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41584 valentines day

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Classify the following words on Valentine’s topic: Link the following pictures with the correct word: Link the beginning of the sentences with the appropriate end: I’m absolutely crazy .on you!I have a complete crush my tummy!You keep me love you!I have butterflies in your charm!I can’t resist .about you!I will always awake every night Find the words in the text: When people are attracted to each other, they tend to sit or stand in the same way and copy each other's physical gestures This is known as 'mirroring' When someone does this, it marks good communication and shows us that our interest is reciprocated Mirroring also happens when talking to close friends as well as potential lovers, so be careful as you may misread signs of friendship as signs of love They are inclined to: _ A synonym to movements: The act of reflecting: To be compatible: A very good friend: To pay attention: _ Not to interpret correctly: Relation between friends: _ Write the correct analogies: Jack-‘o-Lantern is to Thanksgiving as heart is to LoveBeatValentine’s daybraveryParty is to celebration as trip is to VoyageArriveDistantremainSanta is to gifts as cupid is to magicalsymbolsValentine’sarrowsFlower is to rose as candy is to sweetgif tchocolatecavityRomance is to romantic as adventure is to storyactionadventuresadventurous Find the words in the crossword: SDRTHCBDSQDSLOVEFEDRTYAXWCVAFBSEZANERTYUSRCUDDLECETRUUUTITOER YFYIHTKTLTGVHOKEUYEIYBBKLKRKHNHJUVHCUPIDFDFVCJARROWLSQEDKLYESDY QSLBCLETSGFHJKOZQEBMNRETYUIPPSCEVIDENRDINNERXCBHAZTDVCBNMLONRE UIOPPIBDSSDCVFGV SRTE Keys Page one Nouns A teddy bear A flower A bouquet A card Chocolates An arrow Cupid A present A gift A heart Page two A A butterfly A teddy bear A card A heart Cupid An arrow Love flowers a cuddle 10 a chocolate box 11 to offer 12 a dinner 13 Valentine’s Day 14 A gift 15 A red bow 16 A bee Verbs To give To send To offer To make To invite To love To kiss To cuddle To smile To blush adjectives Nice Cute Sweet Lovely Tender pink Red Sparkly Shiny soft Page two B I’m absolutely crazy about you! I have a complete crush on you! You keep me awake every night! I can’t resist your charm! I will always love you! Page three A They tend to Gestures Mirroring Reciprocated Close friend Careful Misread friendship Page three B Valentine’s day Voyage Arrows Sweet adventurous Page four S D R T H C B D S Q D S L O V E F E D R T Y A X W C V A F B S E Z A N D L E C E R T Y U S R C U D E T R U U U T I T O R Y F Y I H T K T L T G V H O K E U Y E I Y B B K L K R K H N H J U V H C U P I D F D F V C J A R R O W L S Q E D K L Y E S D Y Q S L B C L E T S G F H J K O Z Q E B M N R E T Y U I P P S C E V I D E N R D I N N E R X C B A Z T D V C B N M L O N R E U I O P P I B D S S D C V F G S R T H V E E

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 19:33
