Are these items countable or non-countable N for non countable C for countable vegetable: _ juice: 15 rice : salt: glass: _ 16 leaf : nut: 10 marker: _ 17 mouse : paper: 11 leather: _ 18 sandwich: soup: _ 12 meat: _ 19 chocolate: key: 13 school: 20 fan: _ paint: _ 14 silver: 21 furniture : Match the non countable items with the container, form or quantity You cannot use the same letter twice Non countable Put letter here Put these countable nouns in the plural form Be careful of your spelling boss _ container, form or quantity box _ bush beef a) strand calf _ sugar b) blade canary _ mustard c) bar car _ juice gas flour grass wine salt 10 cereal 11 hair 12 bread 13 rice 14 chocolate 15 paint d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) child _ church _ circus cube shaker bag pitcher bottle grain one kilogram jar litre slice box canister 10 club 11 company _ 12 computer 13 tray _ 14 rodeo 15 fly 16 foot _ 17 glass _ 18 goose _ 19 grade _ 20 heart _ 21 hobby _ 22 jaw 23 kangaroo _ 24 key _ 25 knife _ Are these items countable or non-countable N for non countable C for countable vegetable: C juice: N _ 15 rice : _ N salt: _ N glass: C 16 leaf : C _ 10 nut: C _ 10 marker: C _ 17 mouse : _ C _ 11 paper: N 11 leather: _ N _ 18 sandwich: C 12 soup: _ N 12 meat: N _ 19 chocolate: _ N 13 key: C 13 school: _ C _ 20 fan: _ C 14 paint: _N 14 silver: _ N _ 21 furniture : N _ Match the non countable items with the container, form or quantity You cannot use the same letter twice Non countable Put letter here container, form or quantity 16 beef J p) strand 17 sugar D q) blade 18 mustard K r) bar 19 juice 20 gas 21 flour 22 grass 23 wine 24 salt 25 cereal 26 hair 27 bread 28 rice 29 chocolate 30 paint G L F B H E N A M I C O s) cube t) shaker u) bag v) pitcher w) bottle x) grain y) one kilogram z) jar aa) litre bb) slice cc) box dd) canister Put these countable nouns in the plural form Be careful of your spelling 26 bosses 27 boxes _ 28 tornadoes 29 calves _ 30 canaries _ 31 cars _ 32 children _ 33 churches _ 34 circuses 35 clubs 36 companies _ 37 computers 38 trays _ 39 rodeos 40 flies 41 feet _ 42 glasses _ 43 geese _ 44 grades _ 45 hearts _ 46 hobbies _ 47 jaws 48 kangaroos _ 49 keys _ 50 knives _