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27690 phrasel verbs and polite request

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I.- MATCH THE PHRASAL VERBS WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS OR SYNONYMS 1.- Come up with 2.- Bring up 3.- Turn down 4.- Get into 5.- Drop off 6.- Break out 7.- Grow up 8.- Get away 9.- Take off 10.- Act out ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ………( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) a) become /get involved b) create /invent c) raise from a child d) diminish in volume e) deliver / unload f) develop suddenly g) become an adult h) escape i) perform j) move forward quickly II.- CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1.- Could you open the door please? Polite request Imperative 2.- Open your book! Polite request Imperative 3.- Would you like something to drink ? Polite request Imperative 4.- Could you lend me your pen, please? Polite request Imperative 5.- Turn off your cell phone! Polite request Imperative III.- Match their pictures with their meaning … ( A) B) C) D) E) ) 2…….( ) Don’t turn to the left ! Go ahead! Go down two blocks Slow down! School Zone Turn right! 3.- ….( ) 4.- ……( ) 5.- ….( ) I.- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING ONE OF THE OPTIONS ( value points each) 1.- My brother an amazing story every day………… ( a) come up with b) came up with c) coming up with d) will come up 2.- I in a beautiful town ………… ( a) Grow up b) Growing up c) Grew up d) Grown up ) ) 3.- I during the play and woke up when it ended ………… ( a) drop off b) dropped off c) dropping off d) will drop off ) 4.- Three dangerous Category A prisoners _ of Wandsworrth Prison last night ………… ( a) break out b) broke out c) broke in b) broken out 5.- We love to _ from everything and relax in the country ………… ( a) Get away b) Got away c) gotten away d) will get away II.- CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER ) ( value 50 point each) 1.- Could you open the door please? Polite request Imperative 2.- Open your book! Polite request Imperative 3.- Would you like something to drink ? Polite request Imperative 4.- Could you lend me your pen, please? Polite request Imperative 5.- Turn off your cell phone! Polite request Imperative 6.- My coffee is cold! Could you please change it? Polite request Imperative 7.- Pack your things! Polite request Imperative 8.- Listen carefully! Polite request Imperative ) III.- WATCH THE MAP , IDENTIFY THE PLACE AND CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE DIRECTIONS ( value 1.5 points ea) YOU ARE HERE 7TH Avenue 111 6TH Avenue 111 1=BANK M P 2=GYM O Broadway 3= FURNITURE STORE Avenue 11 4= WALMART 111 8TH Avenue 1.- How can you get to the bank ? ( ) TH a) Go straight on Avenue b) Go down two blocks, turn left on Broadway Av , and go straight one block c) Go down one block, turn right d) Go up on Maple Street 2.- How can you get to the Gym? ( a) Go down on Maple Street b)Turn left on th Avenue c) go straight on 7th Avenue two blocks then turn right on Oak Street d) Go down three blocks on Maple Street ) 3.- How can you get to the furniture store? ( ) a) go up on Maple street b) go down on Maple street on block, then turn right on th Avenue c) Turn left on 7th Avenue d) go straight on Broadway Avenue 4.- How can you get to Wal-mart ? ( ) th a) take Avenue ,turn right on Pine street, go straight two blocks and you won’t miss it b)go down on Oak street c) go up on Broadway Avenue d) Turn right on 7th Avenue IV.- Read the sentences carefully and choose the appropriate sequence answer.( value point each) 1.-“ Talk to " is a famous drama film by Pedro Almodóvar In , Pedro Almodóvar tells _ the story of Benigno a) him, them, your b) her, it, us c) she, he, it d)our, their, me 2.- Benigno is a nurse and he looks at Alicia from his window With the passing of time Benigno is in love with _ When Alicia suffers a car accident and Benigno finds _ in his hospital a) her, her b)him, him c)them, him d)she, her 3.- He spends his days taking care of , but she can't say to _, "Thank _" a)Him, her, me b) She, he, you c) Her, him, you 4.- My sister invites to _ wedding a) You, us b) her, me c) me, her d) Me, her, them d) her, him 5.- The teacher is talking to _ about the weather and how cold _ was yesterday a) he, its b) them , it c) she, he d) my, me

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2016, 09:08

