every — each every each Use it for talking about a group of people or Use it for talking about a group of people or things larger than two and think of them as whole things but think of them as individuals, separately, (unlimited amount) one by one (limited amount) Example: Every plant needs water You use every to show that something is repeated regularly Example: She drinks coffee every morning Use every with a noun (singular) every dog / every teacher every time — every year (month, week, day) - every morning (evening, night) - every weekend You can use each with a noun (singular): each boy / each father Example: Each boy in our class likes English You can use each alone (without a noun) or each of + plural of noun Example: Each of the dresses is beautiful each of us - each person here each other ……… family in our street has got a car The three girls were playing and ……… was dirty 11 ……….of these people here is a good swimmer 12 He´s got two brothers ……….of My grandparents come to us ……….weekend them is very friendly and nice ……… morning I have a cup of tea 13 ……….flower must be watered We have got Maths on ……… of these days: 14 She likes ……….of her classmates Monday, Wednesday and Friday 15 ……….day we have lunch at one p.m Nearly ……….child likes sweets 16 ……….of us had a nice summer There are four windows 17 Is ……….of you ready? on ……….side of the house 18 She must take a pill ……….three ……….teenager likes to go hours to the movies 19 Tim visits us ……….now and ……….of these girls here is a Maths genius 10 ……….cat likes milk 26 I´d like to have long hair ……….girl in my class has got long hair 27 Mum gave ……….of us a glass of milk 28 There are trees on ……….side of the street 29 He reads the newspaper ……….morning 30 ……….child wants to have toys then 20 ……….time Tim meets Sheila he smiles at her 21 ……….of the boys here is very fashionably dressed 22 He comes to see me ……….day 23 ……….of them knew the answer 24 She visited her aunt in London ……….year 25 Some people don´t watch TV ……….evening Key Each family in our street has got a car 11 Each of these people here is a good The three girls were playing and each was swimmer dirty 12 He´s got two brothers Each of My grandparents come to us every weekend them is very friendly and nice Eyery morning I have a cup of tea 13 Every flower must be watered We have got Maths on each of these days: 14 She likes each of her classmates Monday, Wednesday and Friday 15 Every day we have lunch at one p.m Nearly every child likes sweets 16 Each of us had a nice summer There are four windows 17 Is each of you ready? on each side of the house Every teenager likes to go 18 She must take a pill every three hours to the movies 19 Tim visits us every now and Each of these girls here is a Maths genius 10 Every cat likes milk 26 I´d like to have long hair Each girl in my class has got long hair 27 Mum gave each of us a glass of milk 28 There are trees on each side of the street 29 He reads the newspaper every morning 30 Every child wants to have toys 31 The two sisters love each other very much then 20 Every time Tim meets Sheila he smiles at her 21 Each of the boys here is very fashionably dressed 22 He comes to see me every day 23 Each of them knew the answer 24 She visited her aunt in London every year 25 Some people don´t watch TV every evening