DECK-CARDS- Riddles and funny questions A set of questions and answers to have fun during summer time :D You can use them in two ways: 1) As bookmarks Glue the Question cards-side with the Answer-cards side and laminate 2) As Deck-flashcards There are pages Each one has Q (questions) and A (answers) cards from to 10 You have to glue back to back in the following order : Q1 with A10 A1 with Q10 Q2 with A9 A2 with Q9 Q3 with A8 A3 with Q8 Q4 with A7 A with Q7 Q5 with A6 and A5 with Q6 After that you can laminate and hold them in the right-down corner with a grommet to keep the cards together The cards where designed to use them in that way but I believe that you can find more ways to use them!