selected second overall by the Seattle SuperSonics There he went on to win the NBA Rookie of the Year Award after his debut season In 2007, Durant signed an endorsement contract with Nike.[4] In the 2009– 2010 NBA season, Durant led the NBA in scoring and became the youngest player ever to win the NBA scoring title.[5] He is a 3-time NBA scoring champion and a 3-time member of the All NBA First Team 10