Topic serious and entertaining movie While some movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain, there are other kinds of movies, which I personally prefer, urge audience to think and contemplate My preference of such kind of movies is attributed to various reasons Concurring with the opinion saying that art by all its kinds, and among them movies, are nowadays playing a role in educating people and prodding them to think because they may reflect the reality as it is without any retouch or makeup One of the movies that illustrate the aforesaid is American Beauty This movie which won a number of Oscar awards pictures the disunity that roles the relations in some of the American families We are seeing movies besides being amusing or entertaining are making people think Being directed by distinguished directors and devoted producers, there are movies that show reality as it occurs within a comedian formula An example of that is The True Man Show The movie contains some funny shots but also pointing out how the communication means like TV channels are intruding the privacy of our lives for the sake of increasing the viewers rate of the programs they are producing Being seen by millions of people around the globe, I believe that the importance of movies is gradually increasing Some people prefer watching movies than sitting and reading books because movies satisfy their needs better Therefore, more efforts should be devoted for the production process of movies to see, hopefully very soon, superior movies that entertain and educate at the same time